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22-09-2019, 10:11 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Peter Green at his best.

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22-09-2019, 10:16 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Coupled with Spitty on the rampage.
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23-09-2019, 09:36 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Talking of rampages .....Its hard to find good newsworthy news snippets of late what with all the coming and goings on but one little item caught me eye.

A lady took her deaf dog to a Truck stop (yep you guessed it wasn't one of our local motorway watering holes like Watford Gap....but similer without the exotic petting animals). The deaf dog ran off and not being able to hear its owner shout "Come back here now" you do to a deaf dog it went into a camels enclosure and scared the hump of the poor dromdary named Casper who at the time was happy minding his own business..

Doggy owner then goes into the the enclosure to retrieve her deaf dog and poor Casper thinks nuff is eNuff and sits on her...slightly crushing her a she bit his testicals. Casper in shock needless to say got up sharpish....and scarpered

Glad to say Casper and his dangly bits are OK and the women will face leash law charges once she is less flat.
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23-09-2019, 03:07 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

“I might not give the answer that you want me to”
Yes that can be a difficult situation to be in Spitty, especially when a family female asks “Does my bum look big in this” sometimes a lie is required, so always say no if you want peace and harmony to reign.

Poor old Casper, but what a novel way to brick a Camel. (If Gumbud was here he’d explain that, he’s an expert Camel bricker, I believe one needs to be out there in the bush)

The kitchen sink was blocked this morning and my assistance was called for by the wife who gets a bit panicky over silly little things like that, anyway I fixed it and then disinfected it by pouring scalding diluted Dettol down the pipes, and all was tickity boo.
Every time I look at a bottle of disinfectant I think of the only time I was in hospital back in the 1960’s.
One of the nurses was very hygienically minded, aways washed her hands after attending a patient, she was very friendly and reassuring and liked to be called Auntie and we all called her Auntie Septic, she had a phobia about germs and who could blame her after seven years of marriage to a brutal dirt bird of a husband by the name of Zac Tieria before she got wise and ditched him (another nurse gave me all that unasked for information)
I’ll never forget that day after my operation when I was lying on me back moaning in pain, she came to my bedside and took my hand in hers, “There there Jem’ says she “The good Lord sends us pain to remind us of how he suffered on the cross and that paradise is waiting for us all on the other side”, she had such a lovely bedside manner, nothing like giving it to you straight, anyway I survived having my hernia operation, referred to by the old patient next to me as a “Hen peck”.
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23-09-2019, 05:51 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Loved the smell of the proper dettol and all the memories that go with it. Stung like hell though when it was slapped on a scrape but you knew it stopped your arm or leg from falling off cos your Mum told you so to stop you from screaming the place down.

Same with Iodine...great colour when painted on a scratch even though you hit the roof it made you look like a real wounded warrior.

Best was Lysol though..none of your hospital bugs survived with that stuff as they ran a mile the minute the cap came off. The smell alone was enough.

These were unponcified no nonsense products in sensible bottles that did the job. These wipey things just don't seem to be man enough and I get the feeling that germs are laughing at the very idea.
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24-09-2019, 09:39 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

You made me laugh thinking about that Solo.
The more the stuff stung the better it was for healing the cuts, my granny used to say that the sting was the silent screams of the germs being massacred, somehow believing that eased the pain, you have to be tough on germs, pampering them with gentle lotions soaked into tissues only encourages them, and don’t forget the Jayes Fluid for the lino and the toilet, powerful stuff.
What was that horrible purple stuff they had back then? Bluestone or something like that. We used to rub it on a halfpenny and it turned into a silver shilling, or a penny into a half crown, it never fooled anyone just make you feel richer.
I think I still have a bottle of iodine somewhere out in the shed, great stuff and no sell by dates then, I think it lasts forever.
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24-09-2019, 10:34 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Germolene, make sure you have a tube, before you enter dystopia.
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25-09-2019, 10:25 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I think that blue stuff was Gentian Violet...truly serious stuff and marked you for life... or at least a week if you didn't mind your skin being scrubbed red raw Jem

If I remember rightly spitty Germolene was a bit expensive to buy whereas tried and true stuff etc was already in the cupboard under the sink. Funny how the old remedies marked a particular complaint you may or may not have had though. If our Mums thought we may be brewing something, we were dosed with just about everything going in a kill or cure attack cos you only went to a doctor if you were dead as he cost a shilling in those day.

Us kids were terrified at the thought of a 'Doctor' and especially the dreaded 'Hosptal' where you disapeared forever, so would put up with anything... not that we had much choice. If we refused to open our mouths for the Friday night dose of Syrup of Figs we got a slap and no coppers for the saturday flea pit show. Parents had their sneaky ways of keeping us in line and healthy as they knew how. Considering our ages now they didn't do too bad a job did they

The biggest bribe was NHS thick gloopy concentrated Orange juice. No other juice has come close to tasting as good as that juice was. Being given a Sunday glass of the stuff was the nearest thing to Utopia that we knew off and time does not dim that memory at all.

Mind you I have never forgiven my Mum for sending me to school with my face covered in Calamine splodges..oh the shame...but thats another story

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25-09-2019, 11:22 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Out this morning, walking across a Village Green, I thought, half a century ago as a lad, at this time of year I would have been contemplating soaking my Conkers in vinegar.
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25-09-2019, 03:53 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Yes only the rich folks could afford the Germolene, the rest of us poor souls were just test pilots for the chemical companies.
My dad used to get these big cardboard tubs of malt from the dispensary for his illness, and boxes of cod liver oil capsules, us kids we regularly dosed with both, and then you had the dreaded senna pods they brewed then put into your tea, we might have been scruffy on the outside but by jaysus our insides were immaculately clean.

We used to stick our conkers up the chimney to ‘season’ them Spitty, luckily I came from a family of contortionists and found doing so a doddle. Smug grin.

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