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06-04-2020, 02:13 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Nah we are more subtle than that spitty .....will you believe your good lady if you wake up to find her tightly holding a pillow over your face...and she tells you she is just protecting you from the covid virus.

Us usually saintly wimmin can become a devious lot y'know.... especially when short fuses are on the rise.

(Pssssst...Another warning from the Sisterhood of Excuses for Short Fuse Incidents)
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06-04-2020, 02:27 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

The missus used (and to some degree) still is a "slip" of a Lady, and I doubt she is a Pillow Case.
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06-04-2020, 02:39 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
The missus used (and to some degree) still is a "slip" of a Lady, and I doubt she is a Pillow Case.
Time will tell...we wimmin can wait

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06-04-2020, 02:42 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I'll know when its time, she hasn't finished with me yet, she still has to achieve "Peak Misery".
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07-04-2020, 09:44 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Reading through the dailies gave me a raised eyebrow moment this morning as with all the 'social distancing' going on many broadcasts, shows..and photos are coming from folks own homes which gives those with a snoopy nature to get an eyeful at personal objects which may have been strategically placed or be there by mistake.

Now not being much of a nosy soul it all goes above my head...that is until this morning when I looked at a photo of a certain royal lady which had bright red numbered stickers all over it all pointng to articles in the photo. One in particular showed a price sticker on the back of a greeting card...and I ask you who in gawds name goes looking for a minute price sticker in a photo...and then points it out in case the reader missed it. Never has 'get a life' seemed more appropriate.

I would be sorely tempted to leave a dildo or some such sex toy peeking out of my sofa cushion or next to a lamp just for the sheer hell of at least that would be worth searching for and with no stickers needed thank you .

Talking of 'social distancing..our beautiful birds know of no such thing and are in full song with all the joys of for your pleasure a little opera

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07-04-2020, 08:27 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Great to see the pair of you in such good form today, amazing how inspirational a bit of Sun can be in these miserable times.

Slip of a girl, my dear old granny used to say that Spitty. The first time I brought Phyllis to see her she took one look at her and said to me “Ah sure she’s only a slip of a girl Jem, a mere handful”, how right she was, she turned out to be a right handful I can tell you.
When the tea was served that evening, she gave Phyllis a boiled egg, it was made of wood but looked exactly like a light brown egg, she even heated it up in boiling water, the poor girl was mortified trying to break the top off it.
The two of them became close friends right up to her death, she loved playing harmless tricks did that old girl, God be good to her.

It must be the innocent altar boy bit in me but there was I thinking a dildo was an extinct flightless bird, hence the expression “As dead as a dildo”, I believe they’ve changed that now to “As dead as a dildo with no batteries”, between them things, condoms, and leaky bladders, there’s nothing sacred any more.

Didn’t they use that trick of slyly promoting products when making films and stuff for TV, ‘product placement’ they called it I think, maybe this is creeping back in today with everyone being interviewed at home, they might even be getting little brown envelopes for their trouble.
If I was asked to talk about how us over 70’s are surviving this crisis I’d be sure to have a pint of the black stuff in me hand and a few Guinness bottles well positioned behind me.
HP sauce was never out of the British films and TV sitcoms they made during the 60’s/70s, and the bottle label was always smack in your face in every cafe and home dinner table scene there was.

It was a beautiful day here, the pair us were enjoying the Sun while tiding up the garden at the same time, our misery peaked at about 12 noon today, we peaked together and there was a bang noise just like when the sound barrier is broken, we are starting to level out now.

We could all do with a bit more of this good weather.

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08-04-2020, 10:38 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

You are right there Jem...Nothing is sacred anymore which means non of that whispering that went on when we were nippers....mind you if it was whispered we were always more than hell bent to find out just what we were not supposed to hear. Seems so puritanical now looking back that things like bra straps...knicker elastic and such like were all whispered with that prune shaped mouth and knowing look that went with it

Still never did us any harm did it and it was much more fun finding out than knowing it all as they do today....I can't imagine what our young minds would have made of dildo but one things for sure we would have laughed our selves silly that's for sure if we had known the real reason..

Some years ago on a Forum we were discussing a similer scenario to the one that we are experiencing at the present time and how long it would take nature to reclaim all that we humans have created with our man made concrete, plastic and steel etc. The answer apparently was not that long before evidence of our being here could be mostly obliterated.

At the time I was quite fascinated by video clips showing for example the power of grass pushing through concrete roads..and ivy clinging and eating into skyscrapers....though you never dream it could possibly happen..nor that humans could be so daft as to let something like that happen where nature has to do a reclaiming.

Who would have thought a few months back that we would be experiencing a bit of what a lockdown could bring about...animals roaming our empty cities

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08-04-2020, 09:06 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

It wouldn’t take long for nature to claim it’s own back and cover up the cities and towns, makes you wonder how many times this has happened before and wiped out entire races of people.

My cousin Frank was never very clever, he’s over 70 and like us all he’s confined to his house, he was on the phone to me today saying all these new names, terms, and regulations has him gone daft.
The minister for health was the TV and he told us all to stay at home to “flatten the curve”.
Frank is a skinny little bugger and the only curves he could locate were on his backside, the cheeks sort of stick out like a ducks, there are some folks like that, so seeing the weather was good he went out to his garden, stripped down to his pants, and sat on the solid brick wall for four hours holding a 2 stone bag of potatoes on his lap, when he got off his bum was sore but it was still the same shape, not a bit flatter, he was disgusted and told me that all he got for his trouble was a bad cold and a dose of piles.

The poor fella, he’s so obedient to authority, I told him not to worry, who wants flat curves, anyway my take on the minister’s words was that you are supposed to sit on a sombrero to flatten the curve and not on your arse, leave that bit to the politicians they are experts at it.

A beautiful moon last night, we were taking up the garden tools to put them into the shed and I said to Phyllis
“Shall we pause and look at the moon darling?’
“We can look at the moon alright, but keep your paws to yerself”

Here’s a lady with plenty of curves, note the backside sticking out, you could put a tray on drinks on it.

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09-04-2020, 01:25 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

LOL...That S bend corset brought back a few memories for me

The one thing I dreaded as a child was being dragged to the large department store that was 'our go to' for all our undies and things. It was a yearly torture and whilst my needs were quickly sorted out by some assistant quickly throwing the latest liberty bodice or the required flannel vests ect over my unwilling head and declaring "There that should do the trick and keep the the cold out" was various aunts etc purchases however which took hours.

The bras, undies and slips were relatively simple as it was usually the same comfortable design they were used to but..the there was the purchase from hell.

It seemed that every stitch..every eyelet..every whalebone and steel placement had to be examined and discussed as to it's merits and craftsmen ship before the trying on even started..and we wont go into the ooohs and aaahs the laces caused. Once that all had been been scrutinised...the lengthy and tedious trying on began. This I add was always accompanied by the most horrendous torturous sounds a child should hear...that or I really did have wimps for relatives..I never really found out but it was something to do with the tight lacing all neccessary for that good fit.

Seeing my horrified look someone always said "You wait till it's your turn" to which I always thought " not in a million years" and thankfully by the time it was "my turn" there was no flab to squeeze behind pink satin and far less horrifying torture garments to hold your nylons up....although I did have many a fight refusing to wear those awful embarrassing bullet bras. I had my standards and didn't want to point in the same direction as every other teen..nor did I want to poke aome unsuspected lads eye out.

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09-04-2020, 09:52 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I'm glad you were spared the corset bit Solo.

That lady with the pyramids reminded me of a pair of stone gate pillars on a house up the road from our house, the top of them were that exact shape, the brother and me were only boys at the time and we always wondered why my dad referred to the house as “Lana’s Turners”, it took us a while to cop on to what he meant.

There was a program on BBC4 a few years ago all about the damage those corsets did to the women who wore them, all that trouble to look like an hour glass caused terrible things to their insides.

Just look at the waist on this poor woman, and that’s supposed to look attractive to men?

"Ethel Granger (1905-1982) “The smallest waist on earth”

Ethel Granger is known for being the women with the smallest waist on earth; 13 inches (33 cm). This according to the Guinness Book of records"


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