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04-11-2018, 11:17 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

I do find this interesting Realist and in the past have read many posts regarding the stone as suggested by you

why would the writers want to keep the knowledge secret and only to those who knew - was it like a secret club so only those in the know would have a quality of life I wonder maybe to control the masses , I guess if everyone knew the secret there would be too many humans alive , I think I'm answering my own question here .

Thanks realist , very interesting post

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Hard to say how many people understand the true meanings. Quite likely there are many, like myself, who understand some of the allegorical secrets encoded within but not all of it. It's a large work and contains lots of things.

I've concentrated initially on Genesis which I now see is talking clearly about the processes for creating the Philosopher's Stone. In addition, there are many words actually encoded in the text via letter spacing (known as ELS)

For example take this sentence:

So came the scepter to the great hall

Using a letter spacing of 5 (i.e. starting at the first letter and then taking every 5th letter from that point) it can be seen that the word SECRET is encoded within

The book of Genesis is long and contains 1000s of letters, however using a computer programme that can search for words hidden precisely in this way you can find some remarkable things. And before anyone chimes in saying that you can find hidden words in any work let me clarify. Yes you can find such words hidden in any work, BUT . . . you CAN NOT via pure random happenstance find an entire collection of hidden words of say 10 or more that ALL relate to the same subject.

For example if you searched the book Moby Dick, you might well find the word ROSE encoded within using a certain letter spacing, but you would certainly not also find 9 other words that were all flowers.

In Genesis however I have found 10 to 20 words so encoded which ALL relate to the same subject, in fact they are all key terms used in a separate work written by Basilius Valentinus called The Twelve Keys which is one of 1000s of works about the Philosopher's Stone.

The chances of those 10-20 key terms appearing by random chance are trillions to 1.

The Bible is NOT what people think it is. It is a guide for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. It is 100% NOT supposed to be taken literally and thus we must discard completely all of the social conditioning we have previously received via Sunday Schools, Churches and so on.
We have to learn how to read its secrets and thereby get to the truth. The Philosopher's Stone is just a part of that truth.
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04-11-2018, 11:18 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by Besoeker ->
I don't think anything is god's fault.
For those believing the nonsense literal translation:

God makes the world
God makes a machine (man)

Machine (man) starts going wrong, starts "sinning", wants to be like its creator, wants to know all it can

Blame lies firmly with the creator for building a faulty machine.
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04-11-2018, 11:20 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Each to his/her own belief. My own view is that all religions are designed as a means to keep the masses in check and subservient. I believe the same of royalty and aristocracy.
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04-11-2018, 11:38 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by wild blueberry ->
Well, hello there OG Fox, I didn't realize you posted on this type of thread. I like what you had to say about blaming God for things......

Not sure about the electricity tho, I don't understand that, but I will think about it......I must do some research on that one to see what electricity is all about. You are right, when I turn on a light, I expect to see a bright glow all around me...

So who invented electricity OG Fox?
Nobody invented Electricity Blueberry, Like sunshine, it was there all the time. Many people before Nikola Tesla knew of its existence, but couldn't do anything constructive with it.
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04-11-2018, 11:44 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Forty scientists from many nations built the worlds most intelligent computer.
At the giant machines opening ceremony one raffle winning scientist was allowed the first question.

He typed in...."Is there a God?"

The huge machine burst into life and after much humming and clicking a message appeared on the giant screen......

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04-11-2018, 11:45 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by susan m ->
I do find this interesting Realist and in the past have read many posts regarding the stone as suggested by you

why would the writers want to keep the knowledge secret and only to those who knew - was it like a secret club so only those in the know would have a quality of life I wonder maybe to control the masses
Yep you are thinking on the right lines. Bear in mind this secret is old, 1000s of years old. The Egyptians had the Stone, they called it Shewbread and different people since have had it. Undoubtedly it was kept secret by secret societies and largely remains that way today.

Bear in mind that in the medieval ages people only had to suspect you of being involved in magic or witchcraft and you were burned at the stake.

People would readily kill to get hold of the Stone, unquestionably, so it is not something you go bragging about

I think it was also kept secret by "good" people like the Rosicrucians to prevent it falling into the hands of "evil" people who would keep it for themselves and use its power to dominate the ret of the world. Sadly I think that is exactly what has happened. I think a number of all powerful dynasties have the Stone and have been around for 100s of years as a result and they keep it for themselves.

However, the secrets are already out there in 1000s of written works inc the Bible, but doubtless they have tampered with the Bible versions enough that we can't decipher the full secret now from the text. Yet there is enough in there to convince me 100% that the Bible is talking about the Stone.

The same secret is in the Quran, using the exact same allegorical terminology, also in the Bhagavad Gita and in Taoism and so on.

There was clearly a time when the "good news" spread far and wide from a central point and thus found its way into all mainstream religions. Since then however, religions have become businesses and controlling bodies rather than benevolent organisations.

Noone is ever going to come to the Stone by taking a literal interpretation of the Bible and sitting in a Church and being a Christian. All those people are going to die believing a dream when all along right there in front of their eyes the Bible text was trying to explain the secret of the Stone and was urging them to find it and use it to save themselves.
You will recall that there is a White Stone and a Red Stone and these are allegorically represented by the concepts of the flesh and blood. Jesus in the Bible urges us to get hold of the "flesh" and "blood" and says that without it we have no life.

It's pretty damn clear. Humans need that life energy from the Stone, the White and the Red. Without it we will live in sickness and die. We are not supposed to get sick and die.
That we accept the notion of dying so readily is testament to the success of the social conditioning and brainwashing we have been subjected to all our lives. Most just can not begin to think or imagine that actually we are not meant to die, the concept is utterly farcical to them. That is the power of the "Matrix" I'm afraid.

Yet millions believe the fantasy dream that once they do die, there are fluffy white clouds and a place called Heaven.
These people will simply be recycled by Nature which is what Nature does. Who knows what they will become next time round. An ant? bee? blade of grass?

We have this one chance to see the truth. To use our brains and THINK and to see through the lies and smoke and mirrors all around us. To challenge everything we think we know and to search in new directions. Most will go on oblivious and die. Some will search earnstly but never find the truth. Some will find it.

We have to ask ourselves. Is ignorance bliss?

Is staying in this artificial mind controlled world the best solution, living a meaningless life until we die, living in slavery and servitude in a world controlled by a tiny few who have the Stone (and likely other truths)?

Or is it better to snap out of that world and confront the gritty reality we find ourselves in, where most things are not good, where people are looking to exploit you at every corner and keep you down? Freedom, but freedom in a grim world.

For myself, I simply want the truth and my main desire is not to die in ignorance. I will keep searching.
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04-11-2018, 11:49 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Foxy, Your post reminds me of when someone asked a Vicar, ‘Why does God allow so much suffering in the world?!’
He answered, words to the effect of, God didn’t create a perfect world and that’s why bad things happen.
The closest thing I can compare God to, is the Sun. Without the sun we would all perish and die. The sun was responsible for creating this world in which we live. It provides us with energy and heat, we can even produce Electricity from it. And Water, in all its various forms are the tools of the trade, sculpturing out the landscape to form its unique shape. So God isn't a person or a thing, its the Sun, the energy that makes us tick.....The Incas worshiped the sun, they knew which side their bread was buttered....
And it has been there all the time......
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04-11-2018, 11:56 AM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Without the sun we would all perish and die. The sun was responsible for creating this world in which we live.
And yet "they" tell us to stay out of the sun and slap poisonous sun creams on our skin so we don't get cancer and other ailments. The sun IS life indeed. It is a grim world we live in where the "authorities" urge us to keep from getting those vital rays onto our body. Evil people.
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04-11-2018, 12:04 PM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by Realist ->
And yet "they" tell us to stay out of the sun and slap poisonous sun creams on our skin so we don't get cancer and other ailments. The sun IS life indeed. It is a grim world we live in where the "authorities" urge us to keep from getting those vital rays onto our body. Evil people.
I'm with you 100% on that one Realist....
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04-11-2018, 12:35 PM

Re: If you could ask god one question

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Yep you are thinking on the right lines. Bear in mind this secret is old, 1000s of years old. The Egyptians had the Stone, they called it Shewbread and different people since have had it. Undoubtedly it was kept secret by secret societies and largely remains that way today.

Bear in mind that in the medieval ages people only had to suspect you of being involved in magic or witchcraft and you were burned at the stake.

People would readily kill to get hold of the Stone, unquestionably, so it is not something you go bragging about

I think it was also kept secret by "good" people like the Rosicrucians to prevent it falling into the hands of "evil" people who would keep it for themselves and use its power to dominate the ret of the world. Sadly I think that is exactly what has happened. I think a number of all powerful dynasties have the Stone and have been around for 100s of years as a result and they keep it for themselves.

However, the secrets are already out there in 1000s of written works inc the Bible, but doubtless they have tampered with the Bible versions enough that we can't decipher the full secret now from the text. Yet there is enough in there to convince me 100% that the Bible is talking about the Stone.

The same secret is in the Quran, using the exact same allegorical terminology, also in the Bhagavad Gita and in Taoism and so on.

There was clearly a time when the "good news" spread far and wide from a central point and thus found its way into all mainstream religions. Since then however, religions have become businesses and controlling bodies rather than benevolent organisations.

Noone is ever going to come to the Stone by taking a literal interpretation of the Bible and sitting in a Church and being a Christian. All those people are going to die believing a dream when all along right there in front of their eyes the Bible text was trying to explain the secret of the Stone and was urging them to find it and use it to save themselves.
You will recall that there is a White Stone and a Red Stone and these are allegorically represented by the concepts of the flesh and blood. Jesus in the Bible urges us to get hold of the "flesh" and "blood" and says that without it we have no life.

It's pretty damn clear. Humans need that life energy from the Stone, the White and the Red. Without it we will live in sickness and die. We are not supposed to get sick and die.
That we accept the notion of dying so readily is testament to the success of the social conditioning and brainwashing we have been subjected to all our lives. Most just can not begin to think or imagine that actually we are not meant to die, the concept is utterly farcical to them. That is the power of the "Matrix" I'm afraid.

Yet millions believe the fantasy dream that once they do die, there are fluffy white clouds and a place called Heaven.
These people will simply be recycled by Nature which is what Nature does. Who knows what they will become next time round. An ant? bee? blade of grass?

We have this one chance to see the truth. To use our brains and THINK and to see through the lies and smoke and mirrors all around us. To challenge everything we think we know and to search in new directions. Most will go on oblivious and die. Some will search earnstly but never find the truth. Some will find it.

We have to ask ourselves. Is ignorance bliss?

Is staying in this artificial mind controlled world the best solution, living a meaningless life until we die, living in slavery and servitude in a world controlled by a tiny few who have the Stone (and likely other truths)?

Or is it better to snap out of that world and confront the gritty reality we find ourselves in, where most things are not good, where people are looking to exploit you at every corner and keep you down? Freedom, but freedom in a grim world.

For myself, I simply want the truth and my main desire is not to die in ignorance. I will keep searching.
WOW, so interesting Realist. I honest look forward to your posts. Are you explaining some kind of re'incarnation??
I have always been interested in this. It is a nice thought in a way....

I wish you would start a thread on just the "Stone" only. I would like to hear all about it....maybe you could put it in the self moderation section, so you will have some control to make sure, nothing else is talked about, but specifically to discuss this stone you are talking about......
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