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28-01-2017, 10:02 PM

Re: Trump Inauguration

Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
The trouble now being that Syrians who actually work for American companies and have green card that are now abroad cannot get back into the US.
I don't think that the Donald has thought this latest Tweet through. Google for example are desperately trying to recall its Muslim employees.

All Muslims are terrorists or all terrorists are Muslim...?
Yes Rehab, I never thought of all the Muslims that are a valuable asset to American companies and working overseas. I certainly don't believe that all Muslims are terrorists, in fact I would guess that the majority of Muslims are peaceful family men just looking to earn a living and create a better life for them and their families.

I would imagine it would be quite easy to differentiate between Muslims who are employed by American companies and those who are registering to come into the country for the first time.

Trump is between a rock and a hard place. If there was a major terrorist incident that cost many American lives it would be President Trump the people would hold responsible. Or he will be flogged by the media for his extreme and controversial laws concerning Muslims. Personally I admire the man for sticking to his guns.
Isn't this why the majority of Americans voted for him?
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28-01-2017, 10:12 PM

Re: Trump Inauguration

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
It's also Muslims who have worked for American forces abroad, as interpreters and so on, who are stranded, and these are folk who are in grave danger in their own lands.
If Trump denies them safe passage to US which was previously granted, they'll be hard pressed to find anyone overseas to work with US if they see this is how they're repaid..

Shot himself in the foot?
Thought he was supposed to be so canny?
Sorry Ruthio......
But Trump is not keen on keeping a military presence in the middle east, and I can see him withdrawing from the conflict there, so he has to draw the line somewhere. He would argue that looking after American Nationals on home ground is more important that anything that happens in a foreign land. A lesson that our government might take note of.
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28-01-2017, 10:58 PM

Re: Trump Inauguration

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Sorry Ruthio......
But Trump is not keen on keeping a military presence in the middle east, and I can see him withdrawing from the conflict there, so he has to draw the line somewhere. He would argue that looking after American Nationals on home ground is more important that anything that happens in a foreign land. A lesson that our government might take note of.
I agree, and hopefully we will not involve ourselves in any way either.

Leave it to Russia and give them a free hand without interfering. That would kill three birds with one stone:

- avoid any future injuries or loss of life to our troops,
- keep Russia on our side, and
- let them obliterate ISIS without any resistance from the West.
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28-01-2017, 11:14 PM

Re: Trump Inauguration

I think he is letting his fingers do the talking rather than his brain
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29-01-2017, 04:18 AM

Re: Trump Inauguration

On that issue of Trump's brain:

As to Trump's ban based on religion, it has now been temporarily blocked.
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29-01-2017, 05:49 AM

Re: Trump Inauguration

Only simple people think problems have simple solutions.
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29-01-2017, 10:22 AM

Re: Trump Inauguration

Trump declares war on what he calls voter fraud and finds his own staff and family riddled with it.

Their dual registrations offer two more high-profile examples of how common it is for voters to be on the rolls in multiple states —*something Trump has claimed is evidence of voter fraud.

With Kushner and Spicer,*The Washington Post has now identified five Trump family members or top administration appointees who were registered in two states during the fall election. The others are chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon; Tiffany Trump, the president's youngest daughter; and Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin, as first reported by CNN.
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