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07-11-2009, 03:10 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Originally Posted by dinahsmum ->
I think there is a significant oil pipeline, either in place or planned? Coming from another of the 'Stans' which is very oil rich - Khasakstan maybe.
Have you seen this programme History of Oil?, which, if I recall, points the finger at oil for almost all unrest in the world since industrialisation
Ha ha, . . Rowan got genital wrong, . . it should've been Genital.
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07-11-2009, 03:15 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Originally Posted by dinahsmum ->
I agree nero - WW1 should have been the end, the line drawn and everyone moving forward instead of simply sowing seeds for future conflicts

Here's a Wiki link to the pipeline story. Lots of other conspiracy theories and the like if you google afghanistan oil pipeline
Well, . . if Mr Karzai gets 8% of that it should help stop the growth of poppies, . . I think not, . . that's yet another cunning plan of the Taliban, swamp the west with junk and we'll have an easy victory.
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07-11-2009, 04:30 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Yes, there is a major oil influence in Afghanistan - the Taliban refused a massive pipeline going through one end of the country to the other... then they got invaded, kinda does make the alarm bells ring! :-/
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07-11-2009, 10:51 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

I stand corrected about my comment re the Major at the Fort Hood massacre...seems he had posted on the internet about jihadists being heroes. Hadn't heard that yesterday.
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08-11-2009, 10:56 AM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Originally Posted by dandysmom ->
I stand corrected about my comment re the Major at the Fort Hood massacre...seems he had posted on the internet about jihadists being heroes. Hadn't heard that yesterday.
Never heard that either DM, . . I agree not all Muslims are bad but they're indoctrinated from a very early age, their parents are under the impression their being taught holy scriptures, this may be true in most cases but once the kids get older the lessons become more extreme.

The best way to stop this indoctrination is to (for want of a better word) "cut the head off the snake".

Parents trust the religious teachers coz they want their children to follow the faith they do but the religious teachers have been infiltrated by extremists under the pretext they're holy men.
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08-11-2009, 03:03 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Denis - I'll add one small point which you might find interesting. I have done three contracts in Saudi Arabia, totalling about 4 years in all. Obviously I worked alongside Moslems and during lunch breaks etc. would talk about all sorts of things. These people were educated and were moderate most days, but I observed that on Saturday (That is the equivalent of our Monday and the day after the obligaratory Friday visit to the Mosque.) these same people who had previously been very moderate and logical became much more aggressive in their attitude to me, this would continue into Sunday (Our Tuesday) sometimes as well, latter in the wek they would gradually revert back to their normal behaviour.

It had to be because of all the emotional blackmail that the Immans preached on Friday, I could see no other reason. We expatriates used to joke that if we ever wanted a 'sicky' it was best taken on Saturday
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08-11-2009, 03:48 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Originally Posted by Losos ->
I observed that on Saturday (That is the equivalent of our Monday and the day after the obligaratory Friday visit to the Mosque.) these same people who had previously been very moderate and logical became much more aggressive in their attitude to me, this would continue into Sunday (Our Tuesday) sometimes as well, latter in the wek they would gradually revert back to their normal behaviour.
These are adults too Harvey, . . not impressionable boys, . . It bears out what I've been trying in a kinda civilised way to explain.

I don't wish to appear bigoted, I have nothing against anyone who wishes to follow their faith as long as it's civilised and does'nt foster aggression.

The nazis, as I said earlier, had the same doctrine with lads in the Hitler youth, . . the parents of those lads were terrified in case they let slip any conversation they were having about the nazis and their sons reported it.

IMO (some) of the Immans are doing the same with young Muslim boys, . . Mosques have become a recruiting centre for the militant volunteers.
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08-11-2009, 06:44 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Originally Posted by nero ->
IMO (some) of the Immans are doing the same with young Muslim boys, . . Mosques have become a recruiting centre for the militant volunteers.
I sometimes asked the Moslems working with me what went on during the Friday prayers and often I was told "Well it all starts quietly, but after about 5 or 10 minutes the preachers start to get noisier and wave their hands around and then after abot 20 minutes he's shouting and encouraging the followers to shout back at him and start punching the air, then they told me he would start telling them what to do to make Mohammed the ruler of the world"

I wasn't allowed in the Mosque of course but on one contract I was livinng on a compound which had a mosque very close and a PA to relay the preachers words to those who couldn't squeeze inside and although I don't speak Arabic much I can definately confirm that there is a build up of emotion and hysteria and on Fridays the 'preaching' goes on for about an hour so you can tell what sort of mood the 'worshippers' were in when they came out.

As you say Nero, these are grown men and it always amazed me how easily they could be 'manipulated' by the Immans and I think there was definately an element of not wanting to be seen as not conforming. The Moslems have a secrret police, they just don't call it that
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13-11-2009, 05:51 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

This is the difference between an Islamic country and a free one, . . . if we were in a Muslim country we'd either be flogged or beheaded for talking this way, . . . .
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13-11-2009, 06:36 PM

Re: We are now fighting WW3

Islam is the least progressive religion. At least Christianity (in the UK at least) and Judaism have tried to move with the times.

However, I think it's not wrong to correlate that between wealth/education. If you look at some Christians (in poorer countries like Africa etc) they still believe in witch doctors and stuff like that! They have such a blinkered and simplistic view of the world.

Education (esp of the sciences) is the key imo.
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