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05-06-2013, 12:03 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

I went to the gymnasium thinking I'd get fit
was shown all the equipment 'n' did the introductory bit.
They said this paraphernalia would reduce me by two sizes
and I visualised me on floormat doing pelvic exercises.

I thought I'd made a big mistake and said "I've changed me mind"
they pointed at the contract that I'd foolishly signed.
So I perservered and I tried.. the treadmill ..then the bike,
I even tried the parallel bars.. well! you've never seen the like.

I must've looked ridiculous..just hanging..feet off floor,
I couldn't move my hands an inch 'nd my arms were getting sore.
Then they said try 'pillarties'(?)it's the very latest thing,
I tried me best but found myself breathing out instead of in.

On we went to aerobics class and I knew there was a chance..
that I'd be very good at this 'cos I'd learned how to dance.
We were moving to the music ( it were Bee-Gees "Stayin' Alive")
When two long minutes later.. I doubted I'd survive.

Finally session ended and they suggested I cool down..
then directed me to kiddies' pool ( I think they thought I'd drown)
I never went back there again altho' I loved the spa,
and I never walk shot distances if I can take the car.
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05-06-2013, 05:16 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Well I intend to try - try being the operative word - to keep running for as long as I can. I have tried life without exercise and it ain't so bad at all. I could get used to it quite easily. On the other hand though if you have been involved in sport for quite sometime you have probably made some friends so there is social side of it too.

It isn't for everyone I will admit that. Walking is exercise enough for most. Hard exercise can even be counter productive as it can lead to injuries and believe it or not an increase in weight for some as it can lead to overeating.

As for being intolerant of someone who likes sport that is just well odd. Not sure where that comes from? I could go into it in detail quite easily but I think it is probably the tip of the iceberg of some other mind set problem that is better off buried or ignored.
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05-06-2013, 07:14 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

You can be too obsessive with exercise, but measured exercise is good for you, not only good but essential.
Why is it we don't exercise until we get ill? it can only be we get too lazy.
I am a volunteer for the local council, helping people who have have and had serious health problems, at the same time it is keeping me going too.
What folks don't realise that the heart is a muscle, and what happens to a muscle if you don't use it, it weakens.
Three years ago I had a serious heart episode, and was left with a very weak heart and fighting for life, with the help of the physiotherapist at the hospital, I slowly got strong enough to do 14 weeks of Tai Chi, which is excellent, I then got promoted to gym exercises, just gentle but with enough cardio to strengthen the ticker, I now as I said help others who have gone through sickness, and believe me it does help.
Don't wait till you are ill, do a half hour a day cardio and it will be enough to help.
Another problem is excessive weight, this is the thing that makes your heart wear out faster, don't let your body get that way.
But I will agree some folks are obsessive, trying to keep that young mans look body going.
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05-06-2013, 09:25 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

It's very difficult when you find something that makes a huge difference for the good to your life not trying to get others to do it too. I am finding that with diet, I am thinking how much better I feel and want others to try it and see how much better they could feel too.

It isn't about bragging or anything just wanting to share, I am pretty sure it's the same with exercise etc.
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06-06-2013, 11:29 AM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
You can be too obsessive with exercise,
But I will agree some folks are obsessive, trying to keep that young mans look body going.
It is the obsessives that do it for me and I've lost count of the years I worked with them! Strangely enough, it does tend to be more the amateurs that go over the top.

I remember telling Craig Sharpe (; )
who I used to work for that I was thinking of taking up jogging and he said 'Why? Walking, swimming and cycling is all that is necessary unless you are thinking of becoming an elite athlete' - Craig knew I was an avid swimmer and walker and that pretty much sums it up as far as keeping heart and circulation healthy is concerned. At the age of 47, a cardiologist told me I had the metabolism of someone 20 years my junior!

Originally Posted by MKJ ->

As for being intolerant of someone who likes sport that is just well odd. Not sure where that comes from? I could go into it in detail quite easily but I think it is probably the tip of the iceberg of some other mind set problem that is better off buried or ignored.
I don't think anyone has said that they are intolerant of people who like sport have they? Mind you, I'm interested in your hypothesis ...
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06-06-2013, 11:41 AM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
I don't think anyone has said that they are intolerant of people who like sport have they? Mind you, I'm interested in your hypothesis ...
I think I will skip that one. I can only take it further by attempting an in-depth psychological appraisal of someone *cough* and that would be construed as a personal attack for sure . I'm probably capable of doing it too but the findings would not be to everyone's taste of that I'm certain .
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06-06-2013, 12:04 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Oh, boy. I was just saying that some people assume that people who are disabled need to exercise to "cure" them. The Government seem to be encouraging this attitude and it's degrading to people who are just trying to do the best they can to live their lives without being a bother to anyone else.
That's all, now people are getting uppity about nowt!
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06-06-2013, 12:18 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
Oh, boy. I was just saying that some people assume that people who are disabled need to exercise to "cure" them. The Government seem to be encouraging this attitude and it's degrading to people who are just trying to do the best they can to live their lives without being a bother to anyone else.
That's all, now people are getting uppity about nowt!
Ah but are you the person my *cough* was referring to that is the question .

I will leave that in the air for you all to consider. Give you something to think about.

*ducks head*
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06-06-2013, 12:22 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

I need a holiday! That'll work better than all the exercise they can throw at me!
Don't understand your post Mark (or is it Mike?) if it's me just say so I won't get me dander up! Not fit enough!
I did try Tai chi and enjoyed it, what I could do of it, but sadly no classes around!
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06-06-2013, 12:28 PM

Re: Exercise - getting obsessive

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I need a holiday! That'll work better than all the exercise they can throw at me!
Don't understand your post Mark (or is it Mike?) if it's me just say so I won't get me dander up! Not fit enough!
I did try Tai chi and enjoyed it, what I could do of it, but sadly no classes around!
Nah it isn't you. It isn't anyone really so no other person should get uptight about it either. Just me being a little naughty and playing games with you - maybe . Oops I'm doing it again...
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