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13-06-2013, 10:53 PM

Re: What have you done for your pet...


I enjoyed reading your story, both you and Franky it seems where meant to be together. I know for a fact that Franky thought every bit as much for you as you did of him.
Of course he could never be replaced, he was one in a million, but there are plenty of puss cats out there that are looking and hoping for someone just as yourself. The kindness and love you have for our little fury friends is to great not to ever share it again. I hope one day you will reconsider.
I wish i had a little bit more money and a bigger home i would love to have more, my two little girls are house cats as i live in a flat but i have a nice balcony which is fully netted for there protection and they play out there all day when the weather is nice enough for me to leave the door open. They watch the birds flying around and tiny little flies that my eyes can't see, it's so funny to watch, they are amused all day long with it and then come in shattered and fall asleep on me.
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14-06-2013, 11:40 AM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

What do I do for my pets? Well I ensure their health is well taken care of, all their vaccinations are kept up to date and their coats and nails kept trimmed. One is fed on food recommended by the vet, it's expensive but his health and weight must be maintained. They get a new toy every couple of weeks, their toy box is overflowing, but they do play with them all. They are two happy, contented and "mostly" well behaved little dogs.
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14-06-2013, 07:21 PM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

Hi, Clumsy,

One of my cats was put on Virbac Calorie Regulation, recommended by the vet, she wasn't obese but after her little op stated to put on a little weight, vet said best catch it sooner rather than later and she has been on it now for about six weeks, had her to the vets on Monday for a check up and she lost quite a bit.
It is expensive but it works and i am going to keep her on it and also start the other puss on it too. I don't mind paying if it works.
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15-06-2013, 11:53 AM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

Hi Pepper

Yes some of the pet foods are very expensive. My little Bichon/Maltese is on a fairly new food, Hills Metabolic Advanced Weight System. A 2kg bag costs me 16 euros. Muffin is only allowed 20 grams a day and I give him some in the morning, some at dinner and the remaining bit for his supper, he can also have a little treat now and then. Muffin wasn't obese but he was tubby and he is a very small dog with the appetite of a Labrador. He developed a problem with a leg and after numerous tests and examinations the vet said he wanted his weight down to 4 1/2 kilos. First he was put on a low fat Hills food, and sure enough he lost the weight and apparently lost the problem with his leg too. Now he is on this probiotic and his weight is seemingly staying well under control. I did notice that they also do this probiotic food for cats too. Like you, I don't mind paying if it keeps my little dog fit and healthy. A 2 kg bag lasts him for 2 weeks so I guess it isn't too bad. I just hope that my little Shitzu doesn't start needing special food too !
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15-06-2013, 11:59 AM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

Originally Posted by Pepper ->
Hi, Clumsy,

One of my cats was put on Virbac Calorie Regulation, recommended by the vet,
Many thanks for posting that - my youngest dog's thyroid isn't functioning properly and has put on a lot of weight. He's being treated for it but it takes time while they find the right dosage followed by blood tests each time but once they've found it, I shall ask about that. He's only 4 years old but he looks a lot older and can't race around like he used to.
Pepper is offline
Rochdale UK
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15-06-2013, 12:46 PM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

Hi, Ben-Varrey,

Yes, it really do's work, my Suki lost loads in the first month.
With it being a calorie regulation food it seems such a small amount that you give them but it doe's fill them up more than normal food and keeps them going longer.
I feel for your little one, i have a thyroid problem too. There was a new treatment that came out years ago called Radioiodine Treatment for Thyrotoxicosis. It's a radio active liquid that you drink and has do be done at the hospital. I am on hormone tablets for the rest of my life which do not need to be paid for and i have no more problems with it any more, just one blood test a year and that's it, but they also do this for animals, do ask you vet about it. A Thyroid condition can be treated.
Pepper is offline
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15-06-2013, 12:54 PM

Re: What have you done for your pet...

Hi, Clumsy,

To be honest with you mine seems to be working out cheaper than the normal food which was whiskers, i could not seem to fill her on it.
One problem with the new food is that she poops more, the vet said it was because of all the extra fibre, but that's no bad thing.
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