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13-06-2014, 11:08 AM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

I lived & worked in various states in the ME and North Africa for about 10 years from 1974 to 1984 and I saw so many changes taking place then and often wondered just how far it would go before there was a real backlash against all the apparent liberalism.

That was all in fact a sham as most of the Arab world countries are nothing more than police states with a respectable front on the world stage yet I like their people and that's why I feel so sorry for what's happening to them in Syria and Iraq.

I've experienced Sharia Law on more than one occasion and seen what passes for justice in some Arab States, from the point of view of a prisoner of the system; if you have friends with influence in the right places and money, your path in life can be smoothed quite easily.

It's actually a world away from what I understood the Quran preaches, or the severe interpretations of "rules" applied in some states.

Some commentators are openly saying Syria and Iraq have brought the current situation on themselves and in my opinion, as far as the leadership goes, they'd be right. stevmk2
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13-06-2014, 05:04 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

As an interesting aside [and I don't wish to turn this into a religious thread] but if christianity had not developed [despite its own wars] and we had all followed Jewish religion then perhaps we too would be living in this harsh world that so many Muslims find themselves in - after all the letter of Jewish law and practice is quite harsh too!
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14-06-2014, 01:01 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

All this talk about the inherent volatility of the Arab/muslim world really fails to recognise the real causes. One is the split between the two main sects of course. But more relevant is the division of the old Ottoman Empire after WW1 when the British & French governments simply drew almost arbitrary lines on the map to create hitherto non-existent states - Iraq included. These state boundaries took no account of local sensibilities, and were simply imposed. Not only that, we installed a clutch of puppet rulers. These artificial states have since operated under a series of regimes who have never reflected our own western aspirations but we were satisfied as long as we exercised exonomic control ie oil production. When the pan-Arabist movement developed after WW2 in response to the creation of Israel, and reflecting Arab nationalism, we did our best to oppose them - most obviously in the Suez crisis and the demonization of Nasser. Ironic that the USA supported the Arabs against us at that point.

People like Saddam Hussein were our placemen when it suited us - the west backing him to the hilt against the Iranian theocratic govt, but overthrowing him when he threatened our oil supply in Kuwait.

Its been down hill ever since, and its hardly surprising that the islamo-fascists have appeared as we have created the vacuum they are now filling. We have no credibility with the Arabs. And now - supreme irony of supreme ironies - the USA is now co-operating with the Iranian theocracy against the ISIS insurgency!

This is a mess of our own making. Everytime we get involved, we make it worse. The regime of Saddam was positively benign compared with what has replaced him. And the Iranian system that Bush 'christened' part of 'The Axis Of Evil' is now looking like a potential ally against the psychopaths of ISIS.

I have not got a clue what the solution is, though I really don't think we should just throw our hands up and let whatever barbarous events take their course. There is (yet another) humanitarian catastrophe in the offing, as well as another terrorist haven in construction, so we have to intervene. But not with troops on the ground. And as for who's paying - well the puppet regimes we have propped up in the past like Kuwait, are rich enough to start paying off their debts to us.
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14-06-2014, 03:48 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Obama has just said that he is NOT going to send US troops back. His words.. "They are going to have to do this themselves" Of course he has asked his National Security staff to come up with any options.. I think at the very most.. a US air strike. I just wish he would let them be and do what they have been doing for 1000 years. I'm just disgusted that the Republicans are blaming Obama and his ending the Iraq war for something that was going to happen regardless.... the minute the US left and no matter who was president at the time.
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14-06-2014, 03:51 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

So right !
The republicans - so wrong !
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14-06-2014, 04:52 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
So right !
The republicans - so wrong !
Yeah... they sure like to blame the Black guy. It doesn't matter.. EVERYTHING he does is wrong in their eyes.
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14-06-2014, 05:58 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Originally Posted by AudreyII ->
Obama has just said that he is NOT going to send US troops back. His words.. "They are going to have to do this themselves" Of course he has asked his National Security staff to come up with any options.. I think at the very most.. a US air strike. I just wish he would let them be and do what they have been doing for 1000 years. I'm just disgusted that the Republicans are blaming Obama and his ending the Iraq war for something that was going to happen regardless.... the minute the US left and no matter who was president at the time.
I agree with you about Obama, and I understand your frustration at likely more US embroilment in the middle east. But there needs to be a more considered analysis of how to best deal with the latest crisis in the context of the whole region and its surrounds.
Look at all the issues that are interlinked: Israel security, Israel oppression of Palestine, Palestinian self determination, the current destabilisation in Libya, the military opportunist coup in Egypt, the Syrian civil war, fought by proxy, the impact on Lebanon of massive refugee influx, Saudi support for Sunni terrorists groups, failed state Pakistan, continuing conflict in Afghanistan, Somali piracy world dependence on uninterrupted oil production, strategic defence issues around access to the Black Sea for Russia, the Suez Canal, and the Straits of Hormuz - that's probably not half of them.
So we cant turn our backs on the region - its key to our security and our economy.

But it needs a vision and a strategy, and leaders with the stature to make things happen via global organisation. No more piecemeal, reactive, half baked, clumsy and dishonest interventions. Unfortunately, I cant see anyone with the vision or stature required.
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14-06-2014, 06:31 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Audrey - just heard on the news that 'Iran' is willing to help AND co-operate with the USA !
Great news
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14-06-2014, 09:39 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Robert Fisk writing for the Independent has a clear view of all the politics and reminds us not to forget the role that the mighty Saudi Arabia is playing as well as quiet and suposedly benigin Qatar and even the almost forgotten Kuwait. These wars still remain wars of brother Muslims against their own kind who have divided loyalities that as Stem as suggested between Sunnis and Shi -ites [the story of how this occured is an interesting one to read and really a must to understand this hatred between them all]
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15-06-2014, 03:59 PM

Re: Current ME politics - when were they never current?

Here's your chance to show your patriotism . . .



Don't forget to mark your calendars.

As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked and if he does, he must commit suicide.

So next Saturday at 1 pm, all English women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighbourhood terrorists.

Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.

All patriotic English men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist sympathizers.

Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your patriotism.

The English government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.
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