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10-06-2011, 10:40 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Originally Posted by Bob.b ->
Lovely sentiments Aerolor, I suppose the bottom line would be "whatever rocks your boat" I find one thing quite amusing in these days of "progress", the use of the "naughty step" by modern parents, when one of my nieces told her little daughter to go and sit on the naughty step, she showed her to my stairway LOL, I thought to myself "what a load of old cobblers" But naturally kept my thoughts to myself, yes it's a great old world, full of super nannies, do gooders and hand wringers, life has never been so good has it?

I agree .I find most peeps who dont smack their kids , have the kind of kids that need to be smacked

A good foot up the erse does em no harm and proves to be the " short , sharp , shock " !
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11-06-2011, 07:35 AM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Depending on their age Topaz darlin' 'little ones' can be given a slap behind their legs - older ones and a 'clip round the ear' is the sterling remedy of choice.
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11-06-2011, 12:38 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

I love the "If I were King" discussions. I have my own list:

1. Put children in hibernation until 21 then wake them'
2. All criminals sent to Mexican jails & used for body parts
3. Abortionists sent to worst Mexican jails
4. Lawyers "Hanged by the neck until dead"
5. Politicians should be on the front lines of wars they start
6. Bankers wouldn't get any bonuses
7. Minimum gas mileage car should get 35 mpg, no Hummers
8. Don't ban guns, ban bullets
9. Free medical care
10. Only a man & woman = a marriage
11. Kids should be beaten at least once a day
12. Bob should be King
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11-06-2011, 02:17 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

What c an I say Bob, I love your list, agree most whole heartedly with it.
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11-06-2011, 06:03 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Originally Posted by bobmielke ->
I love the "If I were King" discussions. I have my own list:

1. Put children in hibernation until 21 then wake them'
2. All criminals sent to Mexican jails & used for body parts
3. Abortionists sent to worst Mexican jails
4. Lawyers "Hanged by the neck until dead"
5. Politicians should be on the front lines of wars they start
6. Bankers wouldn't get any bonuses
7. Minimum gas mileage car should get 35 mpg, no Hummers
8. Don't ban guns, ban bullets
9. Free medical care
10. Only a man & woman = a marriage
11. Kids should be beaten at least once a day
12. Bob should be King
You've got my vote Bob.....
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13-06-2011, 09:06 AM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

The world was getting great after the turmoil of the second world war. Germany was put in its place, Japan was humiliated, France and Italy were shown up for what they are, Bandwagon jumpers, and things started to improve.

With the lifting of rationing we found that goods became easier to get and health was improving, jobs were growing and people could find work a lot easier. Life was returning to how it should be.


Along came the Unions with their greed causing the fall of industry in this country and the exploitation of labour in third world country's, Politicians with their image enhancement and corupt expenses system, not giving a hoot for the people. Flower people with their 'free love' which brought about the embowlment of self pride. Solicitors then decided to have a piece of the action and found out that they could make lots of money telling people that they were not responsible for their own actions, someone else was to blame so, sue them. The PC brigade found that they had a chance to upset the world even more by telling everyone how things should be(in their opinion) which a lot of scoungers took to heart and claimed that the world owed them a living.Then the TV,DVD, Computer game people came along with their image of what people needed and not what was good for society and disrupted the world even more with their Violence, sex related programs and belief that when killed the hero can return again in another episode, not, violence is not the way forward, sex is a private thing between two people) and Dead is Dead.

Now what we have is a crazy mixed up world that probably needs another world war to sort it out again.
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13-06-2011, 09:39 AM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Nice to see you back Antibrown.....
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13-06-2011, 10:12 AM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Your assessment of the situation seems very accurate Antibrown. I don't know if even a war can straighten out our world. We may pass away as a species because of our own greed and waste. Hopefully, the world will survive and renew itself so that a new race may begin anew.
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13-06-2011, 12:40 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

Nice to see you back AB.
Oh dear - this World all sounds very dismal.
I was a flowerpower child and I certainly wasn't disembowelled, quite the opposite. I enjoyed that time and it shaped my outlook for the rest of my life to date. Women became the better for becoming fully emancipated - free to make their own decisions, earn their own livings and to be fully valued in society just as much as the men (some men might say otherwise, but I'm a woman and I know).
I don't think wars solve very much and they mean great cost and suffering - True it has the effect of thinning out the population, but we now have "the pill". Do we still need thinning out by going to war with each other? I wouldn't like to think of another big war - little wars are bad enough.
All in all, I think that, on balance, the post war people who are now in their pension years have had the best of times.
I hope there is enough sense in the world so that our children and their children can enjoy similar. This recession will end. There will always be something to worry about, some things more serious than others, but people will adapt (I hope) - that's life and its too short to worry too much - Tempus Fugit and all that.
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13-06-2011, 05:47 PM

Re: What's wrong with the world?

I'm very glad to see you back AB.
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