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14-07-2020, 07:34 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
If it means having 3 million Hongkongers come here ... they can all become Chinese for all I care.

The Falklands was another one that cost us dearly .. and for what? A bunch of islanders.

You can't protect everyone for ever. We're hardly the Great British empire anymore and need to look after ourselves.

As to allegations against China about Covid ... In realistic terms what can you do? Express displeasure? Threaten to cease trading with them and creep back to the EU with a begging bowl?

It's not feasible anymore to threaten another country with retribution ... the world has become too small a place.

The HongKongers are intelligent, literate, mostly young whizz kids who are more likely to add value to our workforce than many from other countries.

As for China - you can start to disassociate yourself from their trade and buy from other countries. You can join forces with other countries - such as Australia - and work together to stop China from laying claim to territory to which they have no rights and which are important to other countries - e.g. the South China Seas, which is an important shipping lane for Australia, but China now says that territory AND the airspace above, is theirs!!

The world HAS become a small, but if you let one country get the upper need to start fighting back before they take you over!
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14-07-2020, 07:45 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

The US has been feeding us this kind of bullshi* for years 'The yellow peril', 'Reds', 'weapons of mass destruction' etc. But still some mugs believe them.
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14-07-2020, 07:49 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
I think you'll find that the agreement to hand back Hong Kong to China was dependent on certain conditions..........which had been agreed by both parties.

Those conditions were trashed by the Chinese! So it IS the business of the UK !
Too late. The handover took place so end of story.
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14-07-2020, 07:52 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
The HongKongers are intelligent, literate, mostly young whizz kids who are more likely to add value to our workforce than many from other countries.

As for China - you can start to disassociate yourself from their trade and buy from other countries. You can join forces with other countries - such as Australia - and work together to stop China from laying claim to territory to which they have no rights and which are important to other countries - e.g. the South China Seas, which is an important shipping lane for Australia, but China now says that territory AND the airspace above, is theirs!!

The world HAS become a small, but if you let one country get the upper need to start fighting back before they take you over!
There is NOTHING that we can do. Absolutely NOTHING.
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14-07-2020, 07:53 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
The HongKongers are intelligent, literate, mostly young whizz kids who are more likely to add value to our workforce than many from other countries.

As for China - you can start to disassociate yourself from their trade and buy from other countries. You can join forces with other countries - such as Australia - and work together to stop China from laying claim to territory to which they have no rights and which are important to other countries - e.g. the South China Seas, which is an important shipping lane for Australia, but China now says that territory AND the airspace above, is theirs!!

The world HAS become a small, but if you let one country get the upper need to start fighting back before they take you over!
Isn't that what the US is trying to do?
So why worry too much about China?
No one seems to object to the American Navys presence in the South China seas. In fact they've just sent two aircraft carriers and some warships to the area , only for 'military exercise' of course.

There's a lot of knee jerk anti-Chinese feeling at the moment because everyone wants someone to blame for Covid.
I bet Vladimir Putin is feeling neglected at the sudden lack of infamy or maybe enjoying the respite whilst he ensures his own political future,well, until 2036 at least.

As to the Hongkongers been young literate intelligent whizzkids .... don't care. We don't need swamping with that many even if they all have the surname Mr Midas.
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14-07-2020, 08:01 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Too late. The handover took place so end of story.
The handover was agreed together with the conditions. They - the Chinese - reneged on the agreement condiitons.

When you employ someone you generally agree that if they leave, they give an agreed amount of notice. If you fire them, you give them the notice.

How do you feel when you're fired and get NO notice and NO pay!

..........You DON'T like it, so you fight back IF you can. And WE CAN!

I hate China. I believe they are after world domination - hand in hand with Russia........... I think that's worth fighting against!
What are you going to do? Roll over and expect your tummy to be rubbed???
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14-07-2020, 08:46 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

I don't think it's quite the same as unfair dismissal ir's more like a company takeover ... with a new contract and if the employees want to argue against the new terms, fair enough, but that's up to them.
Their old company boss has no obligation towards them ... especially when they've the parent company to take care .. that's us in the UK.
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14-07-2020, 08:52 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->

I hate China. I believe they are after world domination - hand in hand with Russia........... I think that's worth fighting against!
What are you going to do? Roll over and expect your tummy to be rubbed???
You don't mince your words do you.
But why hate them?
And why think they're in hand with Russia? Trump clearly hates them .... it doesn't follow that we should.
I distrust anything Trump says or does, especially when he bragged he had a bigger red button than the the little fat North Korean guy. Big toys for big boys is worrisome coming from a world leader and I can't trust the intellect or commonsense of a chap who suggests drinking disinfectant to cure Covid.
World domination?
China .... the USA ....Russia .... take your pick.
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14-07-2020, 09:20 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

I hate China because I was there in November. There are literally zillions of them and they all behave like programmed robots. They can build cities in weeks and their roads are ten lanes wide - you can just imagine the missiles and little yellow soldiers marching along. They appear to have no the pretty young tour rep who explained she'd been born during the one child period..........but her mother really really wanted another child and when she became pregnant she waited, expecting the policy to change to two children, so she didn't self abort until she was over 8 months pregnant. The child was male and was born alive and took time to die. "And that.........would have been my brother" said the pretty young tour guide smiling who then went on to explain that her mother (who was still in the uncivilised village she grew up in and hated), had mental health issues.

Putin and the Chinese have been hand in glove for a long long time and they are clearly working together. I don't trust Trump either. BUT that works both ways. If he says he'll retaliate - China and Russia HAVE to consider that he WILL DO what he says. No other leader in the western world would be taken as seriously, because no other leader is as unstable as Trump!
Let me put this another way.............Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. If Britain and France had NOT declared war - what do you think would have happened? You'd be happy to witness all that ethnic cleansing and be a good Fraulein and used and abused by the Germans and Russians? Would you be happy to do that and see your family forced to do that too or be shot? Really?
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14-07-2020, 09:55 PM

Re: Is America right to fear Huawei?.....

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
The handover was agreed together with the conditions. They - the Chinese - reneged on the agreement condiitons.

When you employ someone you generally agree that if they leave, they give an agreed amount of notice. If you fire them, you give them the notice.

How do you feel when you're fired and get NO notice and NO pay!

..........You DON'T like it, so you fight back IF you can. And WE CAN!

I hate China. I believe they are after world domination - hand in hand with Russia........... I think that's worth fighting against!
What are you going to do? Roll over and expect your tummy to be rubbed???
I repeat its none of our business and there's nothing we can do or even think about doing.

The UK is an insignificant little island in serious financial trouble even before covid-19. At best all we are is an unsinkable aircraft carrier and an early warning site for the Septics which makes us a first strike target but is of no earthly value to us.

I would dearly like to see us out of NATO, ideally an end of NATO, and all of our defence forces repatriated and defending our borders and population from the fifth column filth becoming entrenched here.
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