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22-07-2020, 06:40 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Devo ->
No more or less than Trump's America.
A foreshadowing of our trade deal with the US - what do we get from banishing Huawei? A delayed 5G system, poor relations with China, a crowing Trump and nothing else.
Bang-on, Devo!
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22-07-2020, 08:55 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Devo ->
No more or less than Trump's America.
A foreshadowing of our trade deal with the US - what do we get from banishing Huawei? A delayed 5G system, poor relations with China, a crowing Trump and nothing else.
To compare China to USA is really a stretch Devo, methinks you need to get out more...
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22-07-2020, 10:24 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Barry ->
To compare China to USA is really a stretch Devo, methinks you need to get out more...
I was comparing in the context of trust and I believe Trump is probably less trustworthy than China - you know where you are with a powerful dictatorship/suprpower in ways that you are not when the leader is a dementing sociopath.
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24-07-2020, 10:43 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by LongDriver ->
It is my opinion that we should steer right away from ALL things Chinese AND bring outsourced manufacturing back from China.
I am sure that like me, most people are fed up with seeing Made in China on most boxes and a label on the article saying the same!
I think that a little research would show that China already owns a lot of the UK.

Golf Clubs, empty houses, Office Blocks, you name it.
Strange thing is, Communism is about all people being equal, so who are all of these Chinese who are investing outside of the Chinese Empire?
My Golf Club has ben Chinese owned, for years, and I have seen none of them around, I guess these things are just a financial asset & will be sold when the time is right.

Still, in the event of strife, we could lock it all in - they wouldn't find it so easy to profit from it if we took it over?

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24-07-2020, 11:09 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours


A fantasy to say we could take on China,

We simply cannot.

We can reduce our dependancy on them, but this would take a decade.
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24-07-2020, 03:55 PM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

A fantasy to say we could take on China,

We simply cannot.

We can reduce our dependency on them, but this would take a decade.
You know what they say, Swimmy, the 1,000 mile walk starts with the very first step. If we start now then we might finish reducing our dependency just that bit sooner.
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25-07-2020, 04:46 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
You know what they say, Swimmy, the 1,000 mile walk starts with the very first step. If we start now then we might finish reducing our dependency just that bit sooner.

Problem is, post-Brexit means dependency on the US - their gravitational pull is just too strong. They know it; and they will be ruthless in their exploitation of it.

Now no longer under the protective political and economic shield of the EU, the UK is in a very weak and vulnerable position.

Rule Britannia.
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25-07-2020, 10:41 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
You know what they say, Swimmy, the 1,000 mile walk starts with the very first step. If we start now then we might finish reducing our dependency just that bit sooner.
If that first step is over a huge and insurmountable cliff then its journey over.
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25-07-2020, 11:35 AM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

The issue at hand is not with the individual pieces of hardware, it's the fact that Huawei, as the contractor for the 5G hardware, would have access to the UK's complete 5G network due to it's support role as the hardware supplier. The UK's mobile phone companies have to work side by side with the hardware manufacturers with regards to support issues, so if there was ever major 5G disruption issues, the mobile phone provider would be talking to the hardware manufacture (Huawei) to figure out what the problem it. This would therefore mean that for Huawei to do it's job properly, it would need access to network servers, data servers, customers databases and this is where the problem lies because China has laws that allow CCP state officials to walk into a company in China and demand it hands over data to the CCP. Meaning the CCP would have access to ALL UK text messages and voice messages sent through Huawei's hardware.

The US and Australia, specifically Australia warned the UK government of this scenario because they are more familiar with Chinese law than the UK is but as was seen, the UK ignored those warnings to begin with.
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26-07-2020, 06:33 PM

Re: Good Move by the UK - Huawei Rumours

Originally Posted by Dodge ->
The issue at hand is not with the individual pieces of hardware, it's the fact that Huawei, as the contractor for the 5G hardware, would have access to the UK's complete 5G network due to it's support role as the hardware supplier. The UK's mobile phone companies have to work side by side with the hardware manufacturers with regards to support issues, so if there was ever major 5G disruption issues, the mobile phone provider would be talking to the hardware manufacture (Huawei) to figure out what the problem it. This would therefore mean that for Huawei to do it's job properly, it would need access to network servers, data servers, customers databases and this is where the problem lies because China has laws that allow CCP state officials to walk into a company in China and demand it hands over data to the CCP. Meaning the CCP would have access to ALL UK text messages and voice messages sent through Huawei's hardware.

The US and Australia, specifically Australia warned the UK government of this scenario because they are more familiar with Chinese law than the UK is but as was seen, the UK ignored those warnings to begin with.

Good we are binning it once and for all. I heard a rumour the Hinckley Power Station is under close scrutiny now so let's hope this goes the same way.

Apparently the reason we aren't using Nokia or Ericsson for 5g is because they are also made in China.
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