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24-09-2020, 10:45 AM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
At 75 I have to get a medical certificate each year to say I am medically OK to drive

When I turn 80 I will have to decide if i want to keep my truck licence because if I do I will have to take an annual test..

Once I get to 85 if I want to keep an unrestricted licence I will have to take a practical test each year too.

This is NSW so might be different in other states. Bummer!

Am I to presume that my Uk licence expired a few years ago when I turned 70?
I'm afraid it did Bruce....

I took a test to drive an artic back in 2002 and failed. It cost an arm and a leg to continue with lessons, so I bought a van and became a self employed courier...It probably was a good thing that I failed the lorry test because I had my first heart attack in 2004 and that would would have been the end of my trucking career. You are not allowed to drive a truck after suffering a heart attack....I was back at work after six weeks driving my van. Fate I guess!..
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25-09-2020, 10:52 PM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Because I'm diabetic, I have to reapply for my licence every three (I think) years and submit quite a lengthy declaration.
They also ask for information from my GP, of course.
I have just submitted my forms, but suspect that there will not be a problem as nothing has changed since the last time. However, should they become rather more stringent, it won't be too much of a problem anyway as Marge likes to do most of the driving: she thinks I drive too fast.
If your diabetes is controlled by tablets, you do not need to inform the DVLA. You only do this if you use an insulin pen. Hope this helps someone !!
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26-09-2020, 10:29 AM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Originally Posted by David P ->
If your diabetes is controlled by tablets, you do not need to inform the DVLA. You only do this if you use an insulin pen. Hope this helps someone !!
Yes, I use insulin.

I'm not sure why that rule, though, as I've never had a hypo.
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26-09-2020, 10:39 AM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Foxes Licence Renewal Affair......Cont;

So I rang Beverley at the DVLA as advised, and got a nice Welsh speaking gentleman (I love the Welsh dialect) who informed me that Beverley was not in work this week, and was there anything he could help me with?

I explained the whole sordid issue while he listened intently...
He then looked up my file on his computer and said; "No problem, I'll issue you with a new licence that will be with you in two to three days".....Yea! Result.....
Lion Queen
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26-09-2020, 10:46 AM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Don't talk to me about renewing my driving licence at seventy Morty.....

They sent me a new licence but neglected to include all the groups that I was qualified to drive - I didn't realise that you lose the right to drive to drive mini buses, lorries and track laying vehicles over twenty tons (well you never know when you might need one!) when you turn seventy. The covering letter said that if there were any groups missing, to send the licence back.

So I sent it back with a strongly worded letter....And my old outgoing licence.
Several weeks later I received a letter back as thick as the Argos catalogue. It was full of forms to fill in for my GP, Optician, social worker and parole officer!....

I wrote back and said it didn't matter about the other groups, just send my new licence back.....And then nothing.......I tried calling them and was put on hold for three days....I hate the music! And they never did answer even after Mrs fox took over.

Then out of the blue I get a call from the charming Beverley at the DVLA inquiring about my driving licence....I told her the story and she said it was a different department and she wasn't aware what they had done with my new licence. She said that if I hadn't received it in one months time to call her back.

Well one month is up tomorrow, she gave me her number and said she only works Thursdays and Fridays......So I live in hope..... "Go ahead Bev, make my day"....
Well I would but its a case of mistaken identity, this bev doesn't work at dvla lol
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26-09-2020, 10:53 AM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
Well I would but its a case of mistaken identity, this bev doesn't work at dvla lol
Do you speak with a sexy Welsh accent Lion Queen?...

Just asking for a friend.....
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03-10-2020, 05:18 PM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

My third 3 year licence renewal is due next month. It happened so quickly! The 11 month extension applies to me, so not something to worry about until around next September.
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03-10-2020, 05:29 PM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70


I have more than a year to go to my 70th, so will be driving unless I am told to stop.
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26-02-2021, 06:32 PM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

It’s my 76th in a few weeks. So I am having to apply for a new driving license. And one of the questions lingers on your eyesight. Anyway, I had an eye test yesterday and the optometrist seems to think that I’ve got a few years driving left, fortunately.
Where I live, a car is essential. Our two local shops are not the most helpful for stocking the fridge with essentials! And one bus an hour to the nearest large town isn’t too helpful!
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26-02-2021, 06:58 PM

Re: Driver Licence Renewal At 70

I'll turn 70 in July so I'll have to apply to renew, but I haven't looked at the procedure yet. No doubt the DVLA will be contacting me though at some point with the details?
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