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12-01-2021, 08:57 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

Yes I have a really loud whistle when I put my thumb and finger in my mouth I've tried to teach my granddaughters too ! ( naughty nanny) they think it's great.

I was on the bus recently the driver was whistling ( trilling) as he drove , I thanked him as I got off the bus his whistling was very good .

Edited to add I had a friend who hated her husbands constant whistle and divorced him !
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12-01-2021, 09:53 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

Yes, I was the Tomboy and learnt my father’s whistle perfectly. A real copycat. You couldn’t tell our whistle apart. My dogs heed my whistle.

My late dad used to whistle for my mum in the supermarket if they went down different aisles so that she could find him again.

This past Christmas, I visited my mum and we were in the shops. We were separated and I started whistling for her using my dad’s whistle.

She eventually found me and was very tearful because I had brought back memories of her time with my Dad. Good memories.
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12-01-2021, 10:09 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

Originally Posted by Mups ->
For years I called my dogs with a good ear splitting whistle.

First two fingers of each hand produced a beauty, you could have heard in the next village nearly!
When I lived on the farm and had 7 GSD's, whistling was easier than trying to shout if they were playing about any distance down the field.

Can't seem to do it these days though, so had to buy a whistle.
I use (or used) the same way to produce a loud whistle. Later, I learned to get a loud whistle by making the tongue into a 'U' shape against the teeth and blowing. I can still whistle loudly either way after a few attempts.

I learned the two finger method after being impressed by my Dad when he whistled for a taxi in London. He was very smartly dressed at the time with his suit and trilby on. The last person you would have thought could produce a whistle like that.

I'm no Roger Whittaker when it comes to whistling a tune though.
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12-01-2021, 10:51 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

I can whistle through pursed lips and can whistle two distinctly different notes. Like the beginning of a descending scale.
Sadly I can't achieve anything that remotely resembles a tune
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12-01-2021, 10:55 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
If you can or used to, what is/was your method of whistling? Pursing your lips and use your whistle as a command or to whistle a happy tune?

Fingers or thumbs in your teeth to produce a shrill loud whistle? I could never do that one! Besides, l thought that method of whistling was very unfeminine!

Or, do you whistle through your teeth

When are you most likely to whistle? Are you an annoying whistler?

Do you believe in this following saying....
‘A whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men’!
Oddly, Whistling was Mutiny for sailors!

"The practice of whistling is forbidden in HM ships because the noise is apt to be confused with the piping of orders. It is usually anything but sweet, except in the ears of the perpetrator, and is more often than not a cause of annoyance to his messmates."

So all of you whistlers (including Whistler's Mother) could be put in chains!

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12-01-2021, 11:21 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

Originally Posted by Minx ->
Yes, I was the Tomboy and learnt my father’s whistle perfectly. A real copycat. You couldn’t tell our whistle apart. My dogs heed my whistle.

My late dad used to whistle for my mum in the supermarket if they went down different aisles so that she could find him again.

This past Christmas, I visited my mum and we were in the shops. We were separated and I started whistling for her using my dad’s whistle.

She eventually found me and was very tearful because I had brought back memories of her time with my Dad. Good memories.
We have a family whistle that R Mar started when I was a kid. If my brother and I heard it, we would know it was time to go home for tea.

All my family know it and use it to attract each other's attention, or if we are trying to locate another member of the family who is out of sight.
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12-01-2021, 11:29 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

I'm not as good at whistling a choon as I used to be. I loved the whistling in the Spaghetti Westerns and I would whistle the theme tunes to all of them and some of the incidental music as well.

I can sometimes do a loud whistle using my finger and thumb, but more often than not it just comes out as a sort of gasp.

I can still do a good raspberry though using tongue and lips. Does that count?
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12-01-2021, 11:42 AM

Re: Can You Whistle?

I have whistled with four fingers in my mouth.

Also can whistle with lips pouted.

I can also whistle with a blade of grass.......and make daisy chains.
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12-01-2021, 12:05 PM

Re: Can You Whistle?

I nearly mentioned making a whistle through a piece of grass in my opening post. Yes, l can do that with the grass!

Does anyone remember, ‘Whistling Willie’, the school teacher in the radio show, ’The Clitheroe Kid’? He whistled whilst he spoke.
I can do that!!
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12-01-2021, 12:36 PM

Re: Can You Whistle?

I remember the Clitheroe Kid on radio and TV, but not the whistling teacher, although I have heard other people who whistle through a gap in their teeth whilst speaking, especially if someone has recently had a front tooth removed and are not used to it.
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