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02-05-2012, 09:43 AM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

We've always had dogs as well Barry, and I'm a bit allergic to cats (they make me sneeze and itch) but I dare say we will be "cat sitting" as well as child mindng, so the kitten will have to get used to Bonnie and I'll have to take antihistamine. I think cats and dogs are OK if the kitten is introduced to a dog when its young and Bonn will be fine about it I'm sure.
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02-05-2012, 10:20 AM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

I've had both cats and dogs in my time but never pedigrees. I would always get a rescue as there are too many in the homes around the country. Good luck with the new kitten, I'm sure she will settle in fine with you.
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02-05-2012, 02:54 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

How exciting! Rena, I hope your daughter will provide you with lots of photos to show us the little one growing up!
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02-05-2012, 04:40 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

Originally Posted by Mags ->
How exciting! Rena, I hope your daughter will provide you with lots of photos to show us the little one growing up!
When I get some photographs Mags I will put them in my album. I've still not got the hang of inserting pictures into a post
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02-05-2012, 04:48 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

Originally Posted by The Dog Lover ->
I've had both cats and dogs in my time but never pedigrees. I would always get a rescue as there are too many in the homes around the country. Good luck with the new kitten, I'm sure she will settle in fine with you.
The kitten will belong to my daughter Dog Lover and she won't be living with us. When she looked it was difficult to find rescue kittens, at the time neither the local RSPCA or the CPS league had kittens available. Perhaps it was a bit early in the year, so when she heard a friend's cat was having kittens, she asked if she could have one before they were born and hoped there would be a female. I didn't realise there were so many diferent breeds of cat - I know about dogs, but not much about cats.
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02-05-2012, 04:54 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
The kitten will belong to my daughter Dog Lover and she won't be living with us. When she looked it was difficult to find rescue kittens, at the time neither the local RSPCA or the CPS league had kittens available. Perhaps it was a bit early in the year, so when she heard a friend's cat was having kittens, she asked if she could have one before they were born and hoped there would be a female. I didn't realise there were so many diferent breeds of cat - I know about dogs, but not much about cats.
Good for her and I hope she enjoys Suki. Yes there are a lot of different cat breeds as well. When I was a child we used to feed 2 cats when the owners were on holday a long haired persian and a short haired blue. They had won rosettes by the score and the short haired had won the most.
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02-05-2012, 06:56 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

I like those Burmese Cats, or the old moggie, whatever they are they are welcome.Isnt that song so sad about the old cat, Memories, always brings tears to my eyes whenevr I hear it.Sorry I seem to have strayed a bit!
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02-05-2012, 08:02 PM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

Originally Posted by anniemuldoon ->
I like those Burmese Cats, or the old moggie, whatever they are they are welcome.Isnt that song so sad about the old cat, Memories, always brings tears to my eyes whenevr I hear it.Sorry I seem to have strayed a bit!
Sometimes I think that's what I am like Annie - a tired old she cat Memory is a lovely song and I feel like you do about it, so feel free to stray.
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03-05-2012, 12:50 AM

Re: Silver Spotted British Shorthair Kittens

I've been asked if I'd get another kitten. I would absolutely love to, but I'd be so afraid if something happened to me and it was left alone.

I don't have any family members left except my brother, who has a big daft adorable Border Collie, and Sam would probably be terrified of a cat and not accept it.

Plus the fact that it would be left alone during the afternoons whilst I'm still working, so it wouldn't be fair to a single kitten. If two chose me however, they would keep each other company, but it would be twice the problem if something happened to me. Between a rock and hard place on this one for me.

I look forward to seeing photos of the little one as well, Rena.
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