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06-01-2016, 03:45 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Ah, another media hyped "latest fad" foodstuff !

Alarm bells are ringing already.

When the media (owned by the ruling elite) start to purposefully hype a food or drink, it is invariably NOTHING whatsoever to do with your health (often quite the opposite) and is most likely being done because the industry has identified a waste product they want to cash in on by getting people to pay for it.

Black pudding, essentially a lot of pig's blood and pig fat (or beef suet) with a bit of oatmeal and a sparse amount other bits to add flavour like onions and spices etc.

My guess is they want to make a market for pig's blood. Pig's are slaughtered at the rate of 1100 per hour in some slaughter houses. That leaves a lot of pig carcass and pig blood going to waste. How do you shift all those pints of pig's blood? How do you get a population to get past the "ick" factor and pay money for it?

Voila ! Let's ramp up Black Pudding and call it a superfood !
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06-01-2016, 04:52 PM

Re: Black Pudding

I wrote this in 1990 when things were very different.

Black Puddin's

Now Sam 'ad a passion for black puddin's
Munchin' 'em near every day
He'd munch one wi' 'is cornflakes and one 'wi 'is lunch
And two more at four wi' 'is tay

Just imagine 'is grief and frustration
When 'e read in th' Express of th'intent
Of th' European Economic Community
To ban 'em from sale ' t' story went !

'E decided as 'ow it wern't proper
That these men in striped suits and black shoes
Could tell 'im what to eat for 'is breakfast
So 'ee'd fight 'em - 'ee'd nothin' to lose !

'E wrote to 'is member of parliament
And 'e waited but got no reply
So 'e took 'imself off to London
And 'e wore is best suit and a tie

Sam walked past t' policeman at t' commons
Who just nodded at Sam in a trance
T' bobby thought 'e were t' member for Rochdale
they looked so much alike at first glance

Sam walked and 'e walked turning left and then right
For an hour or possibly more
Whereupon 'earin' a rowdy commotion
'E stopped and pushed open a door

Sam strolled into t' chamber amid all the noise
And sat down on a green leather seat
T' commotion got louder and louder
As t' prime minister got to 'is feet

'The state of th' economy's nowt like as bad
As them opposite's wishin' to make it
And if t' member for Finchley shouts resign one more time
'Er advice well - I think I might take it' !

Sam 'ad soon 'ad enough o' these rantins
And th' arguments goin' round and around
So 'e got to 'is feet and 'e started to speak
But t' speaker told Sam to sit down

'The blood and the guts of this once proud great nation
Are under attack - if you'll pardon the pun
From those foreigners sproutin' in Brussels' - Sam said
'And I'll not sit me down 'til I've done !!

They're threat'nin' to cut-off mi' puddin's
Or at least they're wantin' 'em banned
But I can't safeguard t'puddin's all on mi own
I'll need you lot to give me an 'and'

The honourable member for Aylesbury
Stood up and took rupturous applause
Showing 'is support to the 'ouse as 'e spoke-up
For Sam's most commendable cause

One by one they all gave their opinions
Each one of them speaking in turn
And the general consensus of opinion were
That there'd been a general lack of concern

So t' P.M. thanked Sam an' 'e promised as 'ow
'Ee'd soon set things straight wi' th' E. C.
And 'eed tell all those Frenchies in Brussels
To black puddin's they'd better say - oui !!

So Sam bid farewell to London
and t' P.M. said ' now Sam don't thee fret
and next time you're down 'ere bob in for a cuppa'
Sam said as 'e wouldn't forget

'And will there be black puddin's still for tea' ? questioned Sam
Givin' t'prime minister a smile at the door
'There certainly will be' said t' P.M. wi' a grin
'There'll be black puddin's for evermore' !!
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06-01-2016, 05:02 PM

Re: Black Pudding

my mother used to make the best black pudding I ever tasted. Unfortunately there is nowhere where one can buy really good black pudding.

Still find some worth buying from time to time
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06-01-2016, 08:51 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Ah, another media hyped "latest fad" foodstuff !

Alarm bells are ringing already.

When the media (owned by the ruling elite) start to purposefully hype a food or drink, it is invariably NOTHING whatsoever to do with your health (often quite the opposite) and is most likely being done because the industry has identified a waste product they want to cash in on by getting people to pay for it.

Black pudding, essentially a lot of pig's blood and pig fat (or beef suet) with a bit of oatmeal and a sparse amount other bits to add flavour like onions and spices etc.

My guess is they want to make a market for pig's blood. Pig's are slaughtered at the rate of 1100 per hour in some slaughter houses. That leaves a lot of pig carcass and pig blood going to waste. How do you shift all those pints of pig's blood? How do you get a population to get past the "ick" factor and pay money for it?

Voila ! Let's ramp up Black Pudding and call it a superfood !
Alleged superfood or not. Can't see any southerners wanting to partake of this Northern delicacy any time soon. Won't be exported either I shouldn't wonder, most countries make their own (inferior) versions of the hallowed Black Pudding (peace be upon it ).

Have to grudgingly say even though being a Yorkshireman, Bury BPs take some beating.
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06-01-2016, 09:06 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Alleged superfood or not. Can't see any southerners wanting to partake of this Northern delicacy any time soon. Won't be exported either I shouldn't wonder, most countries make their own (inferior) versions of the hallowed Black Pudding (peace be upon it ).

Have to grudgingly say even though being a Yorkshireman, Bury BPs take some beating.
This Soft Southerner would like to keep eating her Black Pudding Judd
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06-01-2016, 09:23 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Do they actually make Black Pudding dahn sarth Aysa or do you import them from up here?
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06-01-2016, 09:26 PM

Re: Black Pudding

They certainly do Judd ...indeedy! lol
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06-01-2016, 10:00 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Eee... tha learns summat new every day don't tha?
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06-01-2016, 10:01 PM

Re: Black Pudding

LOL that you do Judd
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06-01-2016, 10:50 PM

Re: Black Pudding

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
I wrote this in 1990 when things were very different.

Black Puddin's

Now Sam 'ad a passion for black puddin's
Munchin' 'em near every day
He'd munch one wi' 'is cornflakes and one 'wi 'is lunch
And two more at four wi' 'is tay

Just imagine 'is grief and frustration
When 'e read in th' Express of th'intent
Of th' European Economic Community
To ban 'em from sale ' t' story went !

'E decided as 'ow it wern't proper
That these men in striped suits and black shoes
Could tell 'im what to eat for 'is breakfast
So 'ee'd fight 'em - 'ee'd nothin' to lose !

'E wrote to 'is member of parliament
And 'e waited but got no reply
So 'e took 'imself off to London
And 'e wore is best suit and a tie

Sam walked past t' policeman at t' commons
Who just nodded at Sam in a trance
T' bobby thought 'e were t' member for Rochdale
they looked so much alike at first glance

Sam walked and 'e walked turning left and then right
For an hour or possibly more
Whereupon 'earin' a rowdy commotion
'E stopped and pushed open a door

Sam strolled into t' chamber amid all the noise
And sat down on a green leather seat
T' commotion got louder and louder
As t' prime minister got to 'is feet

'The state of th' economy's nowt like as bad
As them opposite's wishin' to make it
And if t' member for Finchley shouts resign one more time
'Er advice well - I think I might take it' !

Sam 'ad soon 'ad enough o' these rantins
And th' arguments goin' round and around
So 'e got to 'is feet and 'e started to speak
But t' speaker told Sam to sit down

'The blood and the guts of this once proud great nation
Are under attack - if you'll pardon the pun
From those foreigners sproutin' in Brussels' - Sam said
'And I'll not sit me down 'til I've done !!

They're threat'nin' to cut-off mi' puddin's
Or at least they're wantin' 'em banned
But I can't safeguard t'puddin's all on mi own
I'll need you lot to give me an 'and'

The honourable member for Aylesbury
Stood up and took rupturous applause
Showing 'is support to the 'ouse as 'e spoke-up
For Sam's most commendable cause

One by one they all gave their opinions
Each one of them speaking in turn
And the general consensus of opinion were
That there'd been a general lack of concern

So t' P.M. thanked Sam an' 'e promised as 'ow
'Ee'd soon set things straight wi' th' E. C.
And 'eed tell all those Frenchies in Brussels
To black puddin's they'd better say - oui !!

So Sam bid farewell to London
and t' P.M. said ' now Sam don't thee fret
and next time you're down 'ere bob in for a cuppa'
Sam said as 'e wouldn't forget

'And will there be black puddin's still for tea' ? questioned Sam
Givin' t'prime minister a smile at the door
'There certainly will be' said t' P.M. wi' a grin
'There'll be black puddin's for evermore' !!
Excellent poem Malcolm, credit where credit's due lad. I noticed nobody else has commented on it. I don't suppose the southerners can understand it. They should learn to speak proper English like wot we up north do.
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