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24-10-2017, 10:46 AM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Racker ->
Keep it all in British hands and avoid the meddling of EU politicians...
You take us for fools Racker.

Our political system (i.e. British party politics) is nothing short of a side show run by the EU. Anyone who understands the history of how the UK ended up in the EU in the first place realises that the country HAS been meddled with by EU stooge PM's and politicians for the past 40 years.

Whether we are in or out of the EU makes no difference. Those people in authority/government positions are still working for the EU, essentially hand picked and put there by the EU, via its Common Purpose mechanisms.

Your perception of the overall problem this country has is at best superficial. You would chop off the top of a weed in the garden whilst leaving all of its roots intact. That achieves nothing.

Britain must restore its sovereignty completely and reinstate the British Constitution and protect that constitution with water tight laws and legislation.

Britain must rid itself of the farcical 2 party politics system, which is run, funded and operated by EU stooges and put in place a real democractic system which comes with lots of referendums on important issues.

The monarchy must be abolished unless it will swear to protect the sovereignty of the country and have that underwritten in legal terms. The penalty for high treason must be reinstated as execution.

There is a lot to achieve and the EU Common Purpose elites will oppose it and obstruct it at every juncture. Likewise they will use the media, which they control, to brainwash the hearts and minds of citizens to turn them in the direction they want them to go.

There is a great deal to be achieved and it will take some years. There is no quick fix to rid a country of ingrained corruption and Common Purpose infiltration I'm afraid.
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24-10-2017, 09:40 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
You take us for fools Racker.
I wouldn't dare...

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Our political system (i.e. British party politics) is nothing short of a side show run by the EU. Anyone who understands the history of how the UK ended up in the EU in the first place realises that the country HAS been meddled with by EU stooge PM's and politicians for the past 40 years.
That's what they call "politics". It's nothing more (or less) than the trading in "principles". Even if those principles are incomparable and quite unequal (at least to the layman). Alas.... w/o this "trading" we'd probably be physically fighting over principles. And the fighting would not be done by those politicians, the ones that started the conflict... The man in the street, (could very well be you and I), would probably end up, shooting real bullets at each-others over fishing rights or steel prices...

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Whether we are in or out of the EU makes no difference. Those people in authority/government positions are still working for the EU, essentially hand picked and put there by the EU, via its Common Purpose mechanisms.
The Netherlands these days is nothing more than a damp area at the end of the great European rivers, where once "we" had an Empire where the sun never set, just like Britain. Britain *is*an island by the coast of Europe. An island, but still an island *in* Europe; no matter whether the UK is in or out of the EU, the British will always have to deal with that entity.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Your perception of the overall problem this country has is at best superficial. You would chop off the top of a weed in the garden whilst leaving all of its roots intact. That achieves nothing.
Don't you think, that digging up the roots would destroy the whole garden?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Britain must restore its sovereignty completely and reinstate the British Constitution and protect that constitution with water tight laws and legislation.
I'm afraid, somewone would have to write that constitution first...

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Britain must rid itself of the farcical 2 party politics system, which is run, funded and operated by EU stooges and put in place a real democractic system which comes with lots of referendums on important issues.
We have fifty odd paries here. Twenty of those are represented in the second and first chamber (our"house of commons/ house of lords") and I canb tell you: It's still a mess...

Originally Posted by Realist ->
The monarchy must be abolished unless it will swear to protect the sovereignty of the country and have that underwritten in legal terms. The penalty for high treason must be reinstated as execution.
I wish you luck....

Originally Posted by Realist ->
There is a lot to achieve and the EU Common Purpose elites will oppose it and obstruct it at every juncture. Likewise they will use the media, which they control, to brainwash the hearts and minds of citizens to turn them in the direction they want them to go.
Has politics ever been different?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
There is a great deal to be achieved and it will take some years. There is no quick fix to rid a country of ingrained corruption and Common Purpose infiltration I'm afraid.
I'm inclined to say "hear, hear"...I vaguely remember, some politician's words, a couple of years ago " Democracy is far from perfect. But I wouldn't know of another system that'd do better"...
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05-11-2017, 09:16 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Racker ->
As a Dutch Anglophile I love to spend my holidays on your great Island. Over the years, we must have traveled most every part of Britain, from Lizard Point to well above Ullapool. As much as I'd regret, Britain leaving the EU, I also do understand the sentiment, so consider me a neutral outsider in this discussion.
I have just come across this thread, so may I welcome you to the forum?

I'm afraid, though, that your solution would never work.

We had a democratic referendum on the matter and the majority of voters opted to leave the EU. Those who disagree with this - and never cease to do all they can to reverse the decision - are clearly not in favour of this country remaining a democracy. They are beneath contempt.

It is up to us, those of us who respect democratic decisions, to ensure that Brexit is carried through.

Incidentally, I'd be interested to know what proportion of Dutch people would favour the Netherlands leaving the EU. I'm sure I read somewhere that the money the Netherlands pays to the EU is not far short of that paid by France, a country with a much greater population. Surely, that would suggest some jiggery pokery is going on.
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06-11-2017, 09:25 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I have just come across this thread, so may I welcome you to the forum?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I'm afraid, though, that your solution would never work.

We had a democratic referendum on the matter and the majority of voters opted to leave the EU. Those who disagree with this - and never cease to do all they can to reverse the decision - are clearly not in favour of this country remaining a democracy. They are beneath contempt.
Beg to differ...

Firstly: "Democracy" does not equal "Majority decides; period" Not listning to the minority, especially if that minority is a vast one, would be -what I'd call- dictatorship of the majority. In a true democracy, people listen to each- other. Discuss things, try to reach consensus. Freedom of speech *is* part of democracy. Everyone has a right to speak his or her mind, has a right to be heared. In a true democracy, the voice of a (vast) minority will not be ignored.

Secondly: My idea would save Great Britain a lot of money as well as a lot of hassle. As you might remember, when the Scots had their referendum, one of the obstacles for their independence was, that they'd be out of the EU as soon as they left the UK. No talk of exit fees or any other financial consequences. Britain could now use this mechanism to its advantage: Have England leave the UK and it'll "automagically" leave the EU.... w/o the hassle of negotiations (having to pay or not, new name it).. Negotiations would be totally British. Though England (in my example) would leave the UK, there would be no reason to leave the commonwealth. Think of all the advantages...

Originally Posted by JBR ->
It is up to us, those of us who respect democratic decisions, to ensure that Brexit is carried through.
Brexit should be just that: the British way of exiting the EU. Be smart; do it your own way and keep it all in British hands! A "free" England would need to negotiate with their fellow Brits, and with their fellow Brits only. Leave the UK, but keep the British bonds (as I suggested: think Commonwealth!).

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Incidentally, I'd be interested to know what proportion of Dutch people would favour the Netherlands leaving the EU. I'm sure I read somewhere that the money the Netherlands pays to the EU is not far short of that paid by France, a country with a much greater population. Surely, that would suggest some jiggery pokery is going on.
The Netherlands are thriving within the EU. We've got a vast transportation industry, as well over land as over water. Just looking at what we pay would be short- sighted. Looking at the whole picture, IMHO the EU is still profitable for our low lands by the sea... The Netherlands may be a small country, but trading and -at the end of the day- making a profit is what has been running through Dutch veins for many a century.....
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06-11-2017, 09:45 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Have you been smoking anything Racker ?
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06-11-2017, 09:49 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
Have you been smoking anything Racker ?
Uhmrrr... decade or three ago.... why?
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06-11-2017, 10:01 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Racker ->
Uhmrrr... decade or three ago.... why?
You must be on something........mind altering.
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06-11-2017, 10:07 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by Racker ->
Beg to differ...

Firstly: "Democracy" does not equal "Majority decides; period"
I have to say that our definitions of 'democracy' differ.

In this country, our electoral system defines that the party with the majority of votes forms the government. Obviously, without a sufficiently large majority the opposition parties combined can carry the vote, as we have seen since the last general election.

However, the Brexit referendum was perfectly clear: we either leave the EU or stay in. No middle ground: in or out.

Our remainiacs are, naturally, doing their level best to reverse this democratic decision, but the decision has been made: we are leaving.

If the Netherlands finds it preferable to remain in the EU - and pay nearly as much as France, a much bigger country - that is your decision. I think it is wrong, but it is nothing to do with me.

As I have said before, I disagree with the suggestions you make although I accept that they are made with the best intentions. They wouldn't work.

In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that you personally may prefer it if we were to remain in the EU!
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06-11-2017, 11:05 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I have to say that our definitions of 'democracy' differ.

In this country, our electoral system defines that the party with the majority of votes forms the government. Obviously, without a sufficiently large majority the opposition parties combined can carry the vote, as we have seen since the last general election.

However, the Brexit referendum was perfectly clear: we either leave the EU or stay in. No middle ground: in or out.

Our remainiacs are, naturally, doing their level best to reverse this democratic decision, but the decision has been made: we are leaving.

If the Netherlands finds it preferable to remain in the EU - and pay nearly as much as France, a much bigger country - that is your decision. I think it is wrong, but it is nothing to do with me.

As I have said before, I disagree with the suggestions you make although I accept that they are made with the best intentions. They wouldn't work.

In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that you personally may prefer it if we were to remain in the EU!
Racker sums up exactly why the EU doesn't work for the UK.

It takes a perfectly simple concept such as a simple referendum result and then attempts to reinterpret the result to suit it's own political agenda. It will lie, deceive , obsfucate and bully until it achieves its aim.

The EU is a nasty, dictatorial political organisation run by unelected autocrats that will ride roughshod over true democracy in order to preserve it's own power base.

Racker is no more prepared to accept the democratic and legal will of the people than the EU.
When the significant minority accept the result they can be engaged with. UNtil then they are to be vilified and disgraced for the cretins they are.
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06-11-2017, 11:21 PM

Re: Why not keep it all in your own hands?

You are perfectly correct, Moscow.

Personally, I am becoming rather bored with all of these anti-Brexit comments regardless of their source.

I thought remainiacs were only British political fifth-columnists or naive loony-lefties, but it seems that similar assertions are now appearing from other countries!

I am not particularly annoyed about that, but I ask myself why that is happening.

The only answer that readily springs to mind is the obvious one that when the UK leaves the EU, the remaining member states will be obliged to make up the financial shortfall! I can, at least, understand their concerns.
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