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18-02-2020, 07:09 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
OGF where have you been living these last years ?
Two blokes can produce children with help from a surrogate mother .
Sorry to disagree with you, Muddy. But 2 men do NOT produce any children. 1 man with the help from a surrogate mother is producing that child. Without the woman, no child is possible.
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18-02-2020, 08:58 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
sorry to disagree with you, muddy. But 2 men do not produce any children. 1 man with the help from a surrogate mother is producing that child. Without the woman, no child is possible.
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18-02-2020, 09:04 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I think you got the lot OGF, except the holidays take more than a
couple of weeks now?
I think you're right about our present old age bubble eventually
passing through the system, and if as you say people are having
less children, ( not sure if thats worldwide though). Then things
should sort themselves out over time??

Edit, and all of the above by courteousy ot hire purchase!!
Have a look at this Donkeyman, although there might be a disproportionate amount of elderly people now, it will not continue. See how birthrates have dropped lower now than at anytime before the second world war.
And notice how older women having babies is increasing while younger women having babies are on the decline, could it be that younger women now don't want to be held back from both high living (travel etc) and career by being tied down with a child.

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18-02-2020, 09:13 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
OGF where have you been living these last years ?
Two blokes can produce children with help from a surrogate mother .
Gay people raising children is morally wrong Muddy and should not be allowed, but I think we've covered this in another thread.
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20-02-2020, 09:08 AM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

OGF I am surprised at you .
Gay people are just people the same as any other I see no evidence they cannot love and raise a child .
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20-02-2020, 11:03 AM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Have a look at this Donkeyman, although there might be a disproportionate amount of elderly people now, it will not continue. See how birthrates have dropped lower now than at anytime before the second world war.
And notice how older women having babies is increasing while younger women having babies are on the decline, could it be that younger women now don't want to be held back from both high living (travel etc) and career by being tied down with a child.

If those graphs held good for the third world OGF then there would
be no problem, and cities could be planned instead of squatter camps
etc springing up with absolutely no infrastructure whatever, only a
small stream to serve all their needs including sewage and waste
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20-02-2020, 12:48 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
OGF I am surprised at you .
Gay people are just people the same as any other I see no evidence they cannot love and raise a child .
It's not a proper Mum and Dad though is it Muddy. And the child raised by gays will probably end up being gay itself....I know that lots of people will say "I know a child who was raised by a couple of gays, and they are not gay" but there will always be the exception. I was raised by a loving hetrosexual mum and dad and that's why I think like I do, so a child raised by a gay couple will accept that as being normal and it isn't...
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20-02-2020, 01:05 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
If those graphs held good for the third world OGF then there would
be no problem, and cities could be planned instead of squatter camps
etc springing up with absolutely no infrastructure whatever, only a
small stream to serve all their needs including sewage and waste
Sometimes we have got to accept that the place where some people live is just not suitable for human habitation Donkeyman, and with all the best will in the world, throwing money at it and building pumps is just postponing the inevitable. And in places like that there is nothing else to do for the locals except procreate. The last thing on their minds would be contraception.

I know that sounds cruel but something has got to be done and if life cannot be supported there no amount of help is going to change that. And maybe there are a lot of children born there but mortality rates are very poor....
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20-02-2020, 01:50 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
It's not a proper Mum and Dad though is it Muddy. And the child raised by gays will probably end up being gay itself....I know that lots of people will say "I know a child who was raised by a couple of gays, and they are not gay" but there will always be the exception. I was raised by a loving hetrosexual mum and dad and that's why I think like I do, so a child raised by a gay couple will accept that as being normal and it isn't...
I can't agree with that Foxy as there are so many gays who were brought up by heterosexual parents, but are becoming gay by personal choice. Most heterosexual men find it difficult to accept gays, but I don't think it is prejudice I think is is because they don't like change.

For many years men were the stronger of the species & many men still try to build muscle to show that they still are, but since women were offered the same levels of education & better same opportunities, women are becoming stronger.

It is a bit like black people fighting to be equal, and the more they achieve it, the more there will be trouble that they call racism! Women will achieve the same and this will make them less attractive to men.... so the younger men are using beauty products to be attractive to a sexual partner....often another man!
Women who feel sorry for gays will be happy to be surrogate mothers for them, but the other women will more likely choose to advance their careers.

If we were able to view in a 100 years time, we may find a very different world where women prefer power to being maternal. Maybe this is another way of reducing the world population. if it happens.

Looking back, I chose not to have children in my teens & never changed my mind....even though I like children. Maybe I was ahead of my time>
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20-02-2020, 02:00 PM

Re: Are we really Overpopulated?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
It's not a proper Mum and Dad though is it Muddy. And the child raised by gays will probably end up being gay itself....I know that lots of people will say "I know a child who was raised by a couple of gays, and they are not gay" but there will always be the exception. I was raised by a loving hetrosexual mum and dad and that's why I think like I do, so a child raised by a gay couple will accept that as being normal and it isn't...
It's fast becoming normal to be gay. I'm not sure normal is the right word. I rather say 'it wasn't meant to be like this' if men were meant to have sex with men, men would be able to have babies. Man and woman are and were meant to have sex with each other to reproduce.

That's how I see it anyway. It has and always will make me cringe when I think of a man sticking his oojah up another mans bottom where pooh comes from. Sorry for my bluntness but I'm only saying it as it is. Does this mean I'm homophobic? I don't think so, but if someone wants to view me as that then so be it.
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