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13-05-2021, 10:56 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

but surely OFF is still largely anglo-saxon ain't it?
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14-05-2021, 12:26 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

Originally Posted by Devo ->
The problem with talking about culture is that there are numerous, different answers to the question, what is our culture?
We have been multicultural for ages, both within and without our racial identifiers, if there are any is such a mongrel race.
The difference now is that the population has grown to such an extent a small, barely visible percentage then is a large number that is much more noticeable now.
The Right are fond of referring to the multicultural experiment which just a cursory examination can show is clearly nonsense. But it gives the false impression that, as an experiment, it can be ended and we can return to some mythical White Supremacist golden age. Quite how such a clock wind-back can be achieved without some latter day holocaust is beyond me.

Two key aspects to a nations culture.

#1. Right up to the latter end of the 20th century the UK was NOT multicultural. Immigrants who had foolishly been permitted to enter the UK adopted unquestioning the "culture" they encountered. They retained their customs and traditions from their "old" countries but did not try or expect to import their old world culture with them let alone expect to retain it. They became British. Then along came POS Blair and introduced his unwanted unneeded UNMANDATED multiculturalism. The result was a key factor in breaking Britain.

#2 Multiculturalism is bound to fail. One of the cultures is inevitably going to dominate over the rest. The whole "culture" thing becomes more obviously problematic if the word culture is replaced by what it is.

It's nationality.

Now think about having a bunch of different nations, none of which will be the nation of the land mass and it becomes clear that it's not a stable situation.

One nation will evolve to be the ruler over the rest and that's what we're seeing taking place in GB and that nation has norms, values, and even laws totally at odds with the British and we're not even allowed to point out who it is.

A cleansing of a nations hive doesn't necessarily mean a holocaust.
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14-05-2021, 01:28 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

A few years ago it was very fashionable in political circles to ask what is the British character? I think we don't hear about it so much now because it is such a ridiculous question, probably with as many answers as there are people.
But recent national developments have shown a lot of the Engish to be xenophobic, ignorant and prone to cultism. And therein lies the reason for questioning multiculturalism. And it is akin to white separatism/supremacy.
if multiculturalism is such a recent development, some dastardly plan to take over the country, did synagogues only recently appear, similarly Catholic churches? And what about all the other religious temples, etc? Immigrants did not immediately if ever, convert to the state non-religion.
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14-05-2021, 02:10 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

With the immigrants and GENUINE asylum seekers of the past up until Blair broke Britain (and he surely did) there was no question of bringing our culture with us, well I'm speaking for MY family who were pretty average, though we did bring traditions etc.


Synagogues in the UK?

Well there is evidence that Jewish traders accompanied the Roman invasion and much more on record about the invasion by William the Bastard including Jewish folk.

As for Catholics - the fact that Protestant Reformation didn't kick off until 1597 when Martin Luther (the REAL one) published his Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum that set the cat amongst the pigeons and increasingly replaced Roman Catholicism which had been dominant in the UK since the 6th. Century (?)

As for Engish being xenophobic, ignorant and prone to cultism, so what. I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.
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14-05-2021, 02:18 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

I have no problems with other cultures coming to live in our country.

What I disagree with is the acceptance that our existing laws can be contravened by those people with the complicit agreement of our government.

Non-pre-stunning of animals for food - and yes, Jews do it as well. Rules have been bent to turn a blind eye.

Face coverings accepted despite the possibility of escaping identification where necessary. I'm sure I read somewhere that even the Frogs are not allowing this.

It began with little things which were hardly noticeable at first. How long before these extend further and certain elements of our society end up being effectively above the law - or our laws changed to accommodate them?
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14-05-2021, 02:40 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I have no problems with other cultures coming to live in our country.

What I disagree with is the acceptance that our existing laws can be contravened by those people with the complicit agreement of our government.

Non-pre-stunning of animals for food - and yes, Jews do it as well. Rules have been bent to turn a blind eye.

Face coverings accepted despite the possibility of escaping identification where necessary. I'm sure I read somewhere that even the Frogs are not allowing this.

It began with little things which were hardly noticeable at first. How long before these extend further and certain elements of our society end up being effectively above the law - or our laws changed to accommodate them?
In reality pre-stunning is now virtually universal with our lot.
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14-05-2021, 03:08 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
In reality pre-stunning is now virtually universal with our lot.
Encouraging, but 'virtually' is not good enough.
Pre-stunning should be mandatory for everyone regardless of religion.
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14-05-2021, 03:31 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Encouraging, but 'virtually' is not good enough.
Pre-stunning should be mandatory for everyone regardless of religion.
Can't, and for that matter wouldn't argue with that. Using religion is a piss poor excuse.
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14-05-2021, 03:43 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
In reality pre-stunning is now virtually universal with our lot.

That is untrue, Kosher Meat cannot be pre stunned.

Halal Meat can be.

If it is prestunned it is not Kosher.

The problem is that Kosher Meat can only come from the fore quarter, so the rest of the animal, the steaks, topside, silver side, rump etc goes into the normal food chain unmarked.etc
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14-05-2021, 04:32 PM

Re: Muliculturism? does it really work?

People are often wary of other cultures but people are people – we are more the same than different. I’m not sure if deliberately forcing cultures to mix works, and in some cases perhaps even does harm when people are not ready and willing to accept changes. I believe when someone immigrates to another country, they should accept the laws of that country and still be able to practice their own traditions and customs without asking for the whole country to change to suit them.
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