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05-01-2021, 02:55 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Roxy ->
I wash my hands every time I've been outside, even if it's just to the garden. I, like you get through a load of hand sanitiser. I've a bottle in the toilet, one in the kitchen and one in the car. Also got a pack of dettol wipes in the car as I use the pay at the pump for fuel, I use the end of my key to tap on the key pad and wrap the handle of the fuel nozzle in the dettol wipe. A bit OTT? maybe but I'd sooner be safe than sorry.
Not OTT at all, it protests us, especially when we touch our face/ nose/ mouth, without even knowing/ remembering that we did....I’m in now until my cleaning duties start again next week.

Apparently this new strain is much easier to contract,Rox, listening to a professor on radio today,whilst cleaning.
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05-01-2021, 02:58 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Dodge ->
It is my opinion the government will wait until all the top categories in who gets the vaccine are all given the vaccine, which is basically the vulnerable, the over 80's, the over 70's and the over 60's. Then the lockdown and tiers will be relaxed because not many people under the age of 60 have died directly from the virus and thus they will let people catch the virus in the hope that all these people get is just a very very bad flu like symptoms.
That makes a great deal of sense.
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05-01-2021, 03:02 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Generally speaking... I feel it’s all well and good wearing masks to protect yourself
But they don't! Ordinary masks, at least, don't protect the wearer. They help to protect other people from the wearer's exhalations.
I wear a mask when out, but I don't regard that as any protection for myself and, consequently, keep away from other people - even if they are wearing masks.
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05-01-2021, 03:09 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by carol ->
I don't want to take any risks or break any lockdown laws.

I hope you can see my confusion though!!

I have just posted the question to my local constabulary on their face book page.

I will abide by what they tell me..
Please let us know what they say Carol, because it is confusing. They say you can exercise with one other person ( but not if it is for a picnic or a social meeting) . to me, meeting a friend is a social meeting ( but would you exercise with somebody who isn't a friend? ).
Perhaps you need to establish exactly what area is local to you & whether it is also local to your friend!
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05-01-2021, 03:29 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
But they don't! Ordinary masks, at least, don't protect the wearer. They help to protect other people from the wearer's exhalations.
I wear a mask when out, but I don't regard that as any protection for myself and, consequently, keep away from other people - even if they are wearing masks.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) has stated many times that non PPE face masks will not protect the wearer from the virus BUT and i emphasise the word BUT, they will help reduce the amount of virus droplets that enter your system, they also emphasise that a mask should be made up of 3 layers, therefore all these single layer masks are utterly useless in their opinion.

The ordinary masks are there to protect from 3 scenarios. People coughing, other people breathing in those germs and thirdly to stop people involuntarily touching their mouth with their hand/fingers.

Over the course of this pandemic, virus experts have stated that it is that when an infected persons coughs, it is the amount of 'droplets' that a person is exposed to that determines if they get the virus or not. The more droplets a person is exposed to, the higher the chance the person will catch the virus. A mask that covers the nose and mouth will limit how many droplets a person will breath in. A mask will also prevent how many droplets are exposed when an infected person coughs.

This is why the 2 metre rule has been in effect because in a well ventilated area that has good air flow, if someone coughs, the droplets are quickly carried away by the current air flow, no air flow and the droplets hang around in the air for much longer, hence why people are told to wear masks in shops because many many shops do not have good air flow and it is also why the advice is to open windows when there is a family member who has the virus so if when they do happen to cough, the droplets do not linger in the room, they are taken away by the air flow.

If someone does have the virus and they are selfish and ignorant to go out and about coughing spreading the virus, a mask will limit the amount of droplets that are able to enter your respiratory system. The bodies defence system is able to fight off very small amounts of the droplets and we wouldn't know a thing. It's when the body is exposed to a large amount of the droplets and the bodies defence system is not able to cope is when you get infected.

The WHO has always stated ordinary masks are not perfect but they are better than nothing.
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05-01-2021, 03:32 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Please let us know what they say Carol, because it is confusing. They say you can exercise with one other person ( but not if it is for a picnic or a social meeting) . to me, meeting a friend is a social meeting ( but would you exercise with somebody who isn't a friend? ).
Perhaps you need to establish exactly what area is local to you & whether it is also local to your friend!

I will post their answer on here as soon as I hear from them. An automated answer tells me it may be 2 days before I get a reply.
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05-01-2021, 03:49 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Well I'm going to a funeral tomorrow (restricted to 18 persons) and I consider that an essential journey.
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05-01-2021, 03:56 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Well I'm going to a funeral tomorrow (restricted to 18 persons) and I consider that an essential journey.
Oh, is it 18? I have now edited my post accordingly!
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05-01-2021, 04:16 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Oh, is it 18? I have now edited my post accordingly!
The guidance actually states a maximum of 30

● for funerals - up to a maximum of 30 people. Wakes and other linked ceremonial events can continue in a group of up to 6 people.
BUT the funeral place has the final word on how many they allow, up to the legally allowed limit. My father passed away during the second lockdown and the funeral place only allowed the maximum of 30 people. All the chairs were socially distanced apart. The funeral director did allow the widow (my stepmother) to have someone from her 'social bubble' to sit next to her to comfort her.
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05-01-2021, 04:27 PM

Re: Lockdown confusion.

Carol, it seems to me, that the intent of the law is what is important here.

The idea is that you don't come in contact with anyone close enough to contract the disease for enough minutes to spread or catch it. The other intent is that we don't sacrifice our protect our health.

Different locations mean different rules, but here is how your question played out here:

When we had similar measure (once enough people here protested that their health was risk by giving up exercise), it was acknowledged that to access a trail or beach required driving. Ten miles or so was not considered out-of-bounds if it was agreed that the driver would not stop en route. If you go, simply don't stop anywhere.

Two, everyone agreed that people of a certain age, women, and certain others should not be out exercising without a buddy. It was agreed upon that having an exercise buddy was fine, but recommended good distances between, exercising side-by-side (rather than following behind too closely), and wearing masks, if possible.

It's my opinion, that you should not be expected to risk your health and safety exercising alone. As a woman of a certain age, I don't think anyone - even a police officer -would give you trouble for exercising with someone if you are otherwise practicing Covid protocols.

How good of you to be so conscientious! Take care.
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