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02-08-2017, 08:28 PM

Re: Cancer & The Gerson Therapy

Hello aliveandsmiling, I am with you.

I trust the medical profession whole heartedly, while having lots of doubts about the pharma industries.
The doubts about them pale into insignificance alongside those that would have us all throwing apricot pips down our throat.
What a load of gobsh*tes they are.
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02-08-2017, 11:12 PM

Re: Cancer & The Gerson Therapy

Originally Posted by Realist ->
I don't personally believe this for a second. I would lay good money that those in true power know all about the various cancer strains and do have the cures for them, by which I mean real permanent cures which do not harm your body.

Not a question of R&D imo. More a simple question of running a "cancer" business which generates very lucrative profits. They make money from the drugs, from treatments, from sales of equipment, from the training of health workers and of course from the various mainstream charities which purport to be doing research.
They also lose a lot of money down blind alleys of research.

I'm sure there are situations where progress is blocked because it would generate fewer profits, and I'm sure that many people are over medicated, but at the same time we are living longer than ever before.

As someone who has many friends and family who are still alive due to the success of this "cancer business" I have to assume that for all the forces of darkness in pharma, there are just as many forces for good.
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02-08-2017, 11:34 PM

Re: Cancer & The Gerson Therapy

Originally Posted by Realist ->

There's a plethora of resources on the internet which explain the fraudulent situation that persists with the cancer industry.

Here are a couple, but really anyone who is genuinely interested can and should simple start Googling for "truth about cancer" or similar search terms.
I've often said it's possible to find information on the Internet to reinforce whatever is believed in. This subject is no different. There are no shortage of articles more or less saying that natural or alternative cancer cures are snake oil.

I'm not sure about a cancer 'industry' existing purely for profit but I'd suppose there's money to be made out of selling natures products. Suppliers would have a vested interest in keeping people believing that natures products, bottled and packaged, will cure cancer.

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08-08-2017, 03:48 PM

Re: Cancer & The Gerson Therapy

Originally Posted by mart ->
There are no shortage of articles more or less saying that natural or alternative cancer cures are snake oil.
Which is to be totally expected in a world that is effectively run by huge mega-profit corporations include Big Pharmaceuticals. Do you expect them to sit there whilst people use the internet to tell people that they don't need to buy any of those synthetic products and can get the same (and usually better) benefits from Nature's produce?

I mean really?!

Originally Posted by mart ->
I'd suppose there's money to be made out of selling natures products.
No that's the entire point really. Nature is largely free. Nature operates on the basis of "abundance". Plant 1 ear of wheat and Nature returns many more. In fact about 25kg of seed will produce over 4000kg of wheat, so a multiplication factor of about 160 !

This is how Nature works. Mankind needs little more, but unfortunately over time, ruthless humans have taken control of our food supplies and taken that "abundance" away from everyone else.

The conglomerates and Big Pharma can not make $billions from Nature's products because Nature produces them so abundantly.

I personally believe in the compound called Amygdalin. I know that it exists in Apricot Kernels/Seeds in usable and convenient quantities. I buy apricots, I eat the apricots, I save the stones, dry them on the window sill, then crack them open with a nut cracker to reveal the kernel/seed.
There's no exploitative supplier involved save for the company that sells apricots.

Sure I could go and buy bags of apricot kernels for convenience if I wanted to (a privilege removed from USA citizens unfortunately) but that's not someone selling snake oil.

Yes unfortunately these are not good references !

It's hardly sensible to canvass the views of companies (or charities) who are making $billions from the cancer industry is it ?!!!

The first 2 are self explanatory. Take away the myth that "there is no current cancer cure" and that lots of research still needs to be funded, and suddenly an awful lot of charities are suddenly out of pocket ! Nuff said !

ScienceBlogs had a big shake up a few years ago when it's articles started being funded by advertising companies.
Many of the genuine bloggers (at least 15 of the core ones) simply upped and quit.

Draw your conclusions.

In the end it is down to people to do their research. Those who are weak minded and easily led will inevitably believe any amount of Billy BS thrown at the by the health industry whom they still see as some kind of authority figure.

I swear that GPs told some of these fool that their cancers would be helped by hitting themselves over the head with a hammer 3 times a day, they would do it?!

As it happens the suggestions are far worse. They want you to subject your entire body to intense radiation and fill it with poisonous cocktails of drugs. Go figure . . . . but peer pressure and lack of knowledge results in thousands believing this stuff.

Each to their own.
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