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20-06-2015, 11:29 PM

Kim Jong-un

So North Korea are now claiming it has developed a "magic bullet" wonder drug that can cure Aids, Ebola and deadly respiratory viruses like Sars and Mers.
Officials said Kumdang-2 is made from Ginseng - one of their country's biggest crops - and "other ingredients", but did not reveal what they are.

They are also claiming to have "miniaturised" nuclear weapons.

Why are they saying all this I wonder?
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21-06-2015, 07:55 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un

Because Mups when you are a egotistical maniac that's what
you do.
Don't forget he said he could talk, read and write and wipe his
own bum when he was one year old.
When you consider that he and his family have murdered millions
of their people by starving them to death you can say anything in
your own Country. If you said to him I don't believe you he would
either throw you into a pit with ravenous dogs or he would mortar you
or use a anti-aircraft gun on you.
So think that answers his story line.
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21-06-2015, 08:04 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un

Originally Posted by BowieEyes ->
Because Mups when you are a egotistical maniac that's what
you do.
Don't forget he said he could talk, read and write and wipe his
own bum when he was one year old.

When you consider that he and his family have murdered millions
of their people by starving them to death you can say anything in
your own Country. If you said to him I don't believe you he would
either throw you into a pit with ravenous dogs or he would mortar you
or use a anti-aircraft gun on you.
So think that answers his story line.

I read he said he could drive a car by the time he was 3 as well!
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21-06-2015, 08:35 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un
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21-06-2015, 10:01 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un

I understand they have the worst draught in history in NK with only a third of the required rice crop being produced so famine is looming.

The ruling elite need to start focusing on their people rather than weapons for an imaginary enemy. .
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21-06-2015, 10:04 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un

Not a bloke you would want to be related to
(according to his uncle Jang Song Thaek )
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21-06-2015, 01:05 PM

Re: Kim Jong-un

Originally Posted by Mups ->
So North Korea are now claiming it has developed a "magic bullet" wonder drug that can cure Aids, Ebola and deadly respiratory viruses like Sars and Mers.
Officials said Kumdang-2 is made from Ginseng - one of their country's biggest crops - and "other ingredients", but did not reveal what they are.

They are also claiming to have "miniaturised" nuclear weapons.

Why are they saying all this I wonder?
The sad thing is that they seem to think people will believe them...
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22-06-2015, 11:43 AM

Re: Kim Jong-un

He's a nutter and all his minions have to say what he wants or they'll cop it! I don't suppose they care whether anyone believes them or not

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