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23-07-2015, 11:37 PM

best war in ages IS!

Why – we all get to practice in real time – the armed forces of the west and a few from the ME too cannot keep their forces and weaponry in mothballs for ever. Sure a few skirmishes on the Salisbury Plains – but that’s not quite the real thing and we don’t want to kill too many of our own in friendly fire.

No you can’t beat the real thing and with the west cooperating against a common enemy. All recent weaponry can be tested including new items like drones.

And of course we mustn’t forget the need for the manufacturers of arms to keep their forges glowing and profits climbing must we?

Yes all in all ya can’t beat a good all out war especially in somebody else back yard, particularly non-Western! – this one is particularly well suited because it avoids the super powers super powering against each other as in the Ukraine which was always going to be a limited affair We didn’t want Russia pitting their might against the West did we?

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24-07-2015, 10:16 AM

Re: best war in ages IS!

When the robots take over we will all be put in incubators and used to provide energy. The robots will reward us by creating 'worlds', where we can all interact in lives that seem meaningful and satisfying, pandering to our every need. The sooner the better if you ask me before we wipe each other out or wreck the planet ...

Only a matter of time - ask Realist ...

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24-07-2015, 11:53 AM

Re: best war in ages IS!

Well we can’t have the furnaces cooling down in the arms factories can we, cost a hellova lot to get them up and firing again, and what about all those jobs at risk? tens of thousands out on the street and not paying taxes, what kind of a government could stand idly by and let that happen? it’s not hard to spin a yarn to the public, they’ll believe anything you tell them, remember the weapons of mass destruction fairytale? didn't that one go down a treat.
Good honest businessmen have invested heavily in new weaponry like the new ‘smart’ bombs at one and a half million dollars a pop, these babies are beginning to pile up in the stock bunkers, can’t have that so it’s high time we started another ding dong somewhere, well away from our own shores of course.
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24-07-2015, 01:38 PM

Re: best war in ages IS!

I think IS have scored an "own goal" by annoying the Turks. After the bombing in southern Turkey which killed 32 people and the killing of a Turkish soldier Turkish jets have bombed IS targets in Syria. They are also allowing the Americans to use their airbase near the Syrian border and have rounded up many suspected IS sympathizers.

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