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07-10-2015, 06:20 PM

"They'll be dead before they vote again"

"They'll be dead before they vote again"

I am utterly disgusted in what has been said by the Taxpayers' Alliance at a fringe meeting at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. What sort of unfeeling, wicked, selfish people are there attached to the Conservative Party ? Is this what is going to happen to the pensioners who have worked all their lives and paid in to National Insurance and Income Tax of this country? Is this what retiring people have got to look forward to ? WHAT A CON !!!! It is pure wickedness to even think of suggesting cutting the already meager pensions and deserved benefits for our older generation !

As far as I am concerned, the Conservative Party are as good as finished, when they think like that ! What do you think about this report ?

Think-tank: 'cut pensioner benefits now - they'll be dead before they vote again' - AOL Money UK
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07-10-2015, 06:31 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

Originally Posted by GillyT ->
"They'll be dead before they vote again"

I am utterly disgusted in what has been said by the Taxpayers' Alliance at a fringe meeting at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. What sort of unfeeling, wicked, selfish people are there attached to the Conservative Party ? Is this what is going to happen to the pensioners who have worked all their lives and paid in to National Insurance and Income Tax of this country? Is this what retiring people have got to look forward to ? WHAT A CON !!!! It is pure wickedness to even think of suggesting cutting the already meager pensions and deserved benefits for our older generation !

As far as I am concerned, the Conservative Party are as good as finished, when they think like that ! What do you think about this report ?

Think-tank: 'cut pensioner benefits now - they'll be dead before they vote again' - AOL Money UK
That might well be true for some of us

I do think it is a nonsense giving the winter fuel allowance
to everyone, it needs addressing.
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07-10-2015, 06:51 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

When Conservatives were in opposition I wrote to George Osborne to ask him to address the fact that two members of my family who had lived overseas and had come back to retire having more than one home each and very well off, were entitled to winter fuel and heating allowances, yet as a disabled person I wasn't. He replied that when they gained power he would address this unfair system. The only difference now is that I have to wait seven years longer for mine!
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07-10-2015, 06:53 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

Strange thinking because there may well be many who die but there will be others who take their place - reaching pension age!!! Yay !! Let's get our own back!
Seriously, I agree with Meg, the fuel allowance should be addressed, means tested maybe? Same with free bus passes and one or two other things.
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07-10-2015, 06:55 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

Originally Posted by TessA ->
When Conservatives were in opposition I wrote to George Osborne to ask him to address the fact that two members of my family who had lived overseas and had come back to retire having more than one home each and very well off, were entitled to winter fuel and heating allowances, yet as a disabled person I wasn't. He replied that when they gained power he would address this unfair system. The only difference now is that I have to wait seven years longer for mine!
Well, he did address it but not in the way you imagined ! totally unfair system.
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07-10-2015, 07:59 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

"They'll be dead before they vote again"

What a selfish disgusting thing for a person in public life to say.
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07-10-2015, 08:07 PM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

I hope to stay alive to cast my vote to get rid of the Tory party for good.
Any party that can say, "they will make the poor work like the Chinese", and a Tory mp who thinks that £250,000 is an affordable house outside London, and £450,000 in London.
The way they have treated the disabled is disgusting, I could go on but you all have heard and read it in the media.
I'm 77 and can't wait to get to 81/82, because I will certainly make my vote really count.
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16-10-2015, 10:43 AM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
I hope to stay alive to cast my vote to get rid of the Tory party for good.
I've lived under countless Tory and Labour governments and quite frankly all they did was meddle and lie. I intend to die before wasting my time voting.
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16-10-2015, 10:47 AM

Re: "They'll be dead before they vote again"

Nasty thing to say but he is sort of right if they do something early in a parliament chances are many (not just pensioners) will forget who did it when they come to vote again.

IMO all benefits should be means tested not everyone needs all the universal benefits and they should be targeted at those who do need them.

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