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20-10-2015, 11:24 PM

2 poorly pooches

One of my dogs was poorly last weekend. I don't know the cause.

She was laying about like a wet rag for a day or so, then went off her food. That was a bad sign, as she's one of those who is permanently hungry. Her eyes looked dull and she didn't want to do anything.
Eventually, when she went to the loo, she started passing pure blood, then staggered back indoors and flopped down, looking awful.

It ended up with me taking her to the vets, (an out of hours visit). She had a bad smell about her, even her mouth smelled bad, and it never normally does. She stunk the car out!
The vet couldn't find anything obvious, her temperature was normal, her tummy was nice and soft so she had no bloat, but I had to be careful to protect the others as well as her.
She had a couple of injections, no food to be given, and he wanted to see her again on Sunday morning.

On Sunday she wasn't much improved and I began to wonder if she had eaten some garden compost I had treated with a chemical, so on Sunday the vet took blood tests to check her kidneys and liver function, and said he would phone me back when he'd looked at them.

Then, to add to my troubles, when I took her back on the Sunday, I also took another one with me who had suddenly got a bright red angry looking swollen patch nearly 2" across, next to the middle of her spine! It looked a right mess. So I ended up with 2 of them being treated on out of hours prices!! The second one had injections etc and some antibiotics, he thought it looked like it had been an abcess, but I had not seen one developing at all.

When I got back home with them both, I realised I had left the medication behind at the surgery, but my lovely vet called me and said he would drop it off to me on his way home that evening. Bless his heart, what a kind man.

The outcome is, the the blood tests showed no internal damage anywhere, and now they are both on the mend thank goodness. So I don't know what that was all about!

Not looking forward to that bill coming. . .
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20-10-2015, 11:49 PM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Oh Mups what a worry
Minis are susceptible to HGE so I am always wary of bloody diarrhoea if accompanied by vomiting too, it smells absolutely disgusting .

So pleased to hear they are both on the mend
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20-10-2015, 11:52 PM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

And yet ... I bet you're so relieved your furry companions are okay .. you'll pay the bill without flinching. (Well, maybe a little flinch)

Funny .. your first poorly pooch sounded a lot like my own little Jack Russell ... many many years back.
She never got to the passing blood stage. What she had done was eat some fungus growing undetected at the back of the greenhouse.
I was only a piglet at the time so the other details are sketchy. I do know it shot through her, literally, all over the vet when he felt her little tummy.

I bet you're still pondering over the mystery and if there's a connection between your two pooches.

I'm glad they're both recovering. I know how worrisome it can be ...XX
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21-10-2015, 12:00 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Oh my goodness Mups, what a worry it must have been for you. Iīm so glad both of your treasures are on the mend. I hope they donīt get sick again.
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21-10-2015, 06:00 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Its so awful when they are sick because of the language barrier. You cant explain to them why someone is sticking needles in them and they cant say why they feel so awful..

I hope the bill isnt too painful..
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21-10-2015, 06:16 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Can imagine how you felt - just awful for all three of you
Hope today is a much better day x
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21-10-2015, 08:49 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

How scary for you, Mups, I hope your furry patients are recovering well !
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21-10-2015, 09:29 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Hi Mups, my 4 lazy pups are sending love and hugs to yours. I seem to visit the vets at least once a week these days, with the eldest being 15 I think it now comes with the territory. Love and hugs to your pups
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21-10-2015, 09:35 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Oh Mups so sorry to hear that they do worry us at times and occasionally they do baffle the vets, thankfully it sounds like this time everyone will be OK.

Just a thought you haven't get acorns laying around have you ? we had a similar scare few years ago due to a fungi that only grows on fallen acorns, Duncan hadn't even eaten any he just liked picking them up and throwing them in the air but it was enough to make him a very sick boy with very similar symptoms to yours.
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21-10-2015, 09:38 AM

Re: 2 poorly pooches

Glad they are now on the mend, Mups. What a worry, and not knowing the cause.
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