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05-07-2010, 10:28 AM

Retirement? Hah!

Has anyone else found that retiring has not resulted in lots of time to lounge about and admire the roses?
I`m finding I`m busier now than before.
Somewhere between the painting, gardening, DIY, volunteering, outings with friends, dog-walking and training, teaching and helping out I`m sure I must have some leisure time somewhere.....
it`s just that I haven`t noticed it.
So -how`s your well-earned rest going then?
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05-07-2010, 01:55 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

Technically I'm not "retired" yet, I'm permanently unemployed. I reach official retirement age in 10 months.

I've heard comments like "I don't know when I ever had time to work" and laugh. I don't need a lot of activity and have had plenty my first week without work. I've gone to Festivals, waterfalls, rose garden(twice) and yesterday to the coast and Canon Beach, all in a week. I have plans this week to go to Portland Zoo, the Japanese Garden & the Chinese Garden. I need to wash my big motorcycle because my apartment management pressure washed the carport where it's parked and slimed my clean bike.

The weather is supposed to get really hot, around 95F, this week, which, for the Pacific Northwest, is a heat wave. I'll wash the bike then. The only other planned activity is to do laundry. I want to do that today. Ah yes, I must also bring in the scooter for a scheduled service.
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05-07-2010, 08:46 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

Well I'm not retired yet - but I hope to get more in to my day and make the most of it when I am
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06-07-2010, 07:39 AM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

My first year of retirement was hectic doing all of the jobs around the house that had been put aside for another day.
I then made a resolution that any jobs that needed done can be done with someone else, I retired from ALL work.It does help with the employment problems as well.

Since then I have found a lot more time to enjoy the things that I like to do and my wife has found that I am not under her feet as she feared that I would be when I retired.
Yes, time is always short but the quality of life is so much better.
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06-07-2010, 02:45 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

I still hate retirement!! I miss the buzz of working and travelling to and from work - and getting to walk around Glasgow at lunch time spending money I would love to have!!

On the other hand, I now get to spend time with my parrots and of course I can give all the attention to Loki!

My days fly in and I wonder where they have gone to!
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07-07-2010, 08:32 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

Love retirement-I do what I want, when I want, and if I don't want to do anything then I don't....just like to day, except for walking with the Hatti girl of course!

Have a few 'projects' on the go, but am pacing myself doing them-no rush as I have all the time in the world and I have given up clock-watching as well.........
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07-07-2010, 08:53 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

I rode into my old workplace this morning to fill out my timecard for the last time. You see Intel is paying all those who made it to plant shutdown the entire month of July, full pay, full benefits. In addition upon going through the stack of company emails I spotted one that also adds an additional $1,000 bonus for reaching production goals ahead of schedule. Yippee!

For lunch today I pan fried cubed boneless chicken breast chunks in olive oil along with freshly cubed mushrooms and green onions. I added this hot mixture over a salad bowl containing raw celery, tomato, cucumber, sweet onion & orange bell peppers. I topped the whole mixture with olive oil & vinegar Italian dressing. Now that's retirement!

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07-07-2010, 09:46 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

I'm struggling a bit with this retirement thing. I finished work last September and cannot get used to the idea that my time is now my own. I feel guilty when I please myself. Sad person that I am I cannot relax about it at all. It doesn't seem right.

Does anybody else feel the same? Its driving me potty.
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07-07-2010, 11:09 PM

Re: Retirement? Hah!

You shouldn't feel guilty Aerolor.....think of all the time you have worked and tell yourself that you deserve 'me time' now and enjoy doing what you want, when you want.......

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