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27-05-2016, 11:25 AM

Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles


We seem to have done it again, scored another own goal

It is our decision to have these stupid rules, nothing to do with anyone else.

We have Ramadan starting in 10 days, ISIS are encouraging Lone Wolf attacks during Ramadan and this is not going to help.

Personally I see no reason why any DNA Sample should ever be deleted.
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27-05-2016, 11:42 AM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

It could have been done on purpose by someone planted in the profile department.
Strange how, if a member of the public is investigated they can seize computers and find deleted files, surely they can do this and why weren't the files backed up.
Two copies of important files at least should be kept surely.
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27-05-2016, 12:03 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

It is beyond stupid, yet again someone not doing their job properly...

Total lack of organisation, surely terrorism suspects warrant a special a file of their own not to be deleted even on death because of possible DNA retrospective links to crimes.
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27-05-2016, 12:28 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

Don't be saps people.

It's virtually impossible for data like this to just "disappear". IT systems have been in place for many many years now and Disaster Recovery and routine backups are an integral part of all IT systems. Don't let the media propaganda machine make you believe otherwise.

If you don't believe me just try getting your own name and address and other personal details totally removed from any IT system. It's just not possible because there are always backup tapes and drives all over the place.

This is a clear "pretend" deliberate removal of data doubtless caused by the "villains" pressuring the police, government and/or their families. One can only feel that a 9/11 style event is being set up here in the UK and, just as in the USA, purposely allowed to happen. This is how the global agenda achieves its goals. Create/allow a catastrophe, come in with response teams, take over, put in place new leadership etc.

The citizens of the UK will not volunteer for personal tagging like some criminal on parole. So they will create an event, make it look like terrorists did it, and then complain that they are helpless to prevent such events because there is no effective ID system in the UK. On the back of that we will all be required to have an RFID chip installed beneath the skin in our hands as well as having our DNA sampled and logged in a National database.
It is a crooked world, and sadly we are just chaff to be exploited.
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27-05-2016, 12:33 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

Yep, that's what I said but less wordy
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27-05-2016, 12:38 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Yep, that's what I said but less wordy
Yep but the point is, that no single person can achieve the complete deletion of information. One system Administrator could delete an entry in the current database but he/she would not gain entry into the Data Centre which will be located some miles away and guarded by various security measures. You have to be clocked in and out of Data Centres and you only get in in the first place if you have a valid reason to be there and have the required clearance.

Even when I worked on government contracts for people like NHS, BAE Systems I had to have various National Clearance Checks just to work on the contract at all let alone be allowed to go to a Data Centre and get in the door. In fact you can't even get into the IT office where other staff are working on such contracts without having clearance (e.g. simple helpdesk staff, service management staff and so on).

So this is just a smoke screen to dupe the ignorant masses. There is no way that this DNA info has been totally erased. What they are doing is announcing that they are going to pretend that they don't know who the "terrorists" are when the inevitable "event" is allowed to occur.

It is yet one more clear signal to the wise that it is coming and that you should be prepared for it, with a decent supply of long term food stocks and good methods for purifying your own water when your taps start spurting contaminated liquid.
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27-05-2016, 12:46 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

Ah, that's sneaky!
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27-05-2016, 01:41 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

Originally Posted by TessA ->
It could have been done on purpose by someone planted in the profile department.
Strange how, if a member of the public is investigated they can seize computers and find deleted files, surely they can do this and why weren't the files backed up.
Two copies of important files at least should be kept surely.
Yes that was my first thought too.
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27-05-2016, 02:34 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles


The reasons for the mess up are detailed here.

It is not a conspiracy, just incompetence, a duff IT System and resource issues.

Even if all the stuff could be recovered it would be inadmissible in evidence.

The issue would not have arisen were it not for the rules Parliament introduced for the retention and destruction of DNA, Fingerprints etc.

There are hundreds of offences, which, if you are convicted, will result in your DNA and fingerprints being retained.

If however you are picked up, for example, for arriving back from Syria and meeting a few known ISIS supporters and are not convicted within a set timescale, your Biometric information is destroyed unless someone jumps through hoops to keep it.

It is, to my mind, a somewhat bizarre system.

That is just my view, but then I would have ID Cards as well and I know many are totally opposed to them.
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27-05-2016, 03:57 PM

Re: Another Mess_ Deleted DNA Profiles

It is nothing more than a political game Swim. It's a bunch of people basically complaining at lack of resources, funding, investment in IT and so on. It's just a rod to beat the government with. But it is all utter BS.

The data was entered into CT databases and sat there until 2016.

There is no way, not any chance at all, that all that data could suddenly disappear. As I said before, an Administrator could delete data from the online database but he could not trot off to the local data centre, get his car past the car park barriers, get himself through the locked doors to the building, get himself into the equally locked and alarmed security doors of the server rooms and certainly could never gain entrance to the huge fireproof safe in which all the scheduled backups will reside which contain all the data of all databases on a nightly, weekly and monthly basis going back many months if not years ! There are always data retention policies particularly with government contracts.

This is just a smoke and mirrors campaign. The data is there, it still exists, it can be recovered should they so choose. They are either making a political statement and looking for public support so they can get more funding or they are making a public statement to pacify blackmailing terrorists.
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