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02-12-2016, 07:35 PM

Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

AKA the Snoopers Charter.

Kiss goodbye to your online privacy - from now on, all UK ISPs must keep a record of all the sites and services you visit/use online. These will be accessible by all sorts of 'govt agencies' including The Food Standards Agency and several NHS departments/trusts

It will not have any impact on terrorists because they will simply use a VPN (virtual private network) which anyone can get for free or buy at a cost of just a few quid per month. These use encryption and do not keep any logs.

BBC info:

It gets worse. This information will (not if, but at some point will) get hacked - so if you think identity theft is bad now, brace yourselves - because this will be 100 times worse

It's quite disgusting really, how the govt treat us sometimes; this has been brought in under the premise of terrorism, yet they know full well it will have zero impact on it.

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02-12-2016, 07:49 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

It may be 32 years than George Orwell's fictional prediction..
but Big Brother is definitely watching
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02-12-2016, 07:50 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Well Azz, if they look at the sites I visit they will either go cross-eyed or doze off with boredom as they scroll through because all they will see are mainly over50sforum, ebay and google documents where I usually cut and paste to over50'sforum.They are more likely to think I should get a life
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02-12-2016, 09:27 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Oh dear. Mental note to stop visiting that porn site.

Seriously, though, all those highly paid civil servants making a cock up again. Didn't they waste millions on an NHS computer system that doesn't work? Perhaps this is an inevitable consequence of Blair's dumbing down policy.
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02-12-2016, 10:37 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

I am worried that I might get a knock on the door, and get accused of something or somewhere I have not done or been.
Care of the cock up that their system does.
I have proof that this has been going on for years. Snooping into emails and such.
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02-12-2016, 11:10 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Lots of naivety in this thread

Originally Posted by Azz ->
Kiss goodbye to your online privacy - from now on, all UK ISPs must keep a record of all the sites and services you visit/use online.
Seriously do you imagine that your internet usage isn't already being recorded and tracked? It most surely has been for a long time.

Originally Posted by Azz ->
It will not have any impact on terrorists because they will simply use a VPN (virtual private network) which anyone can get for free or buy at a cost of just a few quid per month. These use encryption and do not keep any logs.
VPN companies know who is connecting to their services. You have to register and for some you have to pay so obviously they know who you are. Do their systems maintain logs of when you used the system? Of course they do. Is your traffic recorded? Of course it is.

The internet is essentially a global network of servers whose traffic is all routed through a ton of hardware boxes (routers etc) which conglomerate CISCO founded and mostly own.

Who do you imagine controls those boxes?

VPN companies, ISPs are totally irrelevant. All the data goes through the black boxes and all the data has some form of identification. We would be fools, real fools to think that the intelligence agencies haven't been scanning and recording that traffic for years imo.
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02-12-2016, 11:35 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

You just need a clean potentiometer.
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03-12-2016, 07:16 AM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Originally Posted by Realist ->
VPN companies know who is connecting to their services. You have to register and for some you have to pay so obviously they know who you are. Do their systems maintain logs of when you used the system? Of course they do. Is your traffic recorded? Of course it is.

You've done it again - talking bollocks.

The point of reputable VPN companies is that they don't log their traffic so you connect through countries which don't require them to keep logs (eg Switzerland)

Your connection is a combination of ID and Password which only work in combination (rather like your Visacard number and expiry date) so no local record is needed. These companies guarantee that they don't keep logs; their reputation would be ratshit if anyone was prosecuted because they did.

As for tracing payment there are plenty of ways of disguising that - most VPN companies offer payment this way.

It is possible to work out who is using what by watching in and out signals to a VPN service over time but the massive computing power involved makes it not worth the effort, especially for users that come and go frequently or route their traffic through several hosts.

The key is to read the privacy policy of your VPN company.
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03-12-2016, 03:57 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Sorry Brucie boy but if you are going to put faith in the spiel of companies selling services then that's your look out.

Here's a section of the T&Cs of a VPN service (NordVPN):

"Criminal Activity – any client who commits any of these criminal actions: use of stolen credit cards, credit card fraud, PayPal fraud, bank fraud, e-gold fraud, Paysera fraud, WebMoney fraud, Bitcoin fraud, mail fraud, extortion, blackmail, kidnapping, rape, murder, sale of stolen credit cards, sale of stolen goods, sending email or operating websites to perform identity theft, hacking, pharming, phishing, spamming of any form on, in or through our service using our resources leaves with a terminated account."

One is given to wonder, if the VPN service is so anonymous and not tracked, how could they possibly know whether someone was engaging in these activities? Equally, if they detected such activities, how could they know which user account was responsible in order to terminate it?

The terms go on to say:

"We do not fulfill any information request UNLESS it comes with a court order of competent jurisdiction. We are and will always protect your privacy."

So basically saying, they will generally maintain your privacy BUT if the law asks for the info, then they will give it.

I post the above, not because I am a criminal looking for ways to hide my activities, but simply as examples of why no VPN service can ever be anonymous. It's all just terminology and playing with words.

Aside from all of that the more important issue remains, that of the actual Hardware of the Internet itself. Millions of CICSO routers and "Black boxes" that everything goes through. Who controls those? Who is programing them? How much of the traffic is monitored and recorded? Probably all of it. Nothing any VPN service can do about that, all providers inc ISPs and VPN outfits are using that equipment. You can no more avoid it than you could prevent BT from snooping in on everyone's telephone calls as they passed through their equipment. You just have it on faith that they or someone else isn't doing so.

Sure the VPN companies encrypt their traffic so anything intercepted through black boxes is encrypted. I tend to believe that this is no guarantee and that any traffic could be traced back to its source if someone so desired.
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03-12-2016, 07:22 PM

Re: Internet surveillance law comes in this week - and will not prevent terrorism!

Originally Posted by Azz ->
AKA the Snoopers Charter.

Kiss goodbye to your online privacy -
No such thing.

How do you know it wont stop a terriost attack.

Has in the past and has led to a conviction.

How about this then.

3 girls over time in Vegas robbed Vic Secrets of over $10k in knickers.

The proof that led to their arrests was they tried to sell their ill gotten gains on Facebook.
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