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15-03-2018, 01:30 PM

Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

One of my daughter’s called in to see me this morning.

She said, after visiting me on Sunday for Mother’s Day, she, her husband and children called in to see his parents for Mother’s Day. The parent’s other son and partner were there too.

Now my son in law parents are quite sort of serious types, the father is a retired Architect and the mother a retired school teacher. They are both 70 years old.

Whilst there, their other son’s partner said something a bit smutty, to which the mother blurted out......
‘John and l were at it last night’!

Well, my daughter said she was a little shocked that she could say such a thing to them and as she told me, l could see the ‘yucky’ look of distaste in her face!

So l ask, is it ok for parents to talk about their sex life in front of their children?

Why do some children think it is disgusting for older people to have a sex life?
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15-03-2018, 01:44 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

I can see no reason why a parent would want to tell their adult children when they had sex, but I do feel that many families treat sex like a dirty subject that shouldn't be mentioned.

I have always felt that, if parents were less embarrassed and talked about sex openly, with their kids, it would be better.
Young children could benefit from being able to ask questions about sex, and I am sure that parents would be able to give better advice than what they hear from others at school.

Almost everybody has sex, so why do we always treat it as a dirty, secretive subject?
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15-03-2018, 01:50 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I can see no reason why a parent would want to tell their adult children when they had sex, but I do feel that many families treat sex like a dirty subject that shouldn't be mentioned.

I have always felt that, if parents were less embarrassed and talked about sex openly, with their kids, it would be better.
Young children could benefit from being able to ask questions about sex, and I am sure that parents would be able to give better advice than what they hear from others at school.

Almost everybody has sex, so why do we always treat it as a dirty, secretive subject?
Twink, it’s not a dirty subject at all....only when you don’t want to hear that your parents do it!

I think it’s the over 30’s children that find it distasteful? They don’t want to know!
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15-03-2018, 01:51 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I can see no reason why a parent would want to tell their adult children when they had sex, but I do feel that many families treat sex like a dirty subject that shouldn't be mentioned.

I have always felt that, if parents were less embarrassed and talked about sex openly, with their kids, it would be better.
Young children could benefit from being able to ask questions about sex, and I am sure that parents would be able to give better advice than what they hear from others at school.

Almost everybody has sex, so why do we always treat it as a dirty, secretive subject?

Excellent post, Twink ! I agree with you.
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15-03-2018, 01:55 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

I agree that many kids don't seem to like the thought of their parents having a loving sex life, but on the other hand, another way of looking at it is, perhaps it's the children at fault, not the parents?
Why don't the offspring smile and think to themselves "Good luck to you Mum, hope I'll still feel the same when I'm your age."
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15-03-2018, 02:35 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Twink, it’s not a dirty subject at all....only when you don’t want to hear that your parents do it!

I think it’s the over 30’s children that find it distasteful? They don’t want to know!
As I said,

"I can see no reason why a parent would want to tell their adult children when they had sex"

but maybe the over 30's would not find it so distasteful if they had lived in a era where sex was normal everyday conversation. We can't change the past but I hope that people will change the future by not being so embarrassed about sex!
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15-03-2018, 02:45 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
One of my daughter’s called in to see me this morning.

She said, after visiting me on Sunday for Mother’s Day, she, her husband and children called in to see his parents for Mother’s Day. The parent’s other son and partner were there too.

Now my son in law parents are quite sort of serious types, the father is a retired Architect and the mother a retired school teacher. They are both 70 years old.

Whilst there, their other son’s partner said something a bit smutty, to which the mother blurted out......
‘John and l were at it last night’!

Well, my daughter said she was a little shocked that she could say such a thing to them and as she told me, l could see the ‘yucky’ look of distaste in her face!

So l ask, is it ok for parents to talk about their sex life in front of their children?

Why do some children think it is disgusting for older people to have a sex life?
Good grief, my kids would have died if my husband and I had ever mentioned something that personal to them, just as I would have died if my parents had talked about theirs! Surely what goes on between two people in that regard is between them, and not to be discussed with others.
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15-03-2018, 02:49 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

I'm not having sex with the subject would never arise
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15-03-2018, 03:09 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

It would be a very short conversation....
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15-03-2018, 03:12 PM

Re: Would You Mention Your Sex Life In Front Of Your Children?

I have absolutely no idea how me and my brothers came into this world .
My mother probaby never uttered the word sex in her entire life and would switch the TV off if any talk involving anything child birth etc came on .
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