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02-03-2012, 07:23 PM


cyclists ignoring a red light, it makes me maaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!
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03-03-2012, 07:51 PM

Re: Cyclists.

Hilary I am afraid many cyclists are in a world of their own, the 'usual rules for road users ' don't seem to apply to them.

I give them a wide berth, I have nightmares about their wheels going 'ping ping ping' under my car wheels
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03-03-2012, 08:00 PM

Re: Cyclists.

It's a funny thing but cyclists seem to believe they are superior to us pedestrian mortals and that everyone else should always give way to them. Our favourite woodland tracks have now become the new playground for lycra clad lunatics zooming through the undergrowth and cursing anyone who happens to get in their way. It always seems that pedestrians have to get out of their way and not visa versa...absolute ignorant pigs most of them...
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04-03-2012, 02:36 AM

Re: Cyclists.

are they legally allowed to cycle on the pavements? I often have to dodge them in the town centre! I understand if they're in rural areas but in a built up area they should use the road imo
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04-03-2012, 03:15 AM

Re: Cyclists.

No Honey, it is illegal to ride any kind of cycle on the pavement anywhere, and that includes children's bicycles, believe it or not.

This subject came up on another forum years ago and a lady took the trouble of phoning the police to get the low down on this and ALL two wheeled vehicles are not allowed to ride the pavements.

Back in the 50s, mum and dad bought me my first two-wheeler and I rode down the pavement, only to run into a Policeman for gawd's sake. He told me that I had to ride it on the road, and not the pavement.

That law hasn't changed and of course, they are subject to the same rules of the road as a motorist as far as traffic lights are concerned.

I've seen bikes whizzing down our road at work which is a one way street, the wrong way.
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04-03-2012, 03:19 AM

Re: Cyclists.

thanks Mollie,it happens so often around town but they still get away with it, as pedestrians we can't do much unless there's a police presence to complain to but I guess the offenders have to be caught in the act which seldom happens
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04-03-2012, 08:20 AM

Re: Cyclists.

I always feel the bitter pill in cyclists and the hazard they cause is the total and complete lack of interest they create with the authorities.

I am so bored of hearing about cyclist fatalities and injuries on our argument is that if this is such a cause for concern, why not simply have a little enforcement of the highway code? If cyclists were required to carry endorseable driving licences, I sometimes think the accident rate would plummet because there would be an instant incentive for the police to pull over all the pavement riders, those with no lights (including those pathetic tiny invisible flashing lights), those who refuse to ride on cycle paths (use should be compulsory), riders in pedestrianised areas, red light runners, restricted turn busters....this list goes on.

The reality is, the police aren't interested because any conviction doesn't score highly enough on their stats. I can't count how many times I have seen a cyclist nearly hit by a car because of their own suicidal riding and I would find it very hard to have sympathy with anyone who (for example) just steamed through a red light and then gets flattened by a car (which would always be the car driver's fault!!).

When it comes to cyclists and the law, there is too much of a "I'll get away with it because I can" and "So what and who cares?" attitude, which then leads to "I'll do whatever I like".

I even remember once of driving past a mobile tripod mounted speed camera late at night. As I was passing, a cyclist passed the three coppers manning the trap, on the pavement, no lights and on the wrong side of the road. They just stepped out of his way and let him carry on. Obviously, a case of the police not interested in road safety and looking for the 'quick bust' of the motorist.

Incidentally, I was a cyclist for many years and never once broke a red light and made sure I was always road worthy.
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04-03-2012, 10:10 AM

Re: Cyclists.

Originally Posted by Honey ->
are they legally allowed to cycle on the pavements? I often have to dodge them in the town centre! I understand if they're in rural areas but in a built up area they should use the road imo
No Honey darlin' they're not allowed to ride on the pavement and since my own mobility is somewhat suspect, I carry a walking stick. One of these days some ignorant cyclist near me on the pavement is going to discover my walking stick poked through his front spokes.
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04-03-2012, 10:44 AM

Re: Cyclists.

Oh Dear.....and there's me just dug my bike out the shed for the spring.
Uncle Joe
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04-03-2012, 10:58 AM

Re: Cyclists.

Originally Posted by White Raven ->
Oh Dear.....and there's me just dug my bike out the shed for the spring.
Raven darlin' you're maybe 400 miles away from me and providing you stay on the road or the cycle tracks which Brighton City Council have built at enormous expense which some cyclists never use, you are perfectly safe.
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