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27-06-2012, 05:38 AM

It's Wonderful Wednesday.

This was taken out in the countryside near Stuttgart in Germany. I managed to mow my lawns yesterday started to rain. Could this monsoon have anything to do with the nation repeatedly singing "long to rain over us " a couple of weeks ago ?
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27-06-2012, 06:54 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Morning all...

Hope everyone has a nice day. I'm still stuck indoors hobbling around on cruches and have to suffer daytime TV for my sins.

Have a good one all...
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27-06-2012, 07:21 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Morning Alan, Graham and all who grace these pages later...

Cloudy but warm this morning so it looks like a few hours in the garden and a trip to the tip is on the agenda for today. I'm cooking salmon and spinach quiche for lunch with new spuds and mange tout from the garden...yum yum..

Nice picture Alan, and good to see that you're on the mend Graham, but watch your brain doesn't turn to mush with all of that TV...

Enjoy your day folks and hey, let's be careful out there.

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27-06-2012, 09:44 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Good morning fellow members dull and warm today but not too bad.

Graham it's good to know you are up and about . I hope you see a bit of improvement with your walking in each day which passes.

I am trying to catch up on the cleaning, toddlers leave little fingerprints on just about every surface.

My son is coming for lunch so I need to get my skates on
Have a pleasant day everyone...
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27-06-2012, 09:47 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Morning everyone
Anyother warm but dull day here today.
Another day at work today but hopefully as long as it stays nice tonight will go out for a long walk
Enjoy your day all
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27-06-2012, 10:29 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Morning All,
What a beautiful photo.
I am very proud of myself this morning as I have come from being someone so phobic of dentists I couldn't even talk to a dental receptionist on the phone to someone who has just this morning had the biggest and most deep rooted tooth in her head out with just a local anesthetic and no sedation.
It may not be a big deal to many, but for me it was huge.
I had a sleepless night worrying and my stomach was doing sumersaults and my heart racing at 100mph and I nearly backed out when I got there, but its done and it honestly wasn't that bad at all.
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27-06-2012, 10:32 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Sunset at Irvine beach, Ayrshire

Good Morning All Started raining yesterday afternoon and hasn't stopped since! It was heavy Scotch mist early this morning - couldn't see down the drive!

That's a stunning photo, Alan. Love the reflections on the water. Many thanks for sharing.

Hope you get out and about soon, Graham!

Hope everyone will enjoy a good day today.

Take care and stay safe - guid fowk are scarce
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27-06-2012, 10:57 AM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Good morning everybody and what a wet wet wet one it is too!! Met my friends on the marsh this morning so ended up walking a bit further than I would normally if raining, so still drying off

Got loads off paperwork to do today and really should try and get my hair cut as its looking very scruffy at the moment

Pleased to hear you are up and about Graham and well done Madmare for going to the dentist. I should take a leaf out of your book

Lovely photos Alan and Rosemary.

Enjoy the rest of the day folks
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27-06-2012, 12:55 PM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Good morning all. It's supposed to be sunny and dry today with the high temperature around 27C. That's about as good as it gets here. It's just one nice day before it's back to rain and cooler weather. It rarely gets actually hot and there is relatively low humidity to it's quite nice.

I'm getting into my new routine of giving myself insulin shots. It's a very small dosage with a long acting variety of insulin. I take it first thing in the morning just as if it were one of my prescription pill medications. I suppose you can get used to anything. Labs are to be drawn to see how I'm doing in about 3 weeks. Crossing my fingers that all is back to normal.

I visited Jack the cat yesterday. His owner is out of country for a few days so my cat sitting duties apply. I'm glad I visited because Jack was completely out of food. He also craved a pet so I provided both before settling on the carpeted living room floor for this snap. He's such a docile kitty that he loves to pose for me.

Have a great day all!

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27-06-2012, 02:16 PM

Re: It's Wonderful Wednesday.

Hello everyone occasional showers but quite warm here.

Graham, it's good to hear you are starting to move around again....albeit on crutches. I don't envy you watching daytime TV .....except when Wimbledon is on!

Bev, well done for going to the dentist....I'm pleased to hear that having that tooth out wasn't as bad as you first imagined.

Lovely photos again folks!
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