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24-09-2017, 02:46 AM

Women and attire

I began wondering about women's obsession with clothing, shoes, hand-bags, cosmetics and jewelry many years ago. More, more, always more. Never enough.

Before beginning I wish to state with absolute clarity that I do NOT speak about ALL women. There are exceptions to anything.

When my wife and I moved into our new house, she immediately took sole possession of the 8 foot wide closet in the master bedroom. I, however, was limited to a narrow 3 foot wide closet, which truthfully, was more than ample.
Every month my wife would disappear into the fashion mall, not to be seen again until exhaustion had set in. On such days she would finally show up at home loaded down with enough feminine fashion to outfit a small crowd of females.

I always knew what would soon happen --- fashion show.
Being a dutiful husband I gave up any attempt to read a book or watch a game on the TV and gave her my undivided attention.

Special note to men: This is definitely NOT the time for honesty. With an absolutely straight face, you must lie through your teeth. When she asks, "Does this dress make me look fat?" The ONLY acceptable answer is, "No honey. Not at all" Woe betide any man who says, "It's not the dress that's making you look fat" No matter how silly looking the clothing, laughter will result in you sleeping on the couch for several weeks.
When it comes to fashion, even the most level-headed, intelligent, woman, is not to be trusted.
A year or so ago, the famous actress Demi Moore was out at some evening event and when she returned to her hotel suite all of her clothing had been stolen. The following day when the insurance adjuster arrived Miss Moore reported the value of the stolen clothing to be $260,000. I'm sure she was telling the truth, but $260 K ? Just in clothes? And that was just what she had taken on the road with her. God knows how much more clothing was at home.
You may recall Imelda Marcos, wife of the president of The Philippines, had 2,000 pairs of shoes.

It would appear, to this man, that the amount of clothing, shoes, hand-bags, cosmetics and jewelry that a woman owns is limited ONLY by the amount of money she has access to.

I ask this mostly in humorous jest. But I also would really like to know. So, what say you ? What's up with this ?
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24-09-2017, 06:49 AM

Re: Women and attire

Why do men want to slump into chairs and watch tedious games on the TV?
Preferably with a beer can in one hand and the remote in the other ?
Thus forcing their bored spouses to take to shopping malls for entertainment ?
Note not speaking about all males no doubt there are the exceptions who are both active and interesting
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24-09-2017, 07:04 AM

Re: Women and attire

I'm an exception to that....I don't hog the remote, I don't drink at home, I don't sit scratching my balls.....,but I do love clothes, especially the clingy summer dresses/skirts....the freedom is wonderful.
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24-09-2017, 07:15 AM

Re: Women and attire

Well I hate clothes shopping. But I do have a lot of clothes because as a woman you have to wear different things for different occasions, but most men wear a fairly standard "uniform" of shirt and trousers or a suit. So for men clothes shopping isn't that challenging.

The other thing is that women dress for other women just as much as they do for men. Whereas men's fashions don't change too much, women's fashions change regularly.

There was a time when men spent just as much time dressing up.
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24-09-2017, 07:15 AM

Re: Women and attire

it is quite true that most women have acquired too many clothes including myself.many of us keep beautifully made clothes that no longer fit us;

Years ago a when many fashions were made in UK, a wardrobe consisted of three of each garment, coats dresses, skirts, tops cardigans etc, one for work, one for best, and one spare, and it was very easy to dress.

Now we have a more social way of living and the media and constantly tell us we need a different out for for every occasion or we will look frumpy Also fashion changes and we must were the latest fashion which often does not suit everyone.

The present uniform seems to be tops with black leggings and if you have skinny legs it can make you look like Max Wall.

Also in this throw away society, younger generation prefer to but Cheap and cheerful and bin them after use.

If money is now object you can buy designer clothes as you are expected to were a different outfit daily.

Unless men are vain they need fewer clothes and usually buy well made suits that last for years.

Yes we have got too many shoes which we love to look at but never wear.

Does it make us happy? Well momentarily, but we do like to look our best especially for our spouses/partners .

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24-09-2017, 07:18 AM

Re: Women and attire

I blame the men who have for so many years run the fashion industry and the womens magazines.

For decades they have told us be thin, wear this, wear that, cut your hair so, colour thus.... This elite group have dominated womens lives and controlled them like a puppet master does his puppets.

We stuff ourselves into impossible shoes because they makes out legs look longer and our bum look pert and for what? so that other men will find us attractive and other women will accept or be jealous of us . (depending which group you belong to)

Wearing the same dress at an event twice leaves you open to ridicule and assumptions that you are too poor or cheap to buy a new outfit.

Pick up any womans magazine , on one page it will tell you to love yourself and be happy on the next it will give you a crash diet to loose an extra dress size. the message is, to be happy you must be thin.

Oh and then theres body hair and smells, we should always smell like something we are not, sultry temptress or spring flower and body hair is to be removed as soon as it dare sprout ..and removed in any painful manner men can think of from wax to epilady (ripping hair by the roots) of vile smelling creams... we will be smooth and silky because we are told that how nice ladies are, only trogs and cave dwellers are hairy mary's..

No wonder women are confused. We are brainwashed into self doubt and the desire to please, to please the fashion puppet masters , the men in our lives , the other puppet women..

We go to silly lengths to try to achive this goal , we starve ourselves life long , we squeeze into shoes that damage our feet so that in old age we need surgical intervention and we wear clothes that restict our movement and functioning ability (I dare a man to do anything practical in womens dresses, shoes and tights!) .

Sadly until we break free and cut the strings of oppression you men will just have to get used to the wardrobe war..
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24-09-2017, 07:48 AM

Re: Women and attire

Originally Posted by Cass ->
I blame the men who have for so many years run the fashion industry and the womens magazines.

For decades they have told us be thin, wear this, wear that, cut your hair so, colour thus.... This elite group have dominated womens lives and controlled them like a puppet master does his puppets.

We stuff ourselves into impossible shoes because they makes out legs look longer and our bum look pert and for what? so that other men will find us attractive and other women will accept or be jealous of us . (depending which group you belong to)

Wearing the same dress at an event twice leaves you open to ridicule and assumptions that you are too poor or cheap to buy a new outfit.

Pick up any womans magazine , on one page it will tell you to love yourself and be happy on the next it will give you a crash diet to loose an extra dress size. the message is, to be happy you must be thin.

Oh and then theres body hair and smells, we should always smell like something we are not, sultry temptress or spring flower and body hair is to be removed as soon as it dare sprout ..and removed in any painful manner men can think of from wax to epilady (ripping hair by the roots) of vile smelling creams... we will be smooth and silky because we are told that how nice ladies are, only trogs and cave dwellers are hairy mary's..

No wonder women are confused. We are brainwashed into self doubt and the desire to please, to please the fashion puppet masters , the men in our lives , the other puppet women..

We go to silly lengths to try to achive this goal , we starve ourselves life long , we squeeze into shoes that damage our feet so that in old age we need surgical intervention and we wear clothes that restict our movement and functioning ability (I dare a man to do anything practical in womens dresses, shoes and tights!) .

Sadly until we break free and cut the strings of oppression you men will just have to get used to the wardrobe war..
That makes Guy's "Sports Cars" look pretty tame, at least they can claim, they a partially mourning the loss of their youth, something slightly less shallow.
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24-09-2017, 07:55 AM

Re: Women and attire

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
That makes Guy's "Sports Cars" look pretty tame, at least they can claim, they a partially mourning the loss of their youth, something slightly less shallow.
A sports car will transport you from A to B too those daft shoes cant even be walked in properly..

My neighbour went to a wedding last month , she tottered out to the car like a flamingo on ice skates but waved and said dont worry its a sit down do !

Seriously what use are shoes that you cant walk in?

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24-09-2017, 08:00 AM

Re: Women and attire

I am not that interested in buying clothes Bakerman, but tis true many women are.
A well written and amusing post you have written.
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24-09-2017, 08:38 AM

Re: Women and attire

Hello Azure,
Thank you for your well thought-out. lucid, intelligent reply. It made perfect sense to me.
A follow-up question if I may ? When you said women often wear an outfit as much for women as for men, could you please expand on that a bit more. I am genuinely interested.
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