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25-02-2019, 12:22 PM

EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Well, Well, The Chickens are coming home to roost for the EU’s poodles in the Irish Republic. This from Joe Barnes, Brussels Correspondent Daily Express.

They chose their bedfellows and below is their thanks.


IRELAND has been warned it faces the difficult choice between implementing a hard border or being forced out of the EU’s single market in an unprecedented move to protect the bloc from a no-deal Brexit.

Dublin will be forced to make the tough choice if Britain quits the EU without a deal, according to a number of EU figures.
The European Commission sparked fury from Ireland after declaring Dublin would have to implement a hard border in the event of a no-deal Brexit. After significant protests from Dublin, which involved a heated debate between Leo Varadkar and Jean-Claude Juncker, Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, suggested “operational solutions” would have to be found in order to prevent a hardening of the border”.0

But now high-ranking MEPs have hardened their position, insisting the single market must not be compromised, even to maintain peace on the island of Ireland.

Elmar Brok, a German MEP with close ties to Angela Merkel, insisted that if Ireland failed to police its own borders, the EU would have to take its own protectionist action.

“We would have to set up a customs border with Ireland” the German said. He also warned that if Brussels didn’t make the demands then “we will soon have American chlorine chicken in the EU”. He said: The defence of the internal market is the basis of our economic success in Germany. If we destroy the Single Market, the EU is finished”.

Manfred Weber, another German MEP, who is also vying to become the next European Commission, said that Brussels must not be “blackmailed” over the Irish border.

“The internal market is essential for the EU”, he said. “We continue to hang in a vacuum, lacking a clear message for the British”.

Phillipe Lamberts, a Belgian MEP and a member of the EU Parliament’s Brexit Steering Group, warned that refusing to implement a hard border would give the British an “open door” into the bloc’s single market. “The British would have a 500km backdoor into the single market” he warned.
“If Ireland refuses to protect the border with Northern Ireland after a hard Brexit, we wsould have to relocate the customs border to the Continent”>

Mr Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, has previously suggested that checks could be carried out in ports in France and the Netherlands in order to keep them away from the border in a no-deal Brexit.


The rest of the article just goes on about future meetings and Varadkar refusing to hold bilateral talks with Britain.

But… How predictable! I sincerely only hope Remainers can see to what extent the EU will go to protect its “Project”, even to the point of starting a war!!! They tried it in the Ukraine and now it’s Ireland’s turn. Hope Ireland now realise who their friends are, and it’s not the bureaucrats in the EU. They were warned. Ireland, just like Greece, were told to accept the terms of the EU bailout or get kicked out, now they are doing the same to Ireland. The EU don’t give a stuff about them or their welfare. It’s all about them and always has been. So much for Brussel’s comments recently of “The EU 27 are all Irish”.
Maybe now the ROI will realise that the EU have been playing them like a fiddle.
This is what they get when they have thick planks running the Country.

What say you?
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25-02-2019, 12:27 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Just shows what a complete sewer the EU is.

Glad we will be out of that
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25-02-2019, 12:39 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

There is so much 'spin' coming from all sides no one can know anything for certain except nothing is certain .

In the last 24 hours I have heard all kind of actions mentioned including extending article 50 until 2021 which will have every sane person screaming at the uncertainty.

I am not a betting woman but guess we will see a deal get through at the 11th hour.
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25-02-2019, 12:40 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

It just goes to show that it is the EU only that is threatening the GFA. They have used the ROI as a useful tool all along in their endeavour to stop us leaving. It hasn't helped that they have another useful tool in charge by the name of Varadkar to do it's bidding.
Now the inhabitants of both sides on the island can see just what the EU really think about their usefulness when it comes to their sacrosanct single market and no deal. Nothing! The ROI will have fulfilled their needs and will be willingly sacrificed if necessary.

By the way, notice how Germany concentrates on its own needs and wants in the event of a no deal? what about the other 26 nations? no mention of them in its statements.
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25-02-2019, 01:22 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
It just goes to show that it is the EU only that is threatening the GFA. They have used the ROI as a useful tool all along in their endeavour to stop us leaving. It hasn't helped that they have another useful tool in charge by the name of Varadkar to do it's bidding.
Now the inhabitants of both sides on the island can see just what the EU really think about their usefulness when it comes to their sacrosanct single market and no deal. Nothing! The ROI will have fulfilled their needs and will be willingly sacrificed if necessary.

By the way, notice how Germany concentrates on its own needs and wants in the event of a no deal? what about the other 26 nations? no mention of them in its statements.

The 27 are realising that the EU Council are just glorified civil servants who have nothing to lose. There is nothing they can do to get rid of them. It's the 27 that will pick up the tab for their stupidity.

Expect the 27 to start talking directly with us.
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25-02-2019, 01:59 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!


The Express and Fake News again.

Varadkar is the one pushing it and the one who has said he will veto any deal without a backstop.

There will have to be a Border as we are leaving the Single Market.

Varadkar does not want it in Ireland, the DUP do not want it in the Irish Sea and we are piggy in the middle.
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25-02-2019, 07:39 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Originally Posted by Bread ->
The 27 are realising that the EU Council are just glorified civil servants who have nothing to lose. There is nothing they can do to get rid of them. It's the 27 that will pick up the tab for their stupidity.

Expect the 27 to start talking directly with us.
I'm sure that will prove to be the case - in time.

The EU will begin to come apart at the seams pretty soon, as the member countries have been watching events and I can't imagine that many people will be impressed with the EU's activities ever since we voted to leave.

The EU dictators have been shooting themselves in the foot.

In addition to that, assuming of course that Mrs Mayday doesn't get her way re. her inane attempts at pushing her half-baked 'deal' that nobody wants, some of the richer member countries will have to pay up to cover the shortfalls when the cash cow stops paying up.
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25-02-2019, 07:54 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I'm sure that will prove to be the case - in time.

The EU will begin to come apart at the seams pretty soon, as the member countries have been watching events and I can't imagine that many people will be impressed with the EU's activities ever since we voted to leave.

The EU dictators have been shooting themselves in the foot.

In addition to that, assuming of course that Mrs Mayday doesn't get her way re. her inane attempts at pushing her half-baked 'deal' that nobody wants, some of the richer member countries will have to pay up to cover the shortfalls when the cash cow stops paying up.

A common fallacy, our nett contribution is less than £9 Billion. split amongst 27 EU Countries that is less than £500 million each.

As we are leaving the Single Market our Tax Receipts from Services Exports will be down by more than that with the money going to some EU Countries, in particular The Netherlands, France , Germany and Luxembourg.

Off Topic, but just heard that Corbyn is now supporting a second referendum.
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25-02-2019, 08:50 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

A common fallacy, our nett contribution is less than £9 Billion. split amongst 27 EU Countries that is less than £500 million each.

As we are leaving the Single Market our Tax Receipts from Services Exports will be down by more than that with the money going to some EU Countries, in particular The Netherlands, France , Germany and Luxembourg.

Off Topic, but just heard that Corbyn is now supporting a second referendum.
More fake news from our resident 'Remainer in Disguise'.

It does not equate to £500 million for each of the 27 as most of them are not net contributors...... 18 of the 27 get more from the EU than they put in.......

maybe the EU will have to learn to get by on a bit less......
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25-02-2019, 09:17 PM

Re: EU to Enforce Hard Border or KICK DUBLIN OUT of Single Market!

Originally Posted by Moscow ->
More fake news from our resident 'Remainer in Disguise'.

It does not equate to £500 million for each of the 27 as most of them are not net contributors...... 18 of the 27 get more from the EU than they put in.......

maybe the EU will have to learn to get by on a bit less......
I agree.

I have travelled in several European countries and have felt envious of their roads, especially as their respective countries are known to be economically less well off than our own.

How could this be, then?

Is it perhaps that WE are paying for THEIR infrastructure?

If so, they're going to have to pay for things themselves unless, of course, the richer countries (specifically Germany and their lapdog) cough up more money.

Someone's not going to be too happy!
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