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18-04-2019, 02:20 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Why do you think that all people who voted to leave supported Farrage. Many of them did, but there was a whole lot more who just wanted to get out of the EU!
Let's hope they have woken up since then!
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18-04-2019, 02:41 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Why do you think that all people who voted to leave supported Farrage. Many of them did, but there was a whole lot more who just wanted to get out of the EU!

It rather depends on what the poll was about, where they think he will get 27% doesn't it? It wouldn't have been about a 2nd referendum because, as far as I am aware, nobody has agreed to one yet!
That's what I couldn't work out and why I didn't reply. All double dutch to me.
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18-04-2019, 03:51 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Let's hope they have woken up since then!
I think you are being a bit too hopeful there ! Many British people have been wanting to leave for years & some older ones never wanted to join... but we weren't given much choice on that.
The only reason I can see, for person from an EU country wanting us to remain, is financial. If they want the money we bring, then surely they can understand why we feel it would be better to keep it for ourselves.

When a club goes to great lengths to prevent a member leaving, it signifies that the member is worth more to the club , than the club is to the member!
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18-04-2019, 04:04 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
When a club goes to great lengths to prevent a member leaving, it signifies that the member is worth more to the club , than the club is to the member!
You haven't seen what french macron, italy, most east european, and even greece said on brexit and about keeping you in by extension. Everybody is waiting for the UK actually leaving, after your repeated goodbyes. So don't flatter yourself.
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18-04-2019, 04:18 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Polls show he may even get 27% of votes. In a referendum 27% of votes isn't near the 50% leave got in 2016.
There is a huge difference between 2 choices of Leave and Remain 52/48 per cent and Nigel getting 27% of the vote between the Brexit Party, the Tories, Labour, Libdems, the Green Party, Plaid Cymru,The Independent Party and Ukip - 8 parties unless I’ve forgotten any.

I would say that the Brexit Party 27%, Labour 22% and the Tories 15%, shows that his party which was only registered two months ago, and only going since two weeks ago, is proof enough that if we take part in the EU elections, his party will romp home.

And as he says, if they do not take place, two party politics is as good as dead here anyway. There will be some shocks at the next general election.
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18-04-2019, 04:35 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
You haven't seen what french macron, italy, most east european, and even greece said on brexit and about keeping you in by extension. Everybody is waiting for the UK actually leaving, after your repeated goodbyes. So don't flatter yourself.
Good old Italy and Greece.
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18-04-2019, 05:27 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Brexit is not just about the economics Solash.

We have a very different Political System here to that on the Continent.

I am not stupid, I know it will hurt for some time.

The end result will however be much better for us.

As for the EU, it is far from perfect itself.
Brexit may not be "just about the economics", but a result of Brexit will be that the working-class people who voted for it as a protest vote for being ignored and "austerity-ised" will be hurt most by it. It will not affect the parliamentary monkeys supporting it - the Cash's, the Redwood's, the Fox's and (most definitely not) the truly awful Rees-Mogg's.

We do indeed have a very different system here to that on the Continent: it is traditionally class-based and combative rather than co-operative and consensual - and "grown-up"!

You are damned right that Brexit "will hurt for some time" - agriculture will be ruined (especially in Northern Ireland), small businesses ditto, big businesses hardly less so - everyone - and I mean just about everyone - in business, trade, finance & commerce has said so and keeps on saying so. It is not "Project Fear"; it is what will happen, and we are hearing it straight from the horse's mouth - and from "natural Tories" to boot.

The end result will not be better for "us" - by which I presume you mean people who reside in the UK (which will itself come unglued as a result of all this BS). It will take years to set up new trade deals, political alliances, law-enforcement and intelligence-sharing networks, and so on. And at the end of all that, a new generation will probably want another referendum and reverse the whole damn thing anyway.

And, yes, we know the EU is "far from perfect" - what political structure ever was "perfect"? But to be out of it is to lose what influence we have, to pull up the drawbridge and play silly buggers little Englanders.

Brexit is, in short, nothing more than a Tory vanity dream, not one aspect of which will go towards solving the problems of the "17.4 million" who voted for it.

No wonder we're now the laughing-stock of Europe.

Jesus Christ! Any more bright ideas?
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18-04-2019, 05:41 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
You haven't seen what french macron, italy, most east european, and even greece said on brexit and about keeping you in by extension. Everybody is waiting for the UK actually leaving, after your repeated goodbyes. So don't flatter yourself.
If you mean the MEPs , I did notice that a lot of them applauded when the German lady ( who told them that the EU had treated the UK unfairly), did her speech.

If you would like to give us details of what these countries said, please do, because we may be able to persuade even more British people to vote "leave" in the event of a 2nd referendum.

After all, who wants to remain in a club full of enemies?
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18-04-2019, 05:55 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->

1. If you mean the MEPs , I did notice that a lot of them applauded when the German lady ( who told them that the EU had treated the UK unfairly), did her speech.

2. If you would like to give us details of what these countries said, please do, because we may be able to persuade even more British people to vote "leave" in the event of a 2nd referendum.

3. After all, who wants to remain in a club full of enemies?
1. Especially when she told how german car industry would suffer, and therefore we should try to keep the UK in as a paying member.

2. The newspapers were filled with quotes. Pick some.

3. You made them enemies. Farage could be laughed off as the clown he is, your choice to leave was not understood, but respected. Then you told you were leaving because considered the EU members your enemy. How dumb can you be?
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18-04-2019, 06:29 PM

Re: Second Referendum etc.

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
1. Especially when she told how german car industry would suffer, and therefore we should try to keep the UK in as a paying member.

2. The newspapers were filled with quotes. Pick some.

3. You made them enemies. Farage could be laughed off as the clown he is, your choice to leave was not understood, but respected. Then you told you were leaving because considered the EU members your enemy. How dumb can you be?
Yes she was a lot wiser that the idiots who tried to negotiate an unfair deal.]

Hardly respect from those you say are criticizing us in the Newspapers.... that is a sure way to make enemies.

If you knew how desperate you sound, in your attempts to make us stay, you would understand why we are all laughing. Fortunately, the British are civilized, so don't criticize those who have different opinions,......shame the other EU members don't follow our example!
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