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17-09-2020, 11:48 AM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
We are all to blame OGF.

Central heating - it's better than log fires for this many people. You have a good point on dishwashers & washing machines. I guess you'd want to reverse womens' lib and get us chained back to the kitchen stove? If the motor is in the drive it's not a problem!

Central heating, labour saving devices, cars all male inventions. Are mainly male engineers to blame? No I don't think so because ultimately it's the population size that's to blame and the consumerist society. Obsolescence to extend the product life cycle, "greed is good", disposable society, and yes too many humans. We are victims of our own success.
I don't think so Annie, I do most of the cooking in the Fox household....

Not all done with greed as the driving force. We have progressed in so many areas to make life a little more comfortable and expand the places we can all visit without it costing us an arm and a leg. Something that my parents never though they would ever be able to do, and didn't until their later years.

The problem is: Of the 7.5 billion residents of this planet, most of them are living in poverty, and saving energy, Amazon Rainforests, and the Orang utan, are way down their list of priorities.
It's only because here in the civilised world we have too much time on our hands and nothing to occupy it. So we spend most of it watching TV (David Attenborough and the Beeb) and worry about things that are not our concern, but it makes us feel better if we send a few quid to some 'Save the Whale' charity and take the high moral ground and blame mankind; Something that would never have happened 70 years ago (before the media fired us all up) because people were too busy working and providing food and shelter for their families.

So yes, I admit that I'm part of the problem and I will take my one in 7.5 billion'th share if you can get all the rest onside....
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17-09-2020, 11:51 AM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Excellent description, old grey one. Thanks.
Thanks JB....
I just had to get that off my chest....
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17-09-2020, 11:55 AM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
They seem to have found that our relentless push for wireless technology and resulting increasing electromagnetic radiation is adversely affecting bird, insect and plant life :

The risks of interference on bird and insect navigation receptors alone cannot be downplayed. They are only just starting to study this in more depth. We take too much for granted.

You have to wonder what it's doing to our bodies and in particular our brains. It's invisible and its all around us.
Unusually I agree with you Annie....
As we thrust headlong into the 21st century, I believe technology will bite us on the bum eventually...Or leave us dumbfounded when it is taken away...
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17-09-2020, 12:35 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I don't think so Annie, I do most of the cooking in the Fox household....

Not all done with greed as the driving force. We have progressed in so many areas to make life a little more comfortable and expand the places we can all visit without it costing us an arm and a leg. Something that my parents never though they would ever be able to do, and didn't until their later years.

The problem is: Of the 7.5 billion residents of this planet, most of them are living in poverty, and saving energy, Amazon Rainforests, and the Orang utan, are way down their list of priorities.
It's only because here in the civilised world we have too much time on our hands and nothing to occupy it. So we spend most of it watching TV (David Attenborough and the Beeb) and worry about things that are not our concern, but it makes us feel better if we send a few quid to some 'Save the Whale' charity and take the high moral ground and blame mankind; Something that would never have happened 70 years ago (before the media fired us all up) because people were too busy working and providing food and shelter for their families.

So yes, I admit that I'm part of the problem and I will take my one in 7.5 billion'th share if you can get all the rest onside....
I'd say that Marge and I are in very much the same boat, with the exception that Marge does all the cooking.
There is, of course, a simple reason for that: I can't cook (well, I can heat up a tin of beans, if really pushed).

I do do my part, though. Only yesterday I mended our toaster which continued heating even after popping up. Just a disconnected cable.

Yes, we both have our specialisms!
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17-09-2020, 01:06 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I don't think so Annie, I do most of the cooking in the Fox household....

Not all done with greed as the driving force. We have progressed in so many areas to make life a little more comfortable and expand the places we can all visit without it costing us an arm and a leg. Something that my parents never though they would ever be able to do, and didn't until their later years.

The problem is: Of the 7.5 billion residents of this planet, most of them are living in poverty, and saving energy, Amazon Rainforests, and the Orang utan, are way down their list of priorities.
It's only because here in the civilised world we have too much time on our hands and nothing to occupy it. So we spend most of it watching TV (David Attenborough and the Beeb) and worry about things that are not our concern, but it makes us feel better if we send a few quid to some 'Save the Whale' charity and take the high moral ground and blame mankind; Something that would never have happened 70 years ago (before the media fired us all up) because people were too busy working and providing food and shelter for their families.

So yes, I admit that I'm part of the problem and I will take my one in 7.5 billion'th share if you can get all the rest onside....
Foxy, Isn't it greed that makes us all want more than we actually need ?
Perhaps the earth wouldn't be experiencing the climate change so dramatically, if we didn't all want a more comfortable life & to be able to travel to more distant maybe we are all being greedy!

Business men want a more lucrative company so advertise their products & encourage us all to buy them.... the more we purchase the more we feed their greed!

People have children they cannot afford to care for, so need financial help ... but most of them have TV's, mobile phones & some have cars.... so it isn't just the wealthy that are causing this problem!

If we in the civilised world have too much time on our hands, perhaps our time would be better used trying to help those in poverty or save some of the creatures that are heading for extinction.

Attenborough used TV to educate us all, on what is happening to our world, but if we make no effort to improve things, I am glad I won't be around to see the potential horrors that will harm today's children as much as we have been harming other species over the last 50 years.

Maybe we can't change the situation, but if we don't try, perhaps we are all selfish as well as greedy!
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17-09-2020, 01:21 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I don't think so Annie, I do most of the cooking in the Fox household....

Not all done with greed as the driving force. We have progressed in so many areas to make life a little more comfortable and expand the places we can all visit without it costing us an arm and a leg. Something that my parents never though they would ever be able to do, and didn't until their later years.

The problem is: Of the 7.5 billion residents of this planet, most of them are living in poverty, and saving energy, Amazon Rainforests, and the Orang utan, are way down their list of priorities.
It's only because here in the civilised world we have too much time on our hands and nothing to occupy it. So we spend most of it watching TV (David Attenborough and the Beeb) and worry about things that are not our concern, but it makes us feel better if we send a few quid to some 'Save the Whale' charity and take the high moral ground and blame mankind; Something that would never have happened 70 years ago (before the media fired us all up) because people were too busy working and providing food and shelter for their families.

So yes, I admit that I'm part of the problem and I will take my one in 7.5 billion'th share if you can get all the rest onside....
Saving the planet is our concern we live on it.
If sending a few quid can help save the whales for future generations to see that’s is all well and good.
Without people ‘saving the whales ‘the blue whale the largest animal ever to exist on earth would be extinct now .
Cut up in pieces by whaling boats lost forever .
Although you might not have noticed more and more people are coming onside .
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17-09-2020, 01:38 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

You extinction rebels seem to be ignoring the demise of the apostrophe.
A recent report from the ,the Guvvermunt has announced there is a strong possibility that there will a shortage of apostrophes if global warming continues at its present rate. A guvverment official has asked people not to panic buy apostrophes and remain calm. Contingency plans are being put into place to use commas if apostrophes do run out.
Bugger the whales..SAVE OUR APOSTROPHES NOW!
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17-09-2020, 01:58 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

If you can’t join in a grown up discussion in a mature and polite manner why not go an play with your matchbox toys instead .
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17-09-2020, 02:52 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
If you can’t join in a grown up discussion in a mature and polite manner why not go an play with your matchbox toys instead .
Did you know your eyes twinkle when you get cross?
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17-09-2020, 03:27 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
If you can’t join in a grown up discussion in a mature and polite manner why not go an play with your matchbox toys instead .
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