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01-11-2020, 10:16 PM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->

We won't be needing cruise ships any more, so I say we should fill them up with all the anti British scum and pack them off into the sunset. Sink them if they try to return....
absolutely agree!
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01-11-2020, 10:27 PM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Well, there ya go! Might be a good opportunity to apply The Tebbit Test!
Oh, we've always had Jews in this country.
The trouble is that some of them are beginning to get a bit above themselves now.
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01-11-2020, 10:34 PM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
The mandate was discharged once the British government "recognised" the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon. At that point the Brits should have GTFO.
I don't see how that made any difference to the original legal status of the mandate.
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01-11-2020, 10:39 PM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I don't see how that made any difference to the original legal status of the mandate.
Methinks he's grasping at straws now.
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02-11-2020, 01:29 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Some really nasty posts here .
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02-11-2020, 02:58 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by Xandra ->
One only has to look at maps before and after 1948 to see how much land the Israelis have stolen from the Palestinians. Eventually resorting to building huge walls on the stolen land
like huge concentration camps. A case of do unto others what someone else wrongly did to you?
I fail to understand that we are allowed to criticise every other country in the world, including our own, but not Israel.
They are not remotely like huge concentrations camps .

The walls were to stop Palestinian terrorists murdering and mutilating Israeli citizens . And like all cowards their chosen targets were civilians walking the streets or school buses .
The Fogle family -three little children stabbed to death a three month old child practically decapitated .

The shameful comparison to concentration camps is yet another invented slander .
Concentration camp victims were not walking around killing civilians they were innocent victims .

Prior to these walls many ‘Palestinians ‘ worked in Israel because of the actions of terrorists they lost their jobs

Palestinians are walking around well fed and even treated in Israeli hospitals .
What other country in the world treats its enemies In it’s hospitals ?

A huge number of Arab Israelis live within these walls side by side with the Israelis .
The last thing they want is to live under the brutal corrupt regime of Hamas or the PA .

You can critique Israel Israelis do it themselves but don’t invent slander and don’t critique Israel while ignoring other far more brutal regimes .
When you judge Israel by different higher standards than the rest of the world
This is anti semitism
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02-11-2020, 03:36 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I don't see how that made any difference to the original legal status of the mandate.

The mandate was to establish a homeland for the Jewish people.
In the area of the former Ottoman Empire know as Palestine
This was directed and approved by the League of Nations ( the forerunner of the UN) and most of it went to form the country of Jordan .
Jerusalem and the weather bank were to remain international territory but they were in fact occupied by Jordan .

In the face of Arab opposition Britain did not keep its promise to the Jews re land rights . Nevertheless the state of Israel was founded in 1948 .

At the same time an Arab state was offered to exist parallel to the new land of Israel .
But no the Arabs wanted it all and they immediately launched a war against the new state of Israel ( which they lost )

What have they done in the 71 years since ?
They have done nothing but carry out terrorist attacks and refuse to negotiate anything .
Why not they ( or their leaders ) appear to live quite successfully off the handouts from the U.N. and International aid ( including Britain )from generation to generation.
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02-11-2020, 09:54 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Methinks he's grasping at straws now.
You thinks wrong but that's OK. The vast majority of indigenous British people in the UK know very little about Israeli, how it was founded, and what was done leading up to May 1948 especially during the mandate years. One thing that many people will immediately latch on to the King David Hotel and how and why it was attacked, in direct contradiction of the terms of The Geneva Conventions --- by the British. To make matters even worse was how the British government LIED about the event until in 1979 it was admitted that warnings had been given which until that time had been denied. Here again the attack WAS entirely legitimate because of the blatant breaching of the GC's BY THE BRITISH. Same with another "infamous" attack, Deir Yassin. It took YEARS for the truth to emerge.

Then of course there's the "little" matter of the
M.S. St. Louis and the policy that Britain had against German Jews ---- in general during over half of the 20th century. Let's not go ANY further back.

And for this and more we should be grateful? I guess it could be worse.

At least the British government didn't set about burning us.
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02-11-2020, 09:55 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I don't see how that made any difference to the original legal status of the mandate.
Legal status is not in question. When and how it expired is.
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02-11-2020, 10:16 AM

Re: The Racist Labour Party - Why Are We Not Surprised

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
You thinks wrong but that's OK. The vast majority of indigenous British people in the UK know very little about Israeli, how it was founded, and what was done leading up to May 1948 especially during the mandate years. One thing that many people will immediately latch on to the King David Hotel and how and why it was attacked, in direct contradiction of the terms of The Geneva Conventions --- by the British. To make matters even worse was how the British government LIED about the event until in 1979 it was admitted that warnings had been given which until that time had been denied. Here again the attack WAS entirely legitimate because of the blatant breaching of the GC's BY THE BRITISH. Same with another "infamous" attack, Deir Yassin. It took YEARS for the truth to emerge.

Then of course there's the "little" matter of the
M.S. St. Louis and the policy that Britain had against German Jews ---- in general during over half of the 20th century. Let's not go ANY further back.

And for this and more we should be grateful? I guess it could be worse.

At least the British government didn't set about burning us.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!
You are right let’s not go back any further...because I am sure you can dig up a some evidence that Britain was in some way involved with you Red Sea pedestrians being forced out of Egypt
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