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14-04-2021, 07:07 PM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I have long been of the opinion, which I have voiced in meetings, that the only way to avoid war is to put those advocating it in the front line.

The Politicians in particular.

Shove Blair, Cameron and Boris into leading the charge.

I think my dad used to say that and, of course, he was right.
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14-04-2021, 07:09 PM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->

Events in Ukraine are moving slowly towards a major confrontation
between Russia. and the USA as US navy continues to approach
the entrance to the black sea to apply pressure to Russia to
To remove land forces and navy vessels from the western Ukraine
Russia has just warned the US to stay out of the black sea for its
own good !!
Could this situation cause the next war??
If it does, no prizes for guessing who'll join in first.
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14-04-2021, 07:11 PM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Joe Biden plans to remove the remaining US troops from
Afghanistan in may??
Another potential touchpaper event in that region as the Taliban
is refusing to participate in talks with the the elected Argan
government !
Just another place where Russia could be involved in confrontation
with our American friends???
As we become less and less reliant on oil, we could learn to keep out of that part of the world and leave the wogs to it!
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16-04-2021, 10:40 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

The Chinese have long coveted Taiwan?
Seems they are jealous of the economic success of the previously
nationalist government they ejected from China years ago??
American intervention ensured the survival of Taiwan against
the communist.regime in China ??
Looks like USA interventions in the past are coming back to bite
them !!

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16-04-2021, 11:10 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
The Chinese have long coveted Taiwan?
Seems they are jealous of the economic success of the previously
nationalist government they ejected from China years ago??
American intervention ensured the survival of Taiwan against
the communist.regime in China ??
Looks like USA interventions in the past are coming back to bite
them !!

It's a lot more complex than that. There is a VERY good argument that Taiwan is a PART of China.
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16-04-2021, 11:41 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
It's a lot more complex than that. There is a VERY good argument that Taiwan is a PART of China.
Maybe, but it could be argued that as the citizens ARE Chinese?
And they were evicted ? That they have to live somewhere ??
Where better than an island ??
Does China actually need the land??
But l suppose the same can be said of Hong Kong ??

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
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16-04-2021, 11:58 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Maybe, but it could be argued that as the citizens ARE Chinese?
And they were evicted ? That they have to live somewhere ??
Where better than an island ??
Does China actually need the land??
But l suppose the same can be said of Hong Kong ??

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
They were NOT evicted. They fled illegally assisted by the USA. The Chinese people in Taiwan ARE Chinese. Does China need the land? That is immaterial. Hong Kong is a totally different matter.
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17-04-2021, 07:54 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

So what about what the people want?..I have absolutely no idea what percentage of Taiwanese people actually want to be part of China. That is, how many of them identify as loyal to the PRC and how many of them identify as a separate nation and want to stay that way.? If the majority of them ..or any of them for that matter, want to be part of the PRC why are they not flocking there in droves? I'm sure the PRC could not see this as anything else but vindication of their policy..viz.."The Taiwanese want to be part of PRC so Taiwan is China" and welcome them. Trouble is it does not appear that this is the case. There does not appear to be a huge groups of people from Taiwan trying to get into China. There does not appear to be an oppressive state machine operating in Taiwan that prevent it's people from leaving or from doing anything else. Taiwan looks suspiciously to me like a democratic society much like Japan or South Korea..or Australia for that matter. So can anybody tell me the percentage of Taiwanese that believe they are part of the PRC?..Why is Hong Kong different? Seems to be a few more than one bloke and his dog who don't want to be part of China there either.
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17-04-2021, 10:25 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
So what about what the people want?..I have absolutely no idea what percentage of Taiwanese people actually want to be part of China. That is, how many of them identify as loyal to the PRC and how many of them identify as a separate nation and want to stay that way.? If the majority of them ..or any of them for that matter, want to be part of the PRC why are they not flocking there in droves? I'm sure the PRC could not see this as anything else but vindication of their policy..viz.."The Taiwanese want to be part of PRC so Taiwan is China" and welcome them. Trouble is it does not appear that this is the case. There does not appear to be a huge groups of people from Taiwan trying to get into China. There does not appear to be an oppressive state machine operating in Taiwan that prevent it's people from leaving or from doing anything else. Taiwan looks suspiciously to me like a democratic society much like Japan or South Korea..or Australia for that matter. So can anybody tell me the percentage of Taiwanese that believe they are part of the PRC?..Why is Hong Kong different? Seems to be a few more than one bloke and his dog who don't want to be part of China there either.

It strikes me that North Korea, for example, is nothing more than a prison camp on a national scale. I'm sure that everyone, or almost everyone would like to leave that country and go to live in any country that would accept them.

Is China the same? Are people prohibited from leaving? How many would leave if they could?
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17-04-2021, 10:30 AM

Re: Where will WW3 start ??

Originally Posted by JBR ->

It strikes me that North Korea, for example, is nothing more than a prison camp on a national scale. I'm sure that everyone, or almost everyone would like to leave that country and go to live in any country that would accept them.

Is China the same? Are people prohibited from leaving? How many would leave if they could?
Probably very few.
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