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24-02-2015, 09:39 AM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Originally Posted by Daverh ->
I had a gym teacher who grabbed the skin on the side of my neck and twisted it because I was joking around while moving single file from class to class. I quieted right down, but I will never forget it even though I was only 6 or so. I also witnessed my 6th grade principal holding Kenny F by the shirt collar while kicking him in the butt up two flights of stairs. It's all kind of hilarious now, but back then it was terrifying.
Twisted b******. A despicable act from a so called teacher.
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24-02-2015, 10:10 AM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Some teachers were sadistic in those days and allowed to get away with it. I was caned for the crime of talking to my friend as we queued up outside the school to be let in after the whistle had gone. Another time I was rapped on the knuckles by a male teacher for making a blot on my page. Worst of all was when I was 7 years old - a woman teacher hit me because I couldn't spell the word 'They' the blow knocked me over and I banged my head on a table.
Why said school days were the happiest times - they obviously didn't go to my school.
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24-02-2015, 03:43 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

The secondary school I went to (all-girls grammar) in the late sixties and early seventies did not have corporal punishment. I have to say that it was not needed. My brothers boys' grammar however did have it. Also at primary school I remember people being slippered or having their hands hit with rulers.

I trained to be a teacher just as the rules were changing, so as a student teacher and in my first year I remember the cane being administered by the head or deputy - classroom teachers were not allowed to just dish out corporal punishment then (early 80s) for which I was relieved. Then of course it was banned outright eventually.

I would have hated it to have stayed - but I resented my classroom discipline being compared unfavourably with when people older than I am were at school, we simply did not (and do not) have any sanctions worth mentioning now and few children fear or even respect anything it seems.
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24-02-2015, 03:48 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Sorry for the double post but I just remembered something. I showed the film "Les Choristes" (The Chorus) to my year 9 class last year. It is set in a school for "wayward" boys in 1949 France.

At one point the head teacher (a bully) beats up a boy and my class were horrified. "He isn't allowed to do that" they declared. "He wouldn't be now of course" I told them "but I'm afraid that, yes, in those days he was allowed to do that - and probably in this country too". They were absolutely gob-smacked, saying that if a teacher had done that to them they would have done such and such back - and I could tell that they didn't really believe me.

It's true that the past is another country - in more ways than one.
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24-02-2015, 07:29 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

I had a teacher in primary 6 and 7 who absolutely hated me .
I went from being top of my class in Primary 5 to being almost bottom in primary 6 and 7 .
She never missed an opportunity to humiliate me .
I was very quiet and shy and she would pick on me relentlessly .
We were put in groups in class and I was put in the worst group possible every time .
My Dad coached me in the maths we were doing at the time as I kept getting really bad marks .
I got full marks and she accused me of cheating .
She once told me I had to go to church even though we as a family didn't go .
I told my Mum I had to go to church as she said she would ask me on Monday if I had gone . My Mum took me as she thought something special was on that I had to attend . The teacher never did ask me if I had gone .
She was a vile bully and when I saw her years later I honestly thought I was going to be sick .
She ruined 2 years of my life .
I was never physically punished but that would have been preferable to what I suffered .
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24-02-2015, 07:57 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

i could swear that the head teacher was a sadist and the rest of the teachers were not much better. Slightest thing, not only me, were sent to the head who delighted in using the cane across the flat of each hand 6 times as hard as he could. when i had it I had it I thought my fingers were broken.
Today he would have been put into prison for assault.
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24-02-2015, 07:58 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Many years ago - 1960 ? We had a headteacher of the 'Old School' - a very strict diciplinarian. Truancy (or 'mitching') was unknown until one day a boy in my class ( P6?) didn't come to school. At lunch time another pupil was asked to check if he was ill, but came back with the news that he had set off for school that morning. Those were the days when we walked unaccompanied to school.

Next day, the head who taught P6 & P7 said nothing until mid morning when he said, "Smith(let's call him) go to my office". The head went on teaching for about 10 minutes, then left the room leaving the door open.

The whole school must have heard what happened next.. "Smith where were you yesterday?" "I wasn't well, sir" "Don't lie to me"
WHACK, Screams, Whack, screams while the head verbally tore into Smith at the top of his voice.

After what seemed like an eternity of torture for Smith, the head returned to the classroom, closed the door and went on teaching as if nothing had happened.

If I had played truant, my parents would have beaten me senseless.
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24-02-2015, 08:01 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Just a thought (which will never happen),, but imagine if we were all to do what other sufferers of abuse did - because that's what it was - physical abuse - hunted them down and made them pay for their despicable and cruel behaviour. Just think.............. There would be a lot of very scared retired teachers.......................
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24-02-2015, 08:06 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

too true Alice, I would be the first to do to that head what he did to me and others. Unfortunately the bugger died before I had a chance
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24-02-2015, 09:00 PM

Re: Did anyone on here suffer the violence that Teachers dished out decades ago??

Originally Posted by Abbey ->
I had a teacher in primary 6 and 7 who absolutely hated me .
I went from being top of my class in Primary 5 to being almost bottom in primary 6 and 7 .
She never missed an opportunity to humiliate me .
I was very quiet and shy and she would pick on me relentlessly .
We were put in groups in class and I was put in the worst group possible every time .
My Dad coached me in the maths we were doing at the time as I kept getting really bad marks .
I got full marks and she accused me of cheating .
She once told me I had to go to church even though we as a family didn't go .
I told my Mum I had to go to church as she said she would ask me on Monday if I had gone . My Mum took me as she thought something special was on that I had to attend . The teacher never did ask me if I had gone .
She was a vile bully and when I saw her years later I honestly thought I was going to be sick .
She ruined 2 years of my life .
I was never physically punished but that would have been preferable to what I suffered .
Yes I think you are right Abbey, you would have been better off if you had got a few whacks on the hand with the cane and that was the end of it, at least the pain goes away fairly quickly and doesn’t linger on. There are some wicked teachers who deliberately single out a pupil and made their schooldays pure hell, try to forget her she’s not worth the thought.
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