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24-03-2016, 07:43 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Ahem .
Back to the topic
It becomes clear after Brussels that the world needs Guantanamo .
known terrorist activists could be sent there .
Nasty Somali thugs who terrorise the street of Europe could do with a spell too.
Or just return them to a real hell hole Somalia !

Meanwhile Australia has no problem in maintaining its 'asylum processing centre' on the Pacific Island of Nauru where innocent but illegal refugees go to be imprisoned and abused by the resentful Naurans .

And whereas prisoners in Guantanamo have some hope of getting out ( and getting a nice lump of compensation from deluded countries like the UK ) the refugees on Nauru have not a chance in hell of getting into Australia .

The sad thing is that unlike Guanatanmo among the prisoners on Nauru are many children .

But that is the price of security for the masses .
I foresee a future where island prisons become a norm
The civilised world paying poor island nations to keep their worst criminals .
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24-03-2016, 11:02 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
I'm a bit surprised .... Really thought you were bright enough to explore different opinions
without resorting to that sort of stuff.
Really? Hmmm, interesting.
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26-03-2016, 07:15 PM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
.... Australia has no problem in maintaining its 'asylum processing centre' on the Pacific Island of Nauru where innocent but illegal refugees go to be imprisoned and abused by the resentful Naurans .
....the refugees on Nauru have not a chance in hell of getting into Australia .
The sad thing is that unlike Guanatanmo among the prisoners on Nauru are many children ....
Whenever Muddy needs to divert attention from an argument she is losing (which is most of them) she drags this up - regardless of relevance.

Let me be perfectly clear. I am passionately opposed to Australia's mandatory detention policy and, in particular the treatment and conditions which exist on Manus and Nauru.
And, I have been politically active for some years to effect change.
But I am not the Australian government.

That said, it is a complicated issue and Muddy's simplistic, inaccurate and untruthful barbs do her and all of us a disservice.

People-smugglers, mainly in Indonesia, were piling thousands of refugees into crappy boats and pointing them toward Aus.
Between 2000 and 2015 between 1000 and 2000 including many children, drowned at sea.
But many thousands made it and the numbers were growing.

Rightly or wrongly, the government of the day decided that the racket would stop if the smugglers and their victims were told
"even if you get here, you will not be allowed to stay"
It worked.

Between Jan and July 2013 alone, 17,000 arrived.
In the last year or so - none, zero, zilch.

Despite Muddy, many have been settled in Aus.

At one point there were many thousands in detention. Including some 3000 kids.
Children now ? 54 !!!
OK, not good. But hell, we're getting there.

I absolutely concede that conditions are bad. I'm doing what I can.
Any volunteers to assist ?
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26-03-2016, 10:51 PM

Re: Guantanamo

And Nauru is not the only one .
There is Manus Island Papua New Guinea
( yes that's right PNG were the canibals used to live )
A hopeless prison for innocent people who don't want to be there .
The Australians don't want them so are prepared to pay others to keep them .
There detainess are the mercy of brutal guards but let's not go there .

So and I am using figures from the link given by PS

There are .....
543 asylum seekers (including 70 children) in detention in Nauru
926 adult asylum seekers in detention on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.

So why all the outrage at Guantanamo when far more innocent asylum seekers are IN DETENTION on these two islands ?
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27-03-2016, 10:14 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
And Nauru is not the only one .
There is Manus Island Papua New Guinea
( yes that's right PNG were the canibals used to live )
A hopeless prison for innocent people who don't want to be there .
The Australians don't want them so are prepared to pay others to keep them .
There detainess are the mercy of brutal guards but let's not go there .

So and I am using figures from the link given by PS

There are .....
543 asylum seekers (including 70 children) in detention in Nauru
926 adult asylum seekers in detention on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.

So why all the outrage at Guantanamo when far more innocent asylum seekers are IN DETENTION on these two islands ?

Because, unlike Guantanamo, they're not being tortured by a so-called civilised nation, contrary to international law!!!
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27-03-2016, 10:18 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Because, unlike Guantanamo, they're not being tortured by a so-called civilised nation, contrary to international law!!!
Short. Sharp. To the point.
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27-03-2016, 11:19 AM

Re: Guantanamo

No they are being brutalised by an uncivilised people.
You think the people from PNG have any idea of being civilised?
Moreover these are not suspected terrorists who have been mooching around afganistan pretending to do 'charity' work these are asylum seekers including women and children .
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27-03-2016, 11:29 AM

Re: Guantanamo

How on earth do you know anyone at Gitmo is being tortured?Merely speculation on your part now at abu garab maybe,but not at Gitmo.It is a professionally run military prison.Staffed with professionals from its commander to its guards.Also many Cuban's are employed as workers by the U.S. Gov.on the Island.If the prison was to shut down only a few would be affected,it is a training center and school.The prison is just a small part of it.A very small part.The prisoner's are treated decently and Humanely even given Korans,so all this crap about torture is just that, crap.See when you know someone that has worked there, been there,there is a difference between what is TRUTH and what is uninformed bologna.P.S. They are given legal council and are represented by said council.That is a whole lot more than you'd get from Isil.
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27-03-2016, 11:41 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
How on earth do you know anyone at Gitmo is being tortured?Merely speculation on your part now at abu garab maybe,but not at Gitmo.It is a professionally run military prison.Staffed with professionals from its commander to its guards.Also many Cuban's are employed as workers by the U.S. Gov.on the Island.If the prison was to shut down only a few would be affected,it is a training center and school.The prison is just a small part of it.A very small part.The prisoner's are treated decently and Humanely even given Korans,so all this crap about torture is just that, crap.See when you know someone that has worked there, been there,there is a difference between what is TRUTH and what is uninformed bologna.

You don't half talk a load of Bullsh*t!!! - torture was admitted by the American military running Guantanamo couple of years ago and some of the inmates released from there have stated in their legal claims against the Government here that torture was a regular feature of their incarceration.

Then of course there are the the rendition flights around the world to countries whose human rights records 'leave much to be desired'. Oh and guess what??? - those rendition flights were recording by 'plane spotters and the aircraft numbers written down.
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27-03-2016, 11:51 AM

Re: Guantanamo

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Whenever Muddy needs to divert attention from an argument she is losing (which is most of them) she drags this up - regardless of relevance.

Let me be perfectly clear. I am passionately opposed to Australia's mandatory detention policy and, in particular the treatment and conditions which exist on Manus and Nauru.
And, I have been politically active for some years to effect change.
But I am not the Australian government.

That said, it is a complicated issue and Muddy's simplistic, inaccurate and untruthful barbs do her and all of us a disservice.

People-smugglers, mainly in Indonesia, were piling thousands of refugees into crappy boats and pointing them toward Aus.
Between 2000 and 2015 between 1000 and 2000 including many children, drowned at sea.
But many thousands made it and the numbers were growing.

Rightly or wrongly, the government of the day decided that the racket would stop if the smugglers and their victims were told
"even if you get here, you will not be allowed to stay"
It worked.

Between Jan and July 2013 alone, 17,000 arrived.
In the last year or so - none, zero, zilch.

Despite Muddy, many have been settled in Aus.

At one point there were many thousands in detention. Including some 3000 kids.
Children now ? 54 !!!
OK, not good. But hell, we're getting there.

I absolutely concede that conditions are bad. I'm doing what I can.
Any volunteers to assist ?
Muddy is one of the best defending Her Word's She is a whole lot smarter than many on here.Australia has alot to answer for when it comes to treatment of people of the wrong Color.She is merely pointing out the fact that Aussie's need to get their ship in order before running their heads and spouting off on OTHERS.Get your shit straight then when that's done you can judge others for their lack of doing so.Australia has a long History of Bigotry and Hate and still does to this day.
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