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20-08-2016, 06:21 PM

Re: For the Cat Lovers

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
No worries. You're all right and I am totally wrong.

I said I had no problem with domestic cats with responsible owners who care about other living creatures as well as their own pets.

Cats roaming suburbia at night or feral cats inflicting pain and suffering on millions is absolutely fine.

The next time I find a beautiful rainbow lorrikeet with half its head chewed off - but still alive - I'll try to remember.
You don't appear to have read my post fully so let me inform you again.You obviously don't have many predatory mammals in Australia, but we do here and have learned how to get a happy balance.

I do not allow my cats to be out at night because we have a lot of rabbits and men go out shooting them for food, so I don't put my pets at risk. On the other hand, elsewhere some people do let their cats out at night, and I have no problem with that because cats can see quite well in the dark so it is a good time to hunt. By catching mice,voles, rats and many other creatures they help to maintain the balance of nature here and reduce the chances of many of these species becoming overpopulated, and starving through lack of food.

It is perfectly natural for carnivorous creatures to kill to eat, as I am sure the sharks do around your shores.....or do you consider creatures in the sea less worthwhile that those on land. If you, your family or your friends eat meat, do you really consider yourselves any better than the cats? If you do then you need to see how animals are taken to the slaughterhouses and killed so you can eat meat, and see how much they suffer!

The only ones you can blame for the decline of your native species, are the idiots who allowed them to be enter the country, without considering the consequences of bringing predatory animals into a country where the wildlife will not be able to avoid being killed. There are also the selfish inhabitants who were happy to have cats to help save their lives from snakes but had no care that the animal may be killed, and if it wasn't, they just allowed them to become a wild species, in a land where they were not best placed.

Do not blame the British, because I have friends who lived in Australia , who told me that most people did it to protect themselves from snakes. All I can suggest is you stop whinging to the British, who manage to keep a very balanced control of the cats and wildlife here, and get your stupid government to deal with your problem... as it seems to be their fault.

Many members on here are cat lovers, so we would appreciate it if you Aussies would deal with your own problem, and keep it to yourselves. Personally I feel that the feral cat colonies of Australia have proved themselves to be a strong capable species and the residents of Australia have nobody to blame but themselves!
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20-08-2016, 06:55 PM

Re: For the Cat Lovers


I'm genuinely sorry you feel the way you do in regard to felines, but you should not 'expect' everyone to share your views. It simply doesn't work, and there will always be differences of opinion - not only in regard to this long drawn-out 'debate', but in more or less every situation/topic human beings choose to associates themselves with.

I am quite certain I don't have to tell you this.

Different countries, different cultures! The world would be a very dull place if it weren't.

I'm none too happy with the way sheep are treated in your country, having been asked to read a fair amount of literature on the matter from one of the animal charities I support - it makes for fairly barbaric reading, believe me!

Now let's kiss and make up x
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20-08-2016, 08:16 PM

Re: For the Cat Lovers


You've had well over an hour. If you don't come out from behind that sofa and pukka up, I'm coming round to find you - beware!
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