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30-08-2017, 09:32 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Thanks Surfermom.......But what d'you mean Mrs Fox letting me win?.....Isn't it a well known fact that most ladies are not as physically coordinated as their gentlemen counterparts?...........Apart from those that keep falling over that is......
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31-08-2017, 05:06 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

So I've arrived at the last day of my holiday and I will be sad to leave this beautiful Island.
After waking up a couple of times in the night to the sound of rain thundering down on the roof I expected my last run to be waterlogged, but as I stepped outside the door at six this morning I was surprised - and relieved - to find the rain had stopped and some clear sky heading in my direction.

A very satisfying if not testing run, but the cooler conditions made it more comfortable than Tuesday's slaughter. I was rewarded with recording the fastest time of the five times I've run this route. As far as running is concerned that's August kicked into the long grass and my total for the two thirds of this year stands at 706 miles. Is one thousand miles by the end of the year a possibility? I hope so.....

But that wasn't the end of today's exercise, because while Mrs Fox took the bus into St Peter Port to finish her shopping, I walked the rugged four and a half miles on the coast path to meet her in town for some lunch......There are more steps on the coast path than there are up to heaven, and the ones going up certainly feel like hell......

I'd not been walking more than ten minutes when the sun came out and I came across this breathtaking view.......

As you leave the Cliff Path you arrive at the 'Clarence Battery' an old World War Two installation - probably German as the Island was occupied - and the last mile with yet more steps, fortunately they are all down....

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31-08-2017, 05:33 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Beautiful scenery Bob, I would think it was a pleasure to run there.

Have a safe journey home tomorrow...
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01-09-2017, 04:59 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

I am so pleased that the blue sky opened her arms for your last day in Guernsey, and I, as one of many, appreciate the time you have taken to share your journey. What a pleasure to the eye it must be at every turn, making even difficult runs a feast! Well done for staying true to your fitness program while on holiday.

I also keep track of my yearly mileage since I am not one to worry much about pace during my last half century on this planet. Aren't we so fortunate to still be out there, OGF! While I run for the joy and unexpected benefits, it is fun to imagine how far all those five and sixes would take me if combined into one grand journey. I will hold off on reporting my mileage until the year comes to a close . You will make it to 1,000. Easily.

There is nothing more educational and rewarding than travel, but there is also something to be said for that feeling when you return home and climb into your own bed. Safe travels to you and your wife on the last leg of your journey, and enjoy telling your seatmates the grand, fabricated tale about how you aquired your cuts and scrapes: "You should see the other guy..... ).
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02-09-2017, 12:32 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Thanks Mags, it's nice to share my experiences with everyone it gives me a purpose......
However, I had a small brush with gravity yesterday as we were walking down into St Peter Port, stepping off the edge of the path I suddenly found myself face down on the tarmac so we had to abandon our visit to the castle and return to the hotel to get cleaned up. I'm pleased to report that nothing is broken and the injuries seem to be be superficial, so it's business as usual today.......

Oh Foxy, l have only just heard about your fall, l am so sorry. I hope your face will be better in time for your entry into the, 'Drop Dead Gorgeous, Hunk' competition!
Seriously though, what a shock for you and l hope you are feeling ok.

I still laugh and laugh when l think of the pic of 'you and your wife' in the steamy shower that you put on a thread recently. It really is so funny!
Some things just tickle you, don't they!
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03-09-2017, 11:20 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Thanks Mags, we arrived home safe and sound but will miss my hilly runs and all that lovely scenery....

Surfermom...I guess I'm the same as you these days, I don't run for any particular purpose other than the enjoyment of being out there, alone with my thoughts and in Mother Natures hands entirely, and she never fails to disappoint. We are so lucky to be fit enough to do the the things we love, but is it down to luck or a case of the 'Chicken and Egg' syndrome?
Were we just allocated the perfect body for running, or is it because we have always ran our bodies have developed accordingly? Who knows.....But I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and just run for as long as I'm able.....I ran eleven miles this morning in almost perfect conditions, and it was only on the last struggling mile when I thought 'What the hell am I doing? other blokes of my age will be having their eggs and bacon and reading the morning papers'....Looking back now though, I feel EPIC....

Arty....Thanks for your concern Arty, I don't know about the 'Drop Dead Gorgeous Hunk Competition' more like 'Plonker of the Year' but I'm happy to report no lasting damage and every time I take a shower another bit falls off.......And yes, such a pity the shower was steamed up and you couldn't see what Mrs Fox and me were up to.....I'll have to install an extractor fan.......
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03-09-2017, 12:12 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Welcome home OGF ... your holiday blog and pictures are great as always ... thank you
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03-09-2017, 08:02 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Originally Posted by myrtle ->
Welcome home OGF ... your holiday blog and pictures are great as always ... thank you
Thanks Myrtle, appreciate your comments....
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04-09-2017, 03:43 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Welcome back and well done on your first go around this morning! Better to debate the "chicken or the egg" question than to have them for breakfast! In my case, at 169 cm., I don't exactly have a runner's physique, but I am definitely hooked and determined..which has me lacing up, like you, even on holiday. So, is that chicken...or egg? I also make it a practice of trying not to fall down hills which definitely helps my fitness levels....and time.....

Hope you have healed...and have spun a story of mighty heroism to tell your friends! Anyway, eleven miles at any age is epic!

While the scenery may be familiar, the view will never be dull. Including...apparently, the shower scenes....
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10-09-2017, 11:20 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

It's been just over a week now since I returned from Guernsey and it's like I was never there. It's rained practically every day, and if not on a run day the results of earlier rain were still strewn across the roads when I did go out. All the washing's done, Ironed, and neatly returned to it's quarters.....Not by me of course! I haven't been idle though, the garden has been returned to its 'Park' status, and once again the local bus company decided to alter all of its timetables, so I've printed off copies for neighbours who haven't got a computer. Apparently, they closed the office and now they can only be obtained online......

I'm not much of a party guy so I'm sorry I've not visited Artangel's Bistro, I'm fed up to the back molars with the Brexit situation so I've stayed the hell out of that topic, I don't like football, and the technical blokes have left me for dead (what are they on about) and to be perfectly honest, I seem to be a miserable sod just lately and I don't know why because we are going on holiday again on Friday to Llandudno.......There is a nice big Olympic size swimming pool there so I'll break out the Speedo's again.....And if the weather is favourable I just might just tackle Snowdon while Mrs Fox does the shops......Things are looking up...
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