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07-04-2020, 10:04 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Judd ->
More disgusting bile on Twitter with quite a few hoping that he dies from the condition as `payback` for years of Tory austerity and for taking us out of the EU. Most of it after reading their profiles, from Remainers it has to be said.
It seems the remainers remain Juddy?
I have noticed they are getting restless again in the media?
We need to finish the job of leaving as soon as we can before
they have another panic attack!
Get well soon Boris!

Donkeyman! 🤘🤘🤘
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07-04-2020, 10:12 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
In my opinion, when a great leader comes along, one who leads us out of the Brexit mess, one who gets a true majority in the house, one who cleans out a lot of the garbage from the HOC, one who keeps going forward even when he gets the disease himself, that's one of the people who must be given whatever help is required to get us through all this.

We need a leader.

They are in short supply,
Ditto Ted, my sentiments too!!
Some people would'nt know laedership it they fell over it??

Donkeyman! 👍👍
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07-04-2020, 10:17 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
In my opinion, when a great leader comes along, one who leads us out of the Brexit mess, one who gets a true majority in the house, one who cleans out a lot of the garbage from the HOC, one who keeps going forward even when he gets the disease himself, that's one of the people who must be given whatever help is required to get us through all this.

We need a leader.

They are in short supply,
Well said Ted.....

Best wishes Boris, and hope you'll be back at the tiller soon....
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07-04-2020, 10:22 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Judd ->
More disgusting bile on Twitter with quite a few hoping that he dies from the condition as `payback` for years of Tory austerity and for taking us out of the EU. Most of it after reading their profiles, from Remainers it has to be said.
Disgusting people.

Perhaps their attitude will come back to bite them!
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07-04-2020, 10:33 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
To me, such people are no surprise. They are the same ones who "demonstrate", smash store windows, burn autos and attack the police. They are IMO the same as the hard-core communists of the 1917 Russian Revolution. And, you know what they were like. They murdered Czar Nicholas II and his entire family. No respect for human life. Gaining political ground, and power, is all that matters to them.
Yes, we certainly have people like that.

However, you can add to that definition the many people who hate any Conservative on the grounds that they always vote for Labour simply because their dads have always voted Labour.

They do have a perfect excuse, though, and that is that they are unable to think for themselves. Not the sharpest tools in the box.
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07-04-2020, 10:43 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Yes, we certainly have people like that.

However, you can add to that definition the many people who hate any Conservative on the grounds that they always vote for Labour simply because their dads have always voted Labour.

They do have a perfect excuse, though, and that is that they are unable to think for themselves. Not the sharpest tools in the box.
Yes, their hatred of Boris Johnson, and all conservatives, as reveled in the numerous posts on twitter and facebook, often began in college which are overflowing with communist professors.

Of special note here is that a multitude of communists, socialists, and fellow travelers, have taken near total control of the mass media. Thus they are able to mold public opinion
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07-04-2020, 10:51 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
Yes, their hatred of Boris Johnson, and all conservatives, as reveled in the numerous posts on twitter and facebook, often began in college which are overflowing with communist professors.
Yes indeed.

I wouldn't accuse all academics, but I know for a fact that there are some who have strong left-wing opinions and use their positions to 'brainwash' young, receptive minds into following their ideals.

I suspect that those in the 'STEM' subject areas would be far less likely to be of that sort, and I'm sure the politically active academics are likely to be those who work in the 'arty-farty' and sociologically-based areas, especially in the new third-rate 'new universities' we hear so much about these days!
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07-04-2020, 10:58 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Yes indeed.

I wouldn't accuse all academics, but I know for a fact that there are some who have strong left-wing opinions and use their positions to 'brainwash' young, receptive minds into following their ideals.

I suspect that those in the 'STEM' subject areas would be far less likely to be of that sort, and I'm sure the politically active academics are likely to be those who work in the 'arty-farty' and sociologically-based areas, especially in the new third-rate 'new universities' we hear so much about these days!
I realize that this is a tad off topic, but when I was in university, I quickly learned that I had to pay "lip-service" to leftist liberalism if I hoped to graduate. If I had allowed my conservatism to show, I would have flunked out.
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07-04-2020, 11:00 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
In my opinion, when a great leader comes along, one who leads us out of the Brexit mess, one who gets a true majority in the house, one who cleans out a lot of the garbage from the HOC, one who keeps going forward even when he gets the disease himself, that's one of the people who must be given whatever help is required to get us through all this.

We need a leader.

They are in short supply,

Well said Ted.

Some people have incredibly ugly minds.
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07-04-2020, 01:54 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Well said Ted.

Some people have incredibly ugly minds.
Yes ,well said Ted.
Mups yes , ugly beyond belief , my eyes have been opened even wider because of this situation we’re all in . I’ve got now that I trust very few people in real life to discuss any matter with .
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