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20-01-2015, 04:33 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

I don't know, I think I agree with MadamenotMiss. Fat people - the last group it is OK to hate.

People consider that, say, smokers, drug addicts and alcoholics have addictions. They accept (quite rightly) that is is difficult to stop for these people. No such understanding for the obese person. If smokers etc manage to give up, then they don't smoke, drink or take drugs again. If you are obese, you can't give food up - you have to eat something, if only very little, so you never get away from it.

Nobody would offer an ex smoker or drinker just one fag or drink - and yet when I am trying to lose weight, people will tell me that just one won't harm me. Probably those same people who call me awful names for being what I am and who say that if I am ill I shouldn't be able to have treatment on the NHS, who say that it is easy to lose weightl Well guess what, I am really good at doing easy things - so it can't be easy or I would have done it.

Still, I will keep on trying, despite all the Katie Hopkins type vituperation.
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20-01-2015, 04:35 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Originally Posted by kittylion ->
I don't know, I think I agree with MadamenotMiss. Fat people - the last group it is OK to hate.

People consider that, say, smokers, drug addicts and alcoholics have addictions. They accept (quite rightly) that is is difficult to stop for these people. No such understanding for the obese person. If smokers etc manage to give up, then they don't smoke, drink or take drugs again. If you are obese, you can't give food up - you have to eat something, if only very little, so you never get away from it.

Nobody would offer an ex smoker or drinker just one fag or drink - and yet when I am trying to lose weight, people will tell me that just one won't harm me. Probably those same people who call me awful names for being what I am and who say that if I am ill I shouldn't be able to have treatment on the NHS, who say that it is easy to lose weightl Well guess what, I am really good at doing easy things - so it can't be easy or I would have done it.

Still, I will keep on trying, despite all the Katie Hopkins type vituperation.
Very good post Kitty.
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20-01-2015, 04:44 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Labelling people as fat is wrong in so many ways. Saying they are lazy. Have a lack of willpower. The list goes on. They're looked upon by some as second class citizens.

There is no such thing as the perfect person. Yes, there are people who are careful with their diet. Although they are not perfect just because they watch what they eat. There are smokers who give up smoking. They are not perfect, just because they gave up smoking. But these people aren't viewed by some the way fat people are.

Yes, like some here, I'd like to lose more weight, but it doesn't make me a fat, lazy bloater with a shallow personality. I don't need people to tell me how to eat healthy. I could write a book about it. Some people just need to get over how they think about people who have a weight problem.

I've used the word fat, but I have to be honest and think it is a condescending word.
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20-01-2015, 05:31 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

I am in recovery from binge eating disorder which started for me at age 22 while in Uni. I can not remember my very first binge, but once it began, it became a daily event ( or twice or thrice daily event in my life until about 4 months ago ), it is hellish, and I have been moo'ed and oink'ed at by idiotic men and stupid teenagers, who should know better that that is not a kind thing to do whether you think I look like a cow or pig or not. I was once walking down the street about 2 years ago and someone had the nerve to say directly to my face ' don't eat too much ' ( I was munching on a bag of potato chips at the time on my way to the library ). Fat abuse is the last acceptable and legal prejudice allowed and it makes me mad.

This cartoon is being posted with sarcasm.

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20-01-2015, 05:39 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Originally Posted by MADAMENOTMISS ->
I am in recovery from binge eating disorder which started for me at age 22 while in Uni. I can not remember my very first binge, but once it began, it became a daily event ( or twice or thrice daily event in my life until about 4 months ago ), it is hellish, and I have been moo'ed and oink'ed at by idiotic men and stupid teenagers, who should know better that that is not a kind thing to do whether you think I look like a cow or pig or not. I was once walking down the street about 2 years ago and someone had the nerve to say directly to my face ' don't eat too much ' ( I was munching on a bag of potato chips at the time on my way to the library ). Fat abuse is the last acceptable and legal prejudice allowed and it makes me mad.

This cartoon is being posted with sarcasm.

Tish, those power bands should be put over some cheeky folk's mouths
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20-01-2015, 05:39 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

And the award goes to .....................

Of all the oinking and other nasty rude remarks I've dealt with while walking down the streets here in NY ( it not also not like I am 40 stone or something, and even if I were, it would still be unacceptable to be unkind to me ), I have to say the most shocking and was the starting point for the marriage never to happen, was when I moved to Essex late June 2007 and the phone rang. I was still in bed, as had only gone to bed around 4 am.

There was a voice on the other end asking me how the flight went, etc, then the most infamous comment said to me ever, ' why are you overweight ? '.

I was so stunned I did not even know what to say, and that does not happen often, it all went downhill from that comment.
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20-01-2015, 05:50 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Originally Posted by MADAMENOTMISS ->
And the award goes to .....................

Of all the oinking and other nasty rude remarks I've dealt with while walking down the streets here in NY ( it not also not like I am 40 stone or something, and even if I were, it would still be unacceptable to be unkind to me ), I have to say the most shocking and was the starting point for the marriage never to happen, was when I moved to Essex late June 2007 and the phone rang. I was still in bed, as had only gone to bed around 4 am.

There was a voice on the other end asking me how the flight went, etc, then the most infamous comment said to me ever, ' why are you overweight ? '.

I was so stunned I did not even know what to say, and that does not happen often, it all went downhill from that comment.
Your soon-to-be-husband/wife said this to you???

(I added wife because I know many same-sex couples and don't want to assume)
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20-01-2015, 05:53 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Originally Posted by Linda0818 ->
Your soon-to-be-husband/wife said this to you???

(I added wife because I know many same-sex couples and don't want to assume)

His sister
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20-01-2015, 06:15 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

Originally Posted by MADAMENOTMISS ->
His sister

Well that's not very nice at all. And I'm so sorry it ruined your marriage. I don't know all the circumstances, but I personally wouldn't have given a hoot what his sister thinks. However, if it affected the way he felt about you, then yeah, not worth it.

I tend to be somewhat of a smartass and I probably would have come back with, "Why are YOU a total bi*ch?" or would have told her it's none of her damn business.

People can be so insensitive. I've been there and done that with being moo'ed when I was overweight.
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20-01-2015, 06:32 PM

Re: Do you want to be told you're fat?

It has totally sickened me how some of the posters here have been verbally abused just because of their size. It's absolutely despicable.
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