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13-02-2016, 03:24 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

twinks, I totally agree but we have to look it in other ways.

Some find prison so bad they'll never reoffend, these are usually those with loving families, the separation unbearable.

Then there are those that have no family so feel no seperation sadness.

When I worked for HMPS there was one young lad from a decent family, he was a first time offender and you bet he'd never be back. He was mercilessly bullied because he was seen as a soft target, a privileged kid from the nice side of town. He reported his cell mate to his personal officer who did nothing.

One night the kid had had enough and retaliated to the psychological bully and hit him, the guy hit his head on the corner of the bunk and died. This young kid got 8 years on top of his 6 month sentence for cheque fraud.

The system let him down, his officer let him down and HMP let him down. He shouldn't have been in a cat A prison let alone locked up with a hardened criminal doing time for robbery with violence.

Ps, again I am not replying to the specific crime or killer in question, they can rot in hell IMHO
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13-02-2016, 03:35 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Hanfonius ->
But I do feel sorry for them, Twink. There, but for the grace of God go you or I. Most of them are not murderers or child molesters.

They are, however, all human beings. They have feelings just like we do.

Personally, I am glad that they have been removed from society. Apart from lobotomising and putting them into a secure facility, I cannot think of an alternative solution.
There again, I like eating a nice steak - but don't ask me to kill and butcher my own meat.

To ease our consciences, we are given the impression that prisoners are comfortably housed with good food, TV, computers, libraries, education, keep-fit facilities and so on.
I know a few prison officers, and prison life isn't generally like that.

Perhaps we are better off not knowing the real life that an inmate has to live.
I am afraid that certainly doesn't apply to me! I would never have broken the law so have little sympathy with those who do. If you don't respect the laws of your country, you have no reason to complain when you are punished. I don't care if they are only lads, they knew they were doing wrong so have to take the conseqences.
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13-02-2016, 03:37 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Hanfonius ->
But I do feel sorry for them, Twink. There, but for the grace of God go you or I. Most of them are not murderers or child molesters.

They are, however, all human beings. They have feelings just like we do.

Personally, I am glad that they have been removed from society. Apart from lobotomising and putting them into a secure facility, I cannot think of an alternative solution.
There again, I like eating a nice steak - but don't ask me to kill and butcher my own meat.

To ease our consciences, we are given the impression that prisoners are comfortably housed with good food, TV, computers, libraries, education, keep-fit facilities and so on.
I know a few prison officers, and prison life isn't generally like that.

Perhaps we are better off not knowing the real life that an inmate has to live.
We are not talking about the run of the mill con .
We are discussing capital punishment for heinous crimes .
I don't need my conscience eased where prisoners are concerned .
It's not rocket science
If you don't want the discomfort of prison don't commit crimes .
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13-02-2016, 04:26 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
That is the normal person .
Serial murders and child killers dont feel this way.
No, they certainly do not. In fact many of them talk about the "pleasure" and the "satisfaction" they feel when taking the life of another human being.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Lets not feel sorry for them, they had little concern for the people they committed crimes against.... I am surprised they don't all mend their ways if it is as bad as you say, but whether they do or not , they deserve the punishment!
Originally Posted by Muddy ->
We are not talking about the run of the mill con .
We are discussing capital punishment for heinous crimes .
I don't need my conscience eased where prisoners are concerned .
It's not rocket science
If you don't want the discomfort of prison don't commit crimes .
Exactly. STOP FEELING PITY FOR THESE MONSTERS. I'm so damn tired of the bleeding hearts who fight for the rights of these downright evil beings (I'm not religious, but if evil exists, these people are it) who took away the rights of the person(s) they killed. These bast**** deserve rights? They deserve to treated humanely? What about the rights and the humane treatment their victims got? They maim and torture and rape and kill, but when it comes time for their punishment to be dished out, they start crying about rights. Rubbish. They LOST their rights when they took the life away from someone who will never be able to get it back. That's it. They're done. Their life is over. Because of them. And it can't be reversed. The victims aren't getting a second chance. They're gone from this earth forever.

These people aren't human. They're evil, despicable monsters who have NO REGARD for human life or human rights or humane treatment. So why should they be entitled to it?
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13-02-2016, 05:23 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Linda0818 ->
No, they certainly do not. In fact many of them talk about the "pleasure" and the "satisfaction" they feel when taking the life of another human being.

Exactly. STOP FEELING PITY FOR THESE MONSTERS. I'm so damn tired of the bleeding hearts who fight for the rights of these downright evil beings (I'm not religious, but if evil exists, these people are it) who took away the rights of the person(s) they killed. These bast**** deserve rights? They deserve to treated humanely? What about the rights and the humane treatment their victims got? They maim and torture and rape and kill, but when it comes time for their punishment to be dished out, they start crying about rights. Rubbish. They LOST their rights when they took the life away from someone who will never be able to get it back. That's it. They're done. Their life is over. Because of them. And it can't be reversed. The victims aren't getting a second chance. They're gone from this earth forever.

These people aren't human. They're evil, despicable monsters who have NO REGARD for human life or human rights or humane treatment. So why should they be entitled to it?
I agree! I don't accept Muslim practices but they make sure people stick to the rules in a harsh fashion... and it works.
They cut off a hand of somebody who steals, to prevent them stealing again. I wouldn't go that far but, castration for a rapist would be much cheaper than keeping him in jail and, if those who murder know their life will end when they get caught, it is their choice whether to kill or not.
What was that song about letting the punishment fit the crime? It seems like a good idea to me.
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13-02-2016, 05:49 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Twink said, 'Castration for a rapist would be much cheaper than keeping him in jail'

Chemical castration is offered to sexual offenders, but not enforced.
Unfortunately, it does not change their mental aspects. They are just the same as before. Castrated paedophiles continue to pursue their unacceptable way of life.
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13-02-2016, 06:00 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Hanfonius ->
Twink said, 'Castration for a rapist would be much cheaper than keeping him in jail'

Chemical castration is offered to sexual offenders, but not enforced.
Unfortunately, it does not change their mental aspects. They are just the same as before. Castrated paedophiles continue to pursue their unacceptable way of life.
Well if that is the case the problem is in their head... perhaps we should chop that off instead.
I am sorry but I have absolutely no sympathy at all for people who commit this type of crime. They can do what they like with a consenting adult, but not with innocent people and children!
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14-02-2016, 02:46 AM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Hanfonius ->
Twink said, 'Castration for a rapist would be much cheaper than keeping him in jail'

Chemical castration is offered to sexual offenders, but not enforced.
Unfortunately, it does not change their mental aspects. They are just the same as before. Castrated paedophiles continue to pursue their unacceptable way of life.
Not if their penis is cut off.
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14-02-2016, 03:16 AM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
I don't believe prisoners have it as cushy as some make out, you list only the simple things in life.

I'm not saying it's the right way to treat them or not but please don't say how easy it is, I'm sure most would change their mind if they saw the inside of a cat A prison.

This is not in response to the crimes in question, it's in reply to the generalisation that prison life is easy.
Hear, Hear.

The punishment is the removal of a person's freedom.
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14-02-2016, 01:44 PM

Re: Read This And Tell Me , You Are Still Against Hanging.....

Originally Posted by Linda0818 ->
Not if their penis is cut off.
The penis in not the only 'weapon'of a pedophile
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