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27-06-2016, 05:00 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I'm not arguing for communism never have but it can't go on like it is. I've only ever argued for free speech and UJ to be allowed to put his point without the horrible comments.
Perhaps you can now see why so many of us were against taking in refugees, because many weren't refugees but economic migrants and if we can't look after our own we shouldn't have to look after others. This country owes a fortune because we don't get enough from taxes to provide a life for poor people , treat all those who are ill, educate the children and have armies to keep this country safe from terrorists and other countries looking for trouble. There is no magic pot that can provide the money to do these things, so we have to make hard choices, and I would rather choose to care for those who have lived and contributed to this country, not those who see us as an easy life.
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27-06-2016, 06:43 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Julie I think if you look into UJ's ideas in any real socialist country you will find that their living conditions are far worse than ours. There is nothing in the supermarkets in many socialist countries so you eat what is available rather than what you can afford. The socialist idea sounds wonderful, but no country gets it to work well whereas Capitalist countries give the workers an opportunity to improve their lives. Real socialists are nothing like the Labour parties we have known, their life is much worse. I have seen a few!
Hear hear.

There will always be rich and poor whether we like it or not and, as has already been said elsewhere, if everyone was equally well-off (or equally poor) many would lie in bed all day as there would be no incentive to improve themselves.

The 'successful rich' exist for several reasons. Some have the benefit of intelligence whereas others do not (a sad fact of life); some have a businesslike mind (like S'ralan) whereas others (like me) have not; some are hard workers whereas others (like me!) are not; some are born with silver spoons in their mouths, although it could be argued that their antecedents must have had the ability or opportunity to amass their wealth somehow.
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27-06-2016, 06:49 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Perhaps you can now see why so many of us were against taking in refugees, because many weren't refugees but economic migrants and if we can't look after our own we shouldn't have to look after others. This country owes a fortune because we don't get enough from taxes to provide a life for poor people , treat all those who are ill, educate the children and have armies to keep this country safe from terrorists and other countries looking for trouble. There is no magic pot that can provide the money to do these things, so we have to make hard choices, and I would rather choose to care for those who have lived and contributed to this country, not those who see us as an easy life.
Exactly. Charity begins at home.

Moreover, the more we try to 'feed the world' the poorer we make ourselves. The poorer we make ourselves the less able we shall be to 'feed the world'.
Isn't that some sort of 'Catch 22'?
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27-06-2016, 07:40 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.


The UK has always taken in genuine refugees, we have a long and proud history of doing so.

The thing is, they are very small in number, less than one tenth of the arrivals every year.
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27-06-2016, 08:14 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I've only ever argued for free speech and UJ to be allowed to put his point without the horrible comments.

Think that's a oxymoron
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27-06-2016, 08:17 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Perhaps you can now see why so many of us were against taking in refugees, because many weren't refugees but economic migrants and if we can't look after our own we shouldn't have to look after others. This country owes a fortune because we don't get enough from taxes to provide a life for poor people , treat all those who are ill, educate the children and have armies to keep this country safe from terrorists and other countries looking for trouble. There is no magic pot that can provide the money to do these things, so we have to make hard choices, and I would rather choose to care for those who have lived and contributed to this country, not those who see us as an easy life.
Blimey twink I conceded to that months ago I still think genuine asylum cases must be helped but that many are not that. Months and months ago.
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27-06-2016, 08:46 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Blimey twink I conceded to that months ago I still think genuine asylum cases must be helped but that many are not that. Months and months ago.
Yes I know you conceded but I was just trying to say that , if we want to look after our own poor, then there may not be enough money to look after others no matter how desperate they are. You cant care for 2 when there is only enough money for 1, so choices have to be made.
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27-06-2016, 10:51 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

It seems after an acrimonious meeting of some Labour MPs and Corbyn tonight there is talk of the party splitting in two.

Also there is apparently to be a meeting in the morning where the names of three people Tom Watson, Angela Eagle and Dan Jarvis will be put forward for discussion as suitable candidates to replace Corbyn.

The source of this information was the editor of Newsnight who was outside the meeting.
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27-06-2016, 10:59 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

I aw a suggestion that Peter Mandelson is being considered as a good candidate to go up against Corbyn. I just hope that was a joke.
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27-06-2016, 11:15 PM

Re: Labour-the fallout from the referendum.

Originally Posted by Devo ->
I aw a suggestion that Peter Mandelson is being considered as a good candidate to go up against Corbyn. I just hope that was a joke.
What? That arsehole? He didn't do enough damage last time so he's hovering round on the chance he can try again?

Let's hope it is a joke.
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