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10-05-2019, 09:33 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Realist, every time you open your mouth lately, you are very unpleasant, insulting, and verging on bullying.

To quote just a few from the long list of the conceited comments or scare tactics you use:

1. We are ignorant.
2. We are brainwashed.
3. Vaccines kill.
4. You say about 'heart rending stories' of children being killed and/or injured.
5. Qualified hospital doctors are lying through their teeth.
6. If we put forward our own ideas we are told we are making 'ridiculous statements'!
7. You told Twink if the conversation irks her, then stay out of the thread - as if it's your thread!
8. You have also told others they talk 'emotional drivel.'
9. Some of us who dare to offer an opinion are told they are 'extremely childish.'

The list could go on and on, and it is crystal clear to me that you are on the wrong sort of forum for your needs.

I have said all I am interested in saying on this thread, so unlike you, I intend to walk away and leave you to stick pins in me.
It matters not one iota.
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10-05-2019, 10:01 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Sorry Mups but all that personal stuff cuts no ice with me at all.

Your rant of:

"Members should not have to make apologies, excuses, or give you their reasons for their choices, so for Christ's sake get over it!"

pretty much sealed the deal for me. Just making stuff up to justify a personal rant at me. Genuinely not interested.
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10-05-2019, 10:47 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Sorry Mups but all that personal stuff cuts no ice with me at all.

Your rant of:

"Members should not have to make apologies, excuses, or give you their reasons for their choices, so for Christ's sake get over it!"

pretty much sealed the deal for me. Just making stuff up to justify a personal rant at me. Genuinely not interested.
Realist if nothing else this thread has proved how incredibly biased you are. You are not interested in exploring compromises. It's all one way traffic. You have your own body, do with it what you will, but you don't control everyone else's.
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11-05-2019, 12:50 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
. You are not interested in exploring compromises.
Correct. I'm interested only in the facts, real evidential facts from respected medical bodies.

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
You have your own body, do with it what you will, but you don't control everyone else's.
Of course I don't control anyone else's. I don't seek to. Each to their own. I post what I do so people can make more informed decisions.
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11-05-2019, 04:33 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Brucey old son

I said that the entire vaccine industry is in ill repute. I gave 2 examples of why. You challenged my post, I refuted it stating that the leading medical research body has proved that the vaccine in question was snake oil.

Simple as.

If we want to limit discussion to Measles the I will come back, again, to the Cochrane Institute thus:

"A review of more than 60 MMR vaccine studies conducted for the Cochrane Library states, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” Because permanent sequalae (aftereffects) from measles, especially in individuals with normal levels of vitamin A, are so rare, the level of accuracy of the research studies available is insufficient to prove that the vaccine causes less death or permanent injury than measles."

Which in laymans terms means simply that:

"It has not been proven that the MMR vaccine is safer than measles"

That is quite an indictment of the industry imho
<yawn> yet another re-writing of history

You really should change your name to Sophist, I am pretty sure that calling yourself 'Realist' must be an offence under the trade descriptions act.
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11-05-2019, 05:32 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Of course I don't control anyone else's. I don't seek to. Each to their own. I post what I do so people can make more informed decisions.
You try your best to try to convert others to your ideas using scare tactics.

Whilst it's good to highlight risks in medicines it's all relative. Take paracetamol, it's seen as safe and effective, but in fact has a long list of adverse and negative reactions. There are more risks to taking other common pain killers such as ibuprofen etc. Should people here give up pain relief because of the risks? Or do they accept there are risks but that the pain relief is of such benefit that they are willing to accept risk?

For the majority of the population vaccinations are going to be the latter category. But I do think the MMR vaccine should be available in separate doses and they should do patch tests before administering anything containing a known allergen. The use of the combined jab is purely driven by financial considerations.

Most people accept there are risks with everything we do. We live in a dangerous world.
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11-05-2019, 06:53 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
<yawn> yet another re-writing of history

You really should change your name to Sophist, I am pretty sure that calling yourself 'Realist' must be an offence under the trade descriptions act.
Thank you, your comment made me smile Bruce!

I never understand how anybody can offer advice when they do not know the persons health records & circumstances. The only person that I listen to is a doctor, that I feel I can trust, and so far they have done a good job.

If Realist believes that he only needs natural medicines, that is fine because it is his choice to make, but I just wish he would allow others to make their own choices, without bombarding them with his ideas.

If anybody is in doubt, they can ask a doctor of their choice, who can read their past medical history.
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11-05-2019, 09:19 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Morning Twink, I agree with you and Annie.

What bugs me is he says - " I post what I do so people can make more informed decisions."
But who has asked for him for help in the first place?

We are treated as if we are incapable of googling relevant information for ourselves.
I certainly don't need a self-appointed tutor continually ramming his findings down my throat, and taking control of so many threads - do you?
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11-05-2019, 10:51 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

It's a pity because he could make a valuable contribution if he approached discussions differently.
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11-05-2019, 10:54 AM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
You try your best to try to convert others to your ideas using scare tactics.

Just appalling nonsense !!

You really do have a terrible habit of just inventing stuff up when you have run out of arguments.

I will say it again and keep saying it

I don't care what anyone else does with their health, they must make their own choices. I don't use scare tactics to present my views, I provide the facts, especially those from respected medical bodies. It's up to each individual what they choose to do with that information.

Clearly there's a tiny clique contingent here that have no interest in such information as they have made quite clear numerous times. I'm happy for them. Let them get on with their lives in the way they wish, no-one here is stopping them. No-one is trying to control them.

It does seem however that they wish to suppress such information from everyone else as if somehow this is their own personal forum and no-one else counts. There are 100s of members here and many very much appreciate the information and research I provide. It seems though that a tiny few are only interested in themselves.

No-one forces them to read any post, yet they keep doing so and then keep posting personal sleights and rants . . go figure !
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