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17-05-2020, 11:49 AM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by JBR ->
To be honest, I can't think that China, like Russia, could become the world's superpower.

Certainly, when it comes to technology, neither of those countries seem to develop their own, but rather copy western ideas. Concordski, for example.

China is so 'powerful' simply because it can manufacture and sell good that the world wants to buy because it is so cheap. As they become richer, it is possible that their people will want more, just as we did when we became richer following the Victorian expansion. Their cheap labour might then disappear and their ability to compete along those lines would end.

All empires and major powers expand and then contract.
That does seem to be the pattern JBR?
But america seems to have developed a system to keep them at
the top?
Will it be sustainable, who knows!

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
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17-05-2020, 12:55 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
From my viewpoint Brucy America was the only country to make
a PROFIT from both world wars!
After WW2 they then punished england for voting socialist by
enforcing war debt repayments from uk, and then to rub it in they
then used those repayments to help pay for the "german miracle"
where germany was rebuilt from the ruins with new modern
factories etc, etc. England was left to languish whilst their former
deadly enemy was completely restored!
They then went on to cause the Korean debacle in their fear of
communism, and then went on to rebuild their other former deadly
enemy Japan, and later Tiawan all to hold back communism?
This policy later bit them in the arse as Japan and Tiawan then went
on to out perform them economically!!
Good post. Yes, the Americans helped out the free people of the world but, as you say, they didn't suffer at home like the rest of us. Any lend-lease did come with conditions and I can well believe that they might have made a profit from the two world wars.

As for punishing England for voting socialist, I agree that we deserved that. I have never understood why, after Churchill led this country to victory, the people voted for the Labour party. That's gratitude for you.

It is also true that both Germany and Japan benefited from help from the allies, especially America whilst at the same time we suffered a great deal of poverty. I can only assume that America wanted to help restore German and Japanese industry and economy in order that they might trade with them on beneficial terms.

Yes, I have mixed feelings about America. In many instances, they have been our friends and allies, but at the end of the day it has always been America first. To be fair, I think I'd hold the same attitude if I had been American.
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17-05-2020, 01:01 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
That does seem to be the pattern JBR?
But america seems to have developed a system to keep them at
the top?
Will it be sustainable, who knows!
Yes, but I'm sure that we British thought exactly the same at the height of the British Empire.

It was only after the Great War and, to a greater extent, after the Second World War that we lost all our possessions.

Perhaps another world war might change things again irrevocably.

I wonder who will become the next world superpower after that!
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17-05-2020, 01:18 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by JBR ->

As for punishing England for voting socialist, I agree that we deserved that. I have never understood why, after Churchill led this country to victory, the people voted for the Labour party. That's gratitude for you.
There's a lesson there, that when the government has to put in place the rationing, the strategies, the rebuilding, the "calling ups", and the deaths, and put out there all the bad news which ensues, then the opposition will always be in the delightful position of saying we would have managed it all better - All mistakes, the will say, were down to the government not getting the plans right."

Now time travel forward to what our new "Leader Of The Opposition" is doing!

He's wetting himself with the new opportunity available!
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17-05-2020, 01:35 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
There's a lesson there, that when the government has to put in place the rationing, the strategies, the rebuilding, the "calling ups", and the deaths, and put out there all the bad news which ensues, then the opposition will always be in the delightful position of saying we would have managed it all better - All mistakes, the will say, were down to the government not getting the plans right."

Now time travel forward to what our new "Leader Of The Opposition" is doing!

He's wetting himself with the new opportunity available!
Too right, and completely predictable!

Labour = borrow, borrow, borrow - spend, spend, spend - we end up heavily in debt.

Tories = reduce debt by making cuts - people don't like the hardships.

And around and around and around it goes,
for ever and ever, Amen!
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18-05-2020, 11:11 AM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
From my viewpoint Brucy America was the only country to make
a PROFIT from both world wars!
After WW2 they then punished england for voting socialist by
enforcing war debt repayments from uk, and then to rub it in they
then used those repayments to help pay for the "german miracle"
where germany was rebuilt from the ruins with new modern
factories etc, etc. England was left to languish whilst their former
deadly enemy was completely restored!

Donkeyman! 😇😇

Oh Assman, thanks for your version of history, those horrid Americans giving discounted interest rates for the goods they supplied after hostilities ended - Britain didn't pay a penny for the material supplied during the war. Amazing that none of the other Allies complained but hey, it had to be the Americans that were at fault.

Then there were all those Commonwealth immigrants flooding in, stealing your jobs and making you poor by keeping your buses and NHS going in the 50s and 60s. The rotters!

What was next? Oh yes, those brutes from the EU expecting you obey the rules of the organisation you joined and letting your citizens live and work anywhere in Europe. But of course it was not your fault that you didn't prosper, it was those damn Europeans, more immigrants and being a part of the world's largest free trade bloc that kept you poor.

Thank goodness for Covid19 without it you would have to look for someone else to blame for your failures in 2021.

Covid19 gives you a bit of breathing space but I am confident that you will be able find someone else that is causing all your difficulties in the future - all those years of experience of blaming everyone else for problems since 1945 must count for something. Pointing the finger at other people certainly saves getting off your collective arses and actually doing something rather than, as you so quaintly put it, "languishing".
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18-05-2020, 11:18 AM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Oh Assman, thanks for your version of history, those horrid Americans giving discounted interest rates for the goods they supplied after hostilities ended - Britain didn't pay a penny for the material supplied during the war. Amazing that none of the other Allies complained but hey, it had to be the Americans that were at fault.

Then there were all those Commonwealth immigrants flooding in, stealing your jobs and making you poor by keeping your buses and NHS going in the 50s and 60s. The rotters!

What was next? Oh yes, those brutes from the EU expecting you obey the rules of the organisation you joined and letting your citizens live and work anywhere in Europe. But of course it was not your fault that you didn't prosper, it was those damn Europeans, more immigrants and being a part of the world's largest free trade bloc that kept you poor.

Thank goodness for Covid19 without it you would have to look for someone else to blame for your failures in 2021.

Covid19 gives you a bit of breathing space but I am confident that you will be able find someone else that is causing all your difficulties in the future - all those years of experience of blaming everyone else for problems since 1945 must count for something. Pointing the finger at other people certainly saves getting off your collective arses and actually doing something.
A good start would be to look at the HUGE cost that your beloved America imposed on the UK in the first and second wars and not just monetary.

The Americans have NEVER done ANYTHING that was not of direct or indirect benefit to them. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.
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18-05-2020, 11:35 AM

Re: China claims all

What a pleasant chap this Bruce is, to be sure.

I've just read his last two posts.
One explained how nasty we are in taking advantage of poor immigrants and generous Americans, followed by his assurances that the EU are actually our saviours and that we should be grateful for their largess, yet fails to mention the billions we pay them every year for nothing.

The other, repeated at regular daily intervals, boasts about how well Australia is doing with regard to deaths from Covid, comparing that to the poor performance of the UK and the US.

He's very negative about this country, isn't he? I may be completely wrong, but I get the impression that he was a disgruntled ex-pat from this country who went to look for a better life at the bottom of the world.

Actually, as I've mentioned before, he did right and I've suggested that those of us who can should do the same before this country falls into the abyss, though in my view New Zealand would be a far better place: they being far less 'superior' and arrogant people.

Donkeyman is offline
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18-05-2020, 12:02 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Oh Assman, thanks for your version of history, those horrid Americans giving discounted interest rates for the goods they supplied after hostilities ended - Britain didn't pay a penny for the material supplied during the war. Amazing that none of the other Allies complained but hey, it had to be the Americans that were at fault.

Then there were all those Commonwealth immigrants flooding in, stealing your jobs and making you poor by keeping your buses and NHS going in the 50s and 60s. The rotters!

What was next? Oh yes, those brutes from the EU expecting you obey the rules of the organisation you joined and letting your citizens live and work anywhere in Europe. But of course it was not your fault that you didn't prosper, it was those damn Europeans, more immigrants and being a part of the world's largest free trade bloc that kept you poor.

Thank goodness for Covid19 without it you would have to look for someone else to blame for your failures in 2021.

Covid19 gives you a bit of breathing space but I am confident that you will be able find someone else that is causing all your difficulties in the future - all those years of experience of blaming everyone else for problems since 1945 must count for something. Pointing the finger at other people certainly saves getting off your collective arses and actually doing something rather than, as you so quaintly put it, "languishing".
Tell me who the Allies were Brucy, and who else had to pay usa
back for being the only only country other than Poland to stand up
to the nazis for the first two years of the war!
Did poland have to pay england back after the war? I doubt it??
I agree without america uk would have been steamrollered under
like the rest of europe, but the usa did not defeat Hitler, it was Russia
and Hitler himself that defeated nazi'ism!!
England was extremely fortunate to come out of the war as it did
but to then see america reward its former enemies for the shyte they
caused beggars belief!!
Regarding the rest of your post l wil ignore as it seems to have been
written by someone with a heavy chip on their shoulder about
something? could you tell me if you emigrated to ozzie or was
transported there?

Donkeyman! 😇😇😇
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18-05-2020, 12:17 PM

Re: China claims all

Originally Posted by JBR ->
What a pleasant chap this Bruce is, to be sure.

I've just read his last two posts.
One explained how nasty we are in taking advantage of poor immigrants and generous Americans, followed by his assurances that the EU are actually our saviours and that we should be grateful for their largess, yet fails to mention the billions we pay them every year for nothing.

The other, repeated at regular daily intervals, boasts about how well Australia is doing with regard to deaths from Covid, comparing that to the poor performance of the UK and the US.

He's very negative about this country, isn't he? I may be completely wrong, but I get the impression that he was a disgruntled ex-pat from this country who went to look for a better life at the bottom of the world.

Actually, as I've mentioned before, he did right and I've suggested that those of us who can should do the same before this country falls into the abyss, though in my view New Zealand would be a far better place: they being far less 'superior' and arrogant people.

I agree with you JBR, Brucy did the right thing by migrating?
l did the same myself and have never regretted doing so! I only
came back to uk as donkeywoman wanted to be with our kids
and grandchild,
As you say, Brucy seems to be full of bile about uk, why does he
persist in belonging to a uk forum??

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
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