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08-04-2020, 01:21 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

I was listening to the news this morning and a UK doctor was talking about Boris Johnson being in ICU. One remark she did make was that 50% of Covid19 patients admitted to ICU in the UK die.

I thought that was a pretty stunning statistic about the effects of this virus.
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08-04-2020, 03:31 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive
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08-04-2020, 10:16 AM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

The idiotic lefties who post such things are actually doing the country a great service!
Yes, honestly.

The more we sensible, thinking people read from these cowards (who are so brave that they dare not print their names), the more people will gravitate to the right and the more who will come to detest the lefty-loonies.

That itself should keep this country safe from another communist-labour government for a long time to come.
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08-04-2020, 12:27 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by JBR ->
The idiotic lefties who post such things are actually doing the country a great service!
Yes, honestly.

The more we sensible, thinking people read from these cowards (who are so brave that they dare not print their names), the more people will gravitate to the right and the more who will come to detest the lefty-loonies.

That itself should keep this country safe from another communist-labour government for a long time to come.
Yes, thank goodness a Tory government wouldn't do any of that socialist nonsense like the government paying the wages of workers. The free market rules!
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08-04-2020, 12:42 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Yes, thank goodness a Tory government wouldn't do any of that socialist nonsense like the government paying the wages of workers. The free market rules!
Simple. Competition.

If I have skills that are needed, I'd offer my services to the employer who would give me the most attractive contract.

There are also such things as minimum wage in this country.

That's 'free market'.
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08-04-2020, 12:48 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Simple. Competition.

If I have skills that are needed, I'd offer my services to the employer who would give me the most attractive contract.

There are also such things as minimum wage in this country.

That's 'free market'.
Oh dear...

The U.K. announced an unprecedented stimulus plan to cushion the economic blow from the coronavirus, including paying a portion of citizens’ wages for the first time in the nation’s history.

Workers whose jobs are at risk will see up to 80% of their wages paid by the government, potentially costing at least 10 billion pounds ($11.6 billion.)

Sounds awfully like socialism to me
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08-04-2020, 01:00 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Oh dear...

The U.K. announced an unprecedented stimulus plan to cushion the economic blow from the coronavirus, including paying a portion of citizens’ wages for the first time in the nation’s history.

Workers whose jobs are at risk will see up to 80% of their wages paid by the government, potentially costing at least 10 billion pounds ($11.6 billion.)

Sounds awfully like socialism to me
Not to me.

The tenets of socialism is to ensure the presence of powerful unions who can, by calling strikes at the drop of a hat, force employers to either cough up more money or cease production permanently and go under. In the latter case, everyone loses.

I have yet to see a socialist government pay workers' wages.

The present government offering to pay wages today is an emergency measure due to an almost unprecedented virus pandemic. Perhaps you haven't heard of coronavirus.
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08-04-2020, 01:07 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

A shocking video galty but thanks for the link.

Surely these are 'hate' crimes? But then Boris isn't a lesbian or a muslim, so police will not be investigating I presume.
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08-04-2020, 01:12 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

The botox-for-brains generation do make me laugh. One minute they are all embracing, all inclusive and loving everyone, then they come out with sh*t like that. It just goes to show they are not who they claim to be.

Perhaps their minds are poisoned by the flowers stuck in their gobs.
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08-04-2020, 01:16 PM

Re: Boris Johnson tested positive

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
A shocking video galty but thanks for the link.

Surely these are 'hate' crimes? But then Boris isn't a lesbian or a muslim, so police will not be investigating I presume.
Yes, disgusting.

Even more disgusting that many of those people are women, just showing that they have the capacity to be as evil as any men.

And, yes, it certainly does appear that the police and other authorities are scared to investigate or criticise 'certain minorities'. Is this an indication that 'certain people' are effectively above the law?
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