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Sweetie pie
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24-01-2019, 12:58 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
A young Lady who cleared the tables at my local Social Club, once enquired, "Spitty, every time I go into the Public Bar, the men in there make sexual advances to me, why is this?", I said to her, its quite simple!

Guys always make passes
At Girls that C'lect glasses
Your mind would be Boggled
Watching you through Beer Goggles
Its hard to defend, both hands on a tray
Against those male lechers making making a play
The only advice that I need to expound
When collecting the glasses, "Stick to the Lounge".

© Spitty.
OOH we posted at the same time.
Love it. x
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24-01-2019, 01:02 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I was mainly self taught, aged 16 I got a job a the local Ford main dealer in the car preparation department, they weren't fussed about licences etc, coz we were paid a pittance, it was fun driving round the equivalent of Asda car park in a 3Ltr S Capri.
Sweetie pie
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24-01-2019, 01:05 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
I was mainly self taught, aged 16 I got a job a the local Ford main dealer in the car preparation department, they weren't fussed about licences etc, coz we were paid a pittance, it was fun driving round the equivalent of Asda car park in a 3Ltr S Capri.
Sounds like fun, my hubby taught our son to drive at our local Airport inner road, it is unused in the evenings, so we got permission and it was perfect.
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24-01-2019, 01:08 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

It was fun, did a bit of damage though.
Sweetie pie
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24-01-2019, 01:21 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
It was fun, did a bit of damage though.
My hubby used to drive the import cars onto the ferries in Dover, they had a smashing time.
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24-01-2019, 02:40 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
My hubby used to drive the import cars onto the ferries in Dover, they had a smashing time.
As soon as I read that a vision of the episode of "Some Mothers do have Them" sprung to mind, when Frank Spencer's car is hanging over the cliffs and the song
"I'm going over the white cliffs of Dover..."
Funny how the mind works.
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24-01-2019, 02:43 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Guys always make passes
At Girls that C'lect glasses
Your mind would be Boggled
Watching you through Beer Goggles
Its hard to defend, both hands on a tray
Against those male lechers making making a play
The only advice that I need to expound
When collecting the glasses, "Stick to the Lounge".

© Spitty.[/QUOTE]

My oh my, you are on top form with that one Spitty, full marks there, eat your heart out Gummy.
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24-01-2019, 03:09 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

On the subject of cars, I’m afraid I’m not qualified to attest to the wonderful workings of the combustion engine, all I know about motoring is from what I hear, and all I ever hear from drivers is moaning, moaning about the traffic congestion, the other lousy drivers, potholes, cyclists, busses, pedestrians, the cost of petrol, road tax, break downs, to name a few, indeed it has been known for one raging driver to get out of his car and strangle another driver in the middle of the road, you don't see any pedestrians getting up to that sort of thing now do you?
If dems the joys of motoring you are welcome to them.

The man in the car feels he’s King of the road
As he squashes a hedgehog and flattens a toad
Singing and listening on his bluetooth speaker
And sipping Red Bull from a plastic beaker.
“I’m in a hurry, get outta my way!
Or you’ll be lying six feet under the clay”

As I toddle off whistling “The Esso sign means happy motoring, the Esso sign means happy motoring…”

I haven't been out for a good while with this cold of mine, but I'm much better today so I'll toddle up to the local and make an appearance, just in case they think I'm dead.
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24-01-2019, 04:41 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Cars have just been a financial transaction for some while now, the pinnacle being around the mid 90s, one 1995 transaction went like this.

We benefit from a employee discount, at the time 25%, so we purchased a vehicle with an RRP of £20,000.00, the discount took it down to £15,000.00, at the time the employee received all the incentives that retail customers benefitted from, so we got £4000.00 cash back, and free insurance (worth £300.00). We were obligated to keep the car for nine months, so paid 8 payments of £320.00 (if I remember right) = £2560.00, which on the face of it gave us a profit of £1,740.00, but, the icing on the cake was the residual value (trade in) on a nine month old example, with 5000 miles on the clock which was £16,000.00. The settlement figure on the car was £13,500.00, so gave £2,500.00 deposit on the next car, plus the £1,740.00 nett profit £4,240.00.

Needless to say, the retail benefits a couple of years later were withdrawn to employees, and, the percentage discount became variable, dependant on the model but, not typically 25%, but, we had had 10 years of free motoring by this point, and, nothing good lasts for ever.
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24-01-2019, 10:16 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I remember the first car my brother in law bought, in was back in 1968 and it was a very old and battered light green ‘Baby Austin’ He bought if from my Northern Ireland Boss who had it so long I think he was born in it. I was the mediator and the price they settled on was £17.
As it happened we used to have to work a half day on a Saturday back then and when we finished work at 1pm the handing over ceremony took place. Old McDonald, my boss, actually cried when he handed over the tax book and keys and as he familiarised Mick, my in law, with the ins and outs of the car I headed for the pub on the corner to inform the lads that Mick had bought a ‘new’ car. It was a warm sunny day and they all left their drinks and came outside to watch the arrival of Mick in his new car.
They all clapped and let out an unmerciful cheer as the car pulled into the kerb outside the pub, you have to realise that this was in the very heart of Dublin city with hundreds of shoppers passing by, Mick got out of the car and made a bee line for the bar, his face was so red you could light a fag from it. Mick was always a shy lad.
Funny enough he got a few years out of the old crock, finally the floor fell out of it from rust and he had to part with it, even today he still talks about that old car, “My baby” as he used to call it.

For younger folks who wouldn’t know what these old cars looked like, here’s an Austin A35 just like it only in much better condition.


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