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23-03-2018, 05:19 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Thanks Surfermom
Well yesterday turned out to be a non-event in the way of training. I decided to pay a visit to some stores to look for some new training tops and shorts. I favour the 'wicking-type' football shirt attire as they are very lightweight and also keep me cool in the gym. Cotton t-shirts end up drenched (and they need to be ironed so I'll keep those for casual wear). Anyway I'm all suited up now so there will be a big clear out next week of some old and tatty shirts.

I'm going to play it by ear with my training while I'm off work as I really do need to get started on some of my DIY chores, starting today. Don't worry though, there will be no slacking and I'll make time for some good, hard graft once I get back there very soon. No big panic.

Hope you got that filling sorted out, Surfermom and it's now pain-free. I have an appointment on Monday myself but just a check-up.

I wush you a very good weekend away with your folks, have a safe journey. Talk again soon.
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23-03-2018, 09:51 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Just caught up with all the posts while sitting the hotel room in Manchester. Good to see you haven't been slacking........Floydy, Surfermom and Ruthio.....Ruthio?....
Just a quick two miles in the sea before breakfast.......

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24-03-2018, 12:20 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Whay hayyyy! Bronzed God alert. It's Daniel Craig...or perhaps Sean Connery at least!!
Hi Bob, you look like you're having a great time out there. I'm dead jealous (of the surrounding beach and sea, not your bod of course ).
Yeah, Surfermom and myself are looking after things on here in your absence, but we need you back pronto - the other ladies have done a runner since you went on your travels....
Anyway keep enjoying that lovely weather...oops sorry it's Manchester. Oh well. Best wishes to yourself and Mrs. Fox. See you back soon bud
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24-03-2018, 03:32 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Yes, indeed if not Daniel Craig, then certainly a look-alike being the toned and tanned eye candy for the Caribbean beauties. All the results of those cold, rainy, slick long distances is well-earned!

We have been running, lifting, stretching, posing, walking, and swimming in your absence, OGF and while still standing, and despite managing some measure of fitness you will find that we are somehow...older... since you left. Explain that, would you?

I have just enough time to welcome you back before once again making the drive to Kansas to see my parents for our spring break here. Up at five AM, on the road by six, and pulling into their driveway by 9:30. Because my body isn't used to sitting for so long, I am actually breakind down to take some ibuprofen to keep my muscles and joints from fussing en route.

I will catch up with you all a thousand miles down the road and wish you all a happy and active Saturday, espcially Floydy who is beginning his well-deserved week off!

Oh, and as for Ruthio, she is here somewhere, bending like a pretzel or kissing her knees. You'll have to have her explain .
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24-03-2018, 02:12 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Ooh I'm glad I popped in here!
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24-03-2018, 03:22 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Originally Posted by Surfermom ->
Yes, indeed if not Daniel Craig, then certainly a look-alike being the toned and tanned eye candy for the Caribbean beauties. All the results of those cold, rainy, slick long distances is well-earned!

We have been running, lifting, stretching, posing, walking, and swimming in your absence, OGF and while still standing, and despite managing some measure of fitness you will find that we are somehow...older... since you left. Explain that, would you?

I have just enough time to welcome you back before once again making the drive to Kansas to see my parents for our spring break here. Up at five AM, on the road by six, and pulling into their driveway by 9:30. Because my body isn't used to sitting for so long, I am actually breakind down to take some ibuprofen to keep my muscles and joints from fussing en route.

I will catch up with you all a thousand miles down the road and wish you all a happy and active Saturday, espcially Floydy who is beginning his well-deserved week off!

Oh, and as for Ruthio, she is here somewhere, bending like a pretzel or kissing her knees. You'll have to have her explain .
Im here! IM HERE!!!!!

Been away on a break this week, to Brighton!!

Walked several miles every day, along the cliffs...Seven Sisters and all that! Nearly got blown away!! But weather was great, lots of sunshine.

Great photo Foxy!!

No classes this week but will try to go on the walk Thursday, and continuing my stretching every day

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24-03-2018, 11:31 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Thanks Floydy, nice to be back, lots of catching up to do and well done on keeping them all 'at it'.....I hope you are enjoying your break from work, it will be good practice for when you retire....

Thanks also Surfermom, hope the long drive went alright and you arrived safe at your parents. Don't talk to me about daughters.........Love the comparison to Daniel Craig, I didn't realise you wore glasses.... (Should've gone to Specsavers) perhaps that's not a universal joke.... And go easy on the Ibuprofen....

Thanks for looking in Rhian, didn't you used to do a bit of swimming?...

And Ruthio, you bring me out in a sweat when you describe the positions you are able to achieve...... Well done on the walking too. I had to deliver some stuff to a place near Eastbourne when I was a courier and went for a walk along the cliffs at Beachy Head, there have been several suicides there I believe, it gave me the willies when I looked over the edge...Out of there sharpish.... Glad you liked me photo..... Swimming seemed to help my poorly piriformis, but I think it's been going on too long now, time for some professional help....
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26-03-2018, 06:03 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Hello, hello, Ruthio! So pleased to hear about your escape to Brighton. Your photo is stunning and it must have taken your breath away! All that walking must have been sensational and a good workout too.

Haha, OGF, I am still 20/20 though I find myself reaching for the readers more and more. Nonetheless, I know a fit man when I see one; well done, you! Now get on that piriformis diagnosis, man! The farm dogs miss you on your country outings .

After 957 miles, I arrived 15.5 hours with two stops, four sleepy dogs, and an excellent navigator in the passenger's seat. The final stretch was completed just as the sun was setting on the horizon putting an amber cast on the highway beyond - a yellow brick road!. As the girl from Kansas would say, "There's no place like home!"

My role in this adventure was surely the tin man as I was creaking and stiff on arrival. A little oil in the form of some stretching and a little yoga seemed to solve the problem, though that is the extent of my exercise so far. The first run in the great plains state tomorrow...
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26-03-2018, 10:44 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

That's some drive Surfermom, do you ever have problems trying to stay awake? I used to drive for a living but only ever drove for sixteen hours on rare occasions, and it would be broken up with loading and delivering. After the first couple of weeks doing the job I found that you got used to driving long distances and could stay awake, but these days I get drowsy just driving to a local garden centre....

I've discovered an interesting anomaly; Cruising on the ocean makes all of your clothes shrink......I reckon it must be the salt water..... Anyway, whatever it is I decided to go out and get some exercise yesterday. Running is still off limits.... So a walk will have to do. Hardly a cloud in the sky makes it very difficult for me not to take advantage of the sunshine and pull on my shorts...

I was pleased to see that the muddy lane was beginning to level off again after the recent dry weather and the many feet that use the lane. Hawthornes were sprouting beautiful fresh green buds announcing that spring is just around the corner.... Although there was still a chill in the air, and my hands would have benefited from wearing gloves, by the time I'd walked a couple of miles, warm blood was pulsing to my extremities.

I wasn't stopping to pick daisies, but walking the footpath alongside a busy road a lady with a giant hound on a lead passed me, and after a swift 'Hello' started to put some distance between us. How come a lady with short little legs (she was all of five foot two) could easily overtake me and make it look easy. I must be more out of shape than I thought........Nice bum though!...

Anyway, I managed to complete the five mile route without any discomfort from my Piriformis, although it did stiffen up later in the evening. The walk has made me re-evaluate my condition, and because I have noticed a definite improvement I might hold off on my decision to visit the doctor.....'Oh no' I hear you say...But what can he do? Prescribe painkillers? I can manage the pain, and I will only resort to Ibuprofen in an emergency (which incidentally the 200mg tablets are sufficient) Or send me for a scan etc in six weeks, by which time I expect to be breaking records on my ten mile run....Do you detect a little optimism there? .....
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26-03-2018, 08:27 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Surfermom - I don't know how you drive that far, it would kill me without a doubt. Have an absolutely fantastic week away with your parents.

Bob - Great to see you back here again, pleased you enjoyed your time away on the cruise. A good long 5-mile walk is a great way to exercise bud, let's just hope you are able to recommence some kind of jogging but be very careful matey.

Ruthio - You're keeping up the walking too I see. All helps towards making you feel fit and healthy. Keep it going! Bratti, Annie - you too girls

And Rhian - Never mind the ogling at semi-naked males on the beach, we need to know about your swimming, as Bob says. I don't want to have to threaten you with a flash of torso too, do I?

- - - - - - - - - -

Anyway, enough of that, here's what I've been up to. It was another oft-delayed workout which finally took place tonight for a change. In fact, it seems very strange training this late in the day (although it was only just after 5pm) but it’s just great not to have to look at the clock and enjoy my time off this week, despite the many DIY bits and bobs I need to do around the house.
The only downside to going at this time was the place was absolutely rammed due to people leaving work…you know those normal people doing normal jobs at normal times?!

To the training and it seems ages ago that I put into place this amended programme which is designed to add one or two extra reps to make me work very hard (known as failure reps). These are intended to give that extra bit of a pump to the muscles and use every last drop of energy too. As this was a trial I need to tweak things a touch for next time, but I had a very long session completing most of the exercises in my routine (but no legs, they will be done separately next time) and all went very well indeed, in fact I stayed even longer than I anticipated.
Last week’s amendments and increases were carried out and done with some difficulty but I managed them all the same.

Monday, 26 Mar 18: Full upper body session.

Machine curls, both arms together, 30kg:
25+2 / 15+2 / 12+2
*As you can see from the first exercise, three sets with a noted number of reps plus a couple of extras after a paused hold on the apparatus.

DB press, incline bench, 22kg:
15+1 /12+1 /10+1
*Same weight and reps as last week but with the extra rep on each set. Next time I’ll be doing two extra.

Chest press, 40kg:
20+3 / 15+2 / 12+1

Standing barbell forearm reverse curl, 10kg:
10 / 10 / 10
*An exercise I brought back as my forearms are looking a bit under-trained due to the extra work on my uppers. No plus reps, but next time I’ll use a 15kg bar with a couple of extra reps on each set. Probably do a 12/10/8 set structure.

Triceps pulldown, 47kg:
25+2 / 20+2 / 15+2
*Fine now with this increased weight from 41 last time. I’ll aim for three reps as the extras next week.

Lat pulldown, underarm, 45kg:
25+2 / 20+2 / 15+2
*An increase of 5kg from last time, but although I managed to fulfil the task it was a mighty struggle and I’ll be reverting back to 40kg next time but with three extra reps per set.

Pec dec, 35kg:
25+2 / 20+2 / 15+2

Single DB press, flat bench, 44kg:
25+2 / 20+2 / 15+2
*Added 2kg from last time, felt good. I used to lift the maximum 50kg dumbbell on these which is what I’m eventually aiming to do again soon. It’s a lot to do with triceps strength and they’re getting there fast, so it will soon be possible to lift that weight once more.

E-Z preacher curl, vertical pull, close grip, 30.5kg:
20+2 / 15+2 / 12+2
*Doing that many reps with over thirty kilos is pretty good going, then adding the pause reps too just shows the development in the biceps right now. I’m going to change this exercise slightly next time to add more weight to (33kg) but decrease the reps slightly. Going heavier but slower on the lifts and that will see the biceps increase some more. Can’t help doing this, it’s a habit!

DB concentration curl, alternate arms, 16kg:
6+1 / 6+1 / 6+1
*18 total reps on each arm with a fair weight is just about right for now.

Tricep extensions, 55kg:
20+2 / 15+3 / 15+2
*Each week I’ve been adding 5kg to this exercise as if there is no limit. Today I found my limit, but I think that’s only because my arms were getting pretty tired by now. I’ll leave this one the same next time.

**After a solid hour, this is where I added some more exercises**…

E-Z preacher curl, standard pull, wide grip, 33kg:
15+0 / 12+4 / 10+2
*I was itching to see if the plan would work which I noted above on the alternative E-Z bar exercise, so I upped the bar weight to 33kg on this one and gave it a go, lowering the reps in each set. Some of the paused reps were difficult, but I think I’m finding a decent layout with this one for a proper inclusion next time.

Lat pulldown, hammer bar, 40kg:
20+2 / 15+2 / 12+2

Fly dec, 65kg:
30+2 / 25+2 / 20+2
*Boy this weight was hard, but I did complete it. It’s like the pec dec but with arms stretched out. Puts a hell of a strain on the delts and shoulders. I’ll keep this weight the same but decrease the number of reps next week.

Ab crunch, 40kg:
30 / 30 / 30
*Reinstating the ab crunch after a break of a month or so. With exactly two months until I go on my hols it’s time to get something of a six-pack back again! Maybe a two-pack…

1hr. 40mins.

Depending on work to do at home, I’m aiming for Wednesday morning for my next session and that will be on the legs.

Thanks for reading
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