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30-08-2019, 10:41 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by gascony ->
There is no doubting your passionate dislike of the EU. I have no doubt either than when you voted out back in 2016 you were clear in your mind that if it took the disruption of an exit without a deal with the EU then you'd be prepared to weather that disruption to get your goal. The problem is not your commitment or consistency.
The problem is the fact that the leave campaign promoted and promised a low risk, great deal exit. That was the basis of their campaign and they studiously avoided dialogue or debate about the issues or even merits of a no deal exit. That was closed down as not possible or not possibly needed. This is all fact and record. No one can claim now it was a referendum about offering a no deal exit.
You, in your mind, may view all exits as simply that - leaving. But they are not. Each comes with merits and problems depending on your views. What was clear to all back in 2016 (the remain campaign and the leave campaign) was that if the only choice was remain or a no deal exit then the vote outcome would not have been the same.
I am not doubting your integrity. I am simply reminding all of historic record. (And leave does not infer any sort of leave. If I asked you to leave my house, I would expect you to exit via the front door. I would not, if subsequently questioned, expect you climb out the loft sky light and jump off the roof, smacking your head off the patio wall. You could not afterwards claim your injuries were my fault because you did as I requested - leave. Please, less of these 'leave means leave' empty statements.)

What did you vote for in the referendum ? What is the future of the EU in the next 5 years ?
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30-08-2019, 10:43 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

When cameron announced the referendum he offered two options in and out and never mentioned a deal at all. So meg is right we voted out and out we should go. I thought we had a way out using eu laws, enacting section after section until we were out on WTO rules. I have been yelled at for that by various remain members but looking back at video of cameron recently I cannot see what he said in any other way. In or out.
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30-08-2019, 10:45 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
When cameron announced the referendum he offered two options in and out and never mentioned a deal at all. So meg is right we voted out and out we should go. I thought we had a way out using eu laws, enacting section after section until we were out on WTO rules. I have been yelled at for that by various remain members but looking back at video of cameron recently I cannot see what he said in any other way. In or out.
Exactly right Julie - it seems only remainers know what leavers voted for.

Quite bizarre ...
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30-08-2019, 10:50 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I just can't understand the panic and fuss over 4 days as that's all he has added to the normal weeks they take anyway for conference season. TBH I would like to see them all miss their conferences because they didn't understand that fact. 4 days and some people are calling for civil unrest.
You are correct Julie, parliament only loses 4 working days!
The rest is holidays, perhaps they could still give up one
week of that to make it up, l am sure Bercow would oblige
with any rescheduling needed?
The fact that Boris used the timing strategicly just shows
that he outsmarted that other lot, just what real leadership
Should be about

Regards Donkeyman!
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30-08-2019, 10:53 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
You are correct Julie, parliament only loses 4 working days!
The rest is holidays, perhaps they could still give up one
week of that to make it up, l am sure Bercow would oblige
with any rescheduling needed?
The fact that Boris used the timing strategicly just shows
that he outsmarted that other lot, just what real leadership
Should be about

Regards Donkeyman!

Labour should have moved their conference to November. They didn't see it coming (or Cummings ... excuse the pun)
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30-08-2019, 10:54 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Bread ->
According to the media she told him she wont meet him.

That will teach him for not singing the national anthem
Thanks for the update Bread, Donkeywoman will be glad to
hear that!!
Regards Donkeyman!
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30-08-2019, 11:04 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

More good news. Scotch judge has given prelimary
Judgement on Gina Soras Mller application to revoke
Queens permission to pre whatsit parliament is denied
Another statement is to follow!
Havent heard much more about this, maybe Miller etc are
Shushing it up??

Regards Donkeyman!
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30-08-2019, 11:26 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I just can't understand the panic and fuss over 4 days as that's all he has added to the normal weeks they take anyway for conference season. TBH I would like to see them all miss their conferences because they didn't understand that fact. 4 days and some people are calling for civil unrest.

Julie, be assured, the last thing it is, is panic and fuss. It is simply spite, rage, humiliation, hysteria and fake outrage from the establishment at suddenly being beaten at their own game of bending the rules. How they have the front to be "outraged" when only the day before, all of the opposition parties had met in Church House, publicly signed their names in front of the television cameras, and proclaiming they were setting up a separate government!!! PRICELESS.

So far, we have had anti-brexit MP's in the Labour Party encouraging Momentum and others to gather outside Jacob Rees-Mogg's home to protest. Family and Children obviously to be included in their onslaught as they were last time.

We've had another Labour MP demanding that our monarchy be abolished, whilst we still pay for her drug possession son,

We have Jeremy Corbyn encouraging unrest in the country, inviting protestors to block stations, bridges, roads.

What a load of sick, elitist wasters.

Glad to see that the Scottish legal challenge against Boris has been thrown out this morning. At least we have some sanity left in our justice system.
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30-08-2019, 11:31 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
More good news. Scotch judge has given prelimary
Judgement on Gina Soras Mller application to revoke
Queens permission to pre whatsit parliament is denied
Another statement is to follow!
Havent heard much more about this, maybe Miller etc are
Shushing it up??

Regards Donkeyman!
Not sure who is bringing the case in Scotland but it certainly isn't the great Gina Miller who is bringing the case in England. Neither am I sure who is bringing the case before the courts in Northern Ireland.

Perhaps whilst your getting your brain in to gear and do some research you could advise me who the persons are.

Won't hold my breath if that's OK with you
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30-08-2019, 11:35 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by itsme ->
Not sure who is bringing the case in Scotland but it certainly isn't the great Gina Miller who is bringing the case in England. Neither am I sure who is bringing the case before the courts in Northern Ireland.

Perhaps whilst your getting your brain in to gear and do some research you could advise me who the persons are.

Won't hold my breath if that's OK with you

Read my link on the other thread. I already posted this earlier.

Now dry your eyes and wipe your chin
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